George Tenet got 4 million for his new book. Whoo-boy, all you writers out there, doesn't that make you so wonderfully happy as you're currently starving to death and working in an advertising agency's back-office bragging to the cute ones how you're a writer and not an editor or God Forbid a proofreader and you're talkin' to an agent, blah, blah, blah--we all know this kind--I'm this kind so I can write bluntly about this. This says to artists, "Hey, you stupid dicks, why are you pounding on that laptop till all the earliest of hours of the mornings writing on that wonder book that'll never get published when you should be takin' a look at who's gettin' published these days." Successful crooks are doing well as authors. Donald "Bankruptcy Rich" Trump. Martha "the Felon" Stewart (does Martha get to vote in Connecticut?). Hillary Rod-HAM Clinton--yep, fellow writers, she's a bestselling author--got 12 or 13 mill for her "tell all" book in which she gingerly avoided anything I wanted to hear her tell all about, like, [and now I, thegrowlingwolf, am imaginarily interviewing our former first lady (what does that mean?) now Senator from New York State (not her home state) and presidential candidate] "Hey, Hill, what about you and Vince Foster? Any truth to the rumors floating around D.C. at the time they found old love-scorned Vince with a bullet right between his lovely eyes out in that Washington park?--was that the same park, by the bye, Hill, would you know? where that government agency babe was killed by that California Congressman, Jerry ConRail or whatever his name was, what was that rascal's name? He got out of that murderous mess Scot-free, didn't he? Media never covered that story after the Congressman moved to California after being thrown out of Congress--and in California he admitted to his wife that he was a philanderer--she laughed and said, 'Hey, you're a murderer, too. What's new?'
"And come on, Hill, spill some beans on the Slick One? I mean come on, Hill, you're better looking, I mean you were cute as hippy girl pie when old Willie met you so why would he go wandering off with the likes of Paula Jones? ohhhh, she gives me the creeps--I'd much rather do you, Hill, than her--what'd'ya mean I'm being rude to you? You mean you ain't rude to those poor ass stupid US Army boys and girls getting their asses blown to kingdom come over there in Eye-rack by keeping voting behind Bush's ass on this illegal WAR, by keeping saying "Yay" to more billions of our hard-earned dollars for that cockamamie WAR (500 billion bucks so far) and saying "Yay" for more surge troops for our little toy Commander in Chief, more cannon fodder for this illegal WAR, already gone on four years, already taken 3,500 US soldiers's lives, 650,000 Iraqi lives, 700 illegal-war contractors (soldiers of fortune) lives, and it has displaced 2 million Iraqis, driven them out of their homes, out of their country to live as frightened refugees in countries like Syria and Lebanon and Jordan, countries that hate them, so, Hill, think about that, all the time you are kissing Bush's ass deep into the crack and apologizing for that WAR you are being rude as Hell to those I just mentioned. Plus, can you shut your husband up? I mean Slick Willie admitting that Boris "the Mass Murderer" Yeltsin was his asshole buddy and a true man of democracy--yeah, go ahead, Slick Willie! give us some more hot BULLSHIT--tell us about you're old asshole buddy Pappy Number One--Moonie-backin' Pappy, George Herbert W. Bush (soon to be a citizen of Dubai), sorry, Hill, I get easily sidetracked--you'd know that if you knew me--but why would you know me, I'm a citizen of New York State, and now that you're spending all your and my time running for president, F us New Yorkers, right?--but anyway, Hill, come on, I'm not as rude as you, so come on and do some confessin' to me. Like what did you mean that if you were president the WAR in Iraq would stay the same? WOW, HILL, you knocked this old wolf off his paws with that one. Come on, level with me, why the hell would you blurt out something stupid like that? And you keep on 'Yay' votin' for this illegal god-damned WAR and that other illegal WAR, etc. You love WAR, Hill? Is it making you rich? Check out the nose on that Paula Jones, Hill--you can see her nude in Playboy--and even with plastic surgery, Hill, that's who your husband was 'not having sex with'--yeah, he lied about her, too; yet you guys paid her, what was it, 85,000 bucks?--what was that about, Hill? You have to know the answer to that one. Now, the Slick One looks sick, too--so are you worried about him having a heart attack during one of your rallies? If he dies will you continue campaigning, like John Edwards? John considers his campaign more important to the world than bringing comfort and adventure and romance to his wife on her last days on earth--instead she has to follow his rich ass around on his private jets--ever notice how all the candidates have air forces at their disposal?--sorry, Hill, but you are all disgusting to this American.
Wow. I got set off in a growling explosion of vindictive prolix! Whew, I feel like Shakespeare right now--how 'bout a wench and a pint of strong ale--you got any porter back there on ice?
Back to Tenet: Who the hell knows the title of his worthless book? Who the hell buys the book? Who the hell cares what this CIA bungler says? George, we knew from the get-go (before 9/11 when you were babblin' about attacking Iraq even then) you and Bush Baby "Mission Accomplished" Junior (our phony "president") and Babblin' Unka Dick "Shotgun" Cheney and Sister Condo-Leasing Rice and Siegheil Achtung Karl Rove (nice that he spells Carl with a K, ja vol), and Rummy "Full of Himself" Rumsfeld were lying like dogs about how urgent it was for us to take out Saddam Hussein and rescue Baghdad from peace and bring it a dose of revenge terrerism. We showed 'em. They thought the boycott put on them by G. Herbert (that's old Pappy) and enforced with daily bombings and daily spy flights by Slick Willie when he was Commander and Chief were bad, wait'll we get through with your country, your society, your culture, your economy [we are like the Islamic Caliphs of old--when we take over a city, we level it to the ground and then we rebuild it over the rubble according to our political hack architects's royal highass designs].
By the way, all you Slick Willie Clinton lovers out there check out Somalia these days; it's back in the news again. Mogadishu--does that ring anybody's bell? Blackhawk Down? Was that Blackwater Down? Slick Willie's kind WAR--his WAR in which he made the press swim ashore with the Marines--the jarheads for sure in this invasion circumstance that was lit up enough that teevee cameras could get it all clearly on film--what a farce that was.
And there was UT (Unka Thomas) Colon's Pal lying and Bush Baby was squealing his lies out the old outlaw Texan way, don't mess with me, boy, we goin' to WAR whether you ninnies like it or not: "Why Sow-Dam Hoose-sane has Weapons of Mass Destruction and he is capable of deliverin' them to this country--with little miniature model airplanes--so how 'bout it, hadn't you d'rather--er-ah, what's that Condo-Leasing told me to say?--I know it had a mushroom cloud in there somewhere--like the smoke of a 500-lb bomb of peace or a mushroom cloud and, besides, that towelheaded son of a bitch tried to kill my old Pappy" and Bush was driven spoiled brat mad when echoes of the American people calling his old Pappy a "Wimp" went ringing through his thick skull--and his old Pappy is a spoiled rich brat wimp--in WWII, Captain Bush bailed out of his crashed airplane (mission unaccomplished) leaving two of his crew still aboard and the plane was on fire and one of his crew I don't think made it out of the burning plane--that was considered treason when I was in the Army--and your crew could frag your ass over it, too, which means shoot your ass on the spot--
See how easy it is for me to take on the identity of our "president"--I know him like a book; remember, I grew up with his kind as my best friends in high school--I know Pickles, too; I've probably dated her sister or something--and to get carried away compiling all the bullshit lyin' and cheatin' this little drugstore outlaw and his family have done in this country since old Sam Bush came out of bushes of Ohio with his railroad iron contracts which he got from railroad robber baron Averill Harriman and his corrupt family--a match made in Holy Hell. ("Hey, Hitler, you need a banker in the US?")
What I'm saying is that George Tenet in his new book is lying about lying. George, you CIA dipstick, there are those of us out here who grew up knowing politicians and people who work for the US government are bullshitters. We know that when the US government lets its economy go wild and we have an approaching recession or a depression (a word the government and its phoney-baloney economists never use anymore--inflation is their new word for it) and then we know from experience, the only way to pull the economy back up is by getting us involved in a war and producing war products--WE ARM THE WORLD, TOO, YOU KNOW. We are the biggest arms sellers in the world; we beat out Israel and Commie China. We've just sold the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia some arms. I bet that pisses off Saudi Arabian rich spoiled brat Osama Bin Laden, don't you think?
An economist once explained to me how war makes money--that once a piece of military equipment has been destroyed it has to be rebuilt leading to overproduction of military weapons--the prosperity is in the government contracts that bring billions of dollars into the coffers of the Military Industrial Complex (which, by the bye, includes Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, and even Wal-Mart (in terms of government supply contracts--very lucrative when you consider our government is willing to pay a hundred dollars a piece for towels or $2,000 for a hammer or screw driver) all of which Wal-Mart can import dirt cheap from Commie China--and all these companies may also be moving to Dubai soon)--thereby keeping a flow of money going in and out of the MIC but also another flow of money going in and out of the NYStock Market--or the world bourses as far as that goes--billions into the coffers of private investers, the banks, the insurance companies (financing construction--even war construction, dig?), Merrill Lynch, real estate tycoons, etc.
The government has all our money (they print it or coin it)[the only money that really belongs to the people voters or not is the money in the Social Security pool--but I'm quite sure Bush has drained that pool long ago, why he's so determine to privatize it for the stupid Baby Boomers, of whom he's one--that's OUR only money--otherwise, money belongs to the government; did you ever think of that? The Bircher-Repugnicans believe in the "trickle down" theory--which is only a theory--it is not applicable in a Capitalist economy because money goes up in a Capitalist economy and never comes back down. Remember, Capitalism works only in totalitarian ways. Capitalism breeds competitiveness and in competitiveness there is no democracy--equality--hell no--there's no way most members of Congress can any longer sympathize with poor people in this country or even in the world even though a few of them may have grown up dirt poor--not many of them, though. Even Hillbilly Slick Willie though Arkie white trash grew up Arkie middle-class--and Miss Hillary comes from a fairly well-to-do Chicago family.
And how idiotic is this Dick Durban? Now he says he knew this war was based on lies and was illegal but because he was a member of the National Security committee or some such bullshit Congressional oversite committee he was sworn to secrecy. BULLSHIT. Congresspeople are SWORN to serve the American people, you Dick--you mediocre bums swear to uphold the Constitution and in this case Dick, you F-ed up.
It's vested interest, folks. Don't you think all these creeps have Exxon-Mobil, Halliburton, Bechtel, Carlyle Group (trying to buy up our airports now), Hummer Co., etc., stocks in their portfolios? I mean, Bill and Hillary from their book sales are multimillionaires now. Nancy Pelosi is a rich bitch worth millions. Dr. Howard Dean--and Dr. Mrs. Howard Dean, don't you think their stock portfolios are jam packed with Military Industrial Complex stocks?--and look at the stupid stock market--over 13,000--you don't think these pricks are getting even richer and richer--every time 9 American soldiers die in Iraq, these guys's stocks go up--everytime a helicopter is shot down these guys stocks go up. Amazing how duped we all are, either that or why aren't we buying MIC stocks?--let's all get rich, too. If we're rich we can start stealing our money back from them the rich man respectable way.
Impeachment? Off the table? What the hell is wrong with the cowardly Dumbocrats? Even Obama is a silly idiot when you bring up these wars and impeachment--forget Afghanistan--that's our "good and honest" war--oh yeah, sure. We're winning in Afghanistan. I saw on BBC World News last night a demonstration in Afghanistan where and Afghani was saying F the US and F Karsai, the people of Afghanistan are ready for them to be run out of the country on a damn rail.
Are we getting sick of WAR? NO. WAR IS GOOD. WAR IS DIVINE. GOD SOLVED ALL OF HIS HOLY PROBLEMS WITH WAR. "Bomb 'em back to the Stone Age," was the advice on how to win WARS from the man who started the Strategic Air Command, Gen. Curtis LeMay. It was to the SAC headquarters in Omaha that Bush Baby wimpily fled to after he finished his reading of My Pet Goat to a bunch of Florida 4th graders. Scardy cat tough guy "president." Wimp. Just like his father.
And impeachment is off the table.
The Dumbocrats have the power if they'd just use it. No excuses now. Yet, we keep getting excuses. Hillary says at the time the War on Iraq started it seemed reasonable and righteous to her--I mean, the reports she was getting--she believed them. Yeah, Hill, you've lied so much and your husband lied so much you can't tell a lie from a lie much less all lies from the truth which means everything you say now is a LIE. Hil-LIE-ry. Obama's lyin, too. John Edwards is lyin' while his wife is dyin'--except these people are such liars, how do we even know his wife has cancer? Hey, I don't trust these people. I mean, to get elected president, these guys would sell their grandmothers to the Devil (read Machiavelli)--it's that important--it's that powerful--it means privilege and more wealth for them beyond reason.
In the meantime, Bush Baby has admitted to using cocaine, an illegal substance, so like the Canadian psychologist who did LSD forty years ago, shouldn't Bush Baby not be allowed to leave the country anymore or if he does, shouldn't he not be allowed back in? Doesn't he deserve to be picked up and sent off the Syria on one of those special CIA jetliners?
HYPOCRISY RULES. Look at the god Janus. That's our government--laughing at us on the one side of their face and cryin' like scared babies on the other side.
Impeach all 'em! All of Congress; all of the Executive Branch-Bushvidians; and even impeach the crooked and unConstitutional Supreme Court. There's the solution to our problems, We the People! Read the Bill of Rights again, especially the Preamble. There's the only power We the People of These White United States have, folks.
for The Daily Growler
We are currently listening to the music of Eddie Heywood.
B. 4 December 1915, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, d. 2 January 1989, North Miami, Florida, USA. Heywood received his first piano lessons from his father, also named Eddie, who was a well-known bandleader in the 20s. Heywood joined his father, playing piano in the pit band at an Atlanta theatre. He also accompanied singers, including Bessie Smith, and thereafter worked in various small jazz groups, including those led by Wayman Carver, Benny Carter and Don Redman. His gift for accompanying singers was displayed by his recordings with Billie Holiday and Alberta Hunter. In 1943 he took a sextet into the Cafe Society Downtown, being billed as the "Biggest Little Band in the Land". The type of music they played, and their billing, placed them in direct competition with John Kirby but, thanks to the presence of Doc Cheatham and Vic Dickenson, they held their own.
Heywood had a hit record in 1944 with an unusual arrangement of "Begin The Beguine" but his...

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