Saturday, May 12, 2007

Another Question Answered by the Answer Wolf

Question #3 Is Slammed Directly Like a Pie Into the Face of thegrowlingwolf Posing as Mr. Know-it-All: "Will Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliani Be the Next President of the Good Ole USA?" The Questionner Sez: "He's Leading All Repugs and Obama, Too."
No problem, I growl. I can answer that one.

This question was brought to my attention by an old Broadway PR agent and producer--he also founded a highly honored ex-con halfway-house-like society here in the city, so, yes, he's a bleeding heart liberal who hate Guiliana from his birth to his again seeking higher office that will get him closer to those criminal types he loves to hang with.

This Broadway agent dude is a New York Citian from the "gay White Way" days of the theater here back in the post-war 50s--not that long ago really--the "cool" era, the second Jazz Age (the Cool Jazz Age), with a New York artist movement--Motherwell, Pollack, Gorky, Johns, Stella, Newman, de Kooning, Smith--with a New York poets school--Ashbery, O'Hara, Koch, Guest, Schuyler, Welish, Lauterbach.... These people made the Cedar Tavern famous and even when I hit New York City 20 years after these guys founded their "New York School," the Cedar Bar was the Cedar Tavern but it still had poetry readings and jazz and good cheap food and drink and right across the street was the second Village Voice office and those early Voice dudes began to hang out at the Cedar, too.

I came to sideline-admire all the New York Schools, the art movement's "New York School" being a spoof on the "Paris School," which was a spoof on "the Florence School," a spoof of "the Venice School" and so and so on--I'm being New York Schoolish, you see, writing this way--I'm a New York School-type myself, a hoaxer, an admitted hoaxist, a spoofer on what I consider the real world, the world ruled by human instincts--and dammit, what I write out are my instincts personified and staring at life--and the New York Schools of poetry and art and music and literature were just that--a direct-hit look at the real world--a world created out of a world economic depression--a world created out of a world war--a world of artists and writers and musicians with clean sheets of paper in front of them--WWII had reploughed the American cultural fields and planted seeds cultivated off the expatriate American artists that had had to flee the suppressive nature of post-WWI America to find their artistic freedoms in London and Paris and the artists they had learned from while in especially liberated Paris--and a new American cultural movement was started, this time including members of that freak generation that I come from-- I call it the "Forgotten" generation--the generation that pops up between the Beats and the Baby Boomer Pop Artists of the 60s and on--those influenced by the British invasion and their take over of American traditional and pop music and bringing along with them, too, their art, literature, and musical modes as well as their fashion and their theater--thus the New York Schools of Art were replaced by a Jet-Set School of World Art, the generation that gave us the Unisex Movement, Pop Art, Peter Max, Andy Warhol, the La the recommercialization of art (a la the world of Apollonaire during WWI who first said that even advertising was art; certainly a la also the world of Dada and the direct influence of Picasso and Dali and Marcel DuChamp on this cubistic and certainly surreal world)--a rather flimsy and shoddy approach rather crass subject matter--that's in my view, folks, a culture that is still dominating our arts to this day--though I'm not one to comment on the arts these days--I'm truly dumb and out-of-touch when it comes to "modern" anything but especially art, the theater, the fashions, the modes--I'm stuck in my generation's unfinished business--all those still unanswered questions my generation and a host of progressive generations before my generation posed. Charles Ives posed the "Unanswered Question" in the music world back at the turning of the 19th Century into the 20th Century and no composer or artist or poet or writer I know has ever answered Ives's Unanswered Question in any successful way that I've ever heard or read...

I am wandering. Perhaps the age of wandering is coming back, what with the aristocrats trying to bring about the end of the world and the fundamentalist religious nutjobs trying to bring about a Great Judgment against those of us who love the world and think it is our only paradise--there is no heaven--that's one of our instincts we've turned into a legend--that there is a fictional place out in fictional space where we'll all get another shake at living on --- eternally this time--either in a paradise of Allah and Jehovah's supernatural creation or in an instinctually invented Lake of Fire, baby--and I mean truly a lake as fiery as that acid lake the Flamingoes in Africa love so much, and it's especially being designed for those of us who love the earth as paradise and don't believe in heavens and nirvanas and such--"Pie in the Sky" is the icon for this "off the edge jumping"--and all us Forgotten ones and our "God Is Dead" gift to the American Dream will be doomed to try and survive naked in an existence based in the middle of a Lake of Fire--instinct-wise this means the fiery core of the earth--a place I'm going to anyway when I die--unless I'm shot into outerspace like Scotty of Star Trek fame and fortune--though Scotty cheated and was cremated first--I think it would have been cooler had they shot Scotty's actual body out into space--like they did Spock's body in one of those horrible William Shatner Academy-Award-winning films--what? Shatner's never won an Academy Award! I beg your pardon.

Back to the Question:
"Will Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliani ever be president of the USA?"

First of all, Guiliana is an insane man. He's a son of a Brooklyn goombah--Rudi's dad did some serious time back when Rudi was courting his cousin. Rudi married his cousin; stayed with her for 14 years when in true goombah action, Rudi had their marriage annuled. "Hey, come on-ah, I didn't know she was my cousin! Besides, I'm-ah good-ah Catholic boy."

Rudi's style of ruling New York City left the city with massive lawsuits against it from all sides but especially from Tough Guy Rudi's use of the police that had had its manpower increased under Mayor David Dinkins in a goonish manner--his unannounced raids, especially in black neighborhoods, always caused turmoil, anger, and, yes, eventually the cops using their motto of "Kill or be killed" blowing some poor citizen's ass to bits--like Amadu Dialo--40 somethings shots fired into his innocent ass while he was trying to get his billfold out to show the cops some ID--Rudi and his fabulous police chief--was it Bratton then or Bernie Keric yet? defending this killing by the police--"Hey, how did the cops know this darkie out late in darktown Harlem wasn't a drug pusher--eh, how did they know this guy wasn't an AKA-packing crackhead out to kill all white cops?" Then one of Rudi's finest tried to force a dope sale on Patrick Dorsman an innocent black man who was coming out of a bar on his way home--yep, an undercover cop tried to force Dorsman to buy some coke from him but Dorsman refused and then started shoving the cop away. That's when the cop pulled his weapon and shot Dorsman dead. When Dorsman's family started screaming cop brutality and cop murder and started saying they were suing Guiliana for millions of bucks, Rudi pulled Dorsman's juvenile records and found he had been in some trouble as a kid but had been exonerated on most of the charges--and besides juvenile records are private records and a mayor has no legal right to open those records, but Goombah Guiliana opened 'em up and started spitting his vile bullshit in the face of Dorsman's family by saying "Hey, this darky wasn't no altar boy." WRONG, Rudi. Turns out the guy had been an altar boy as a kid.

Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliana promoted his body guard, Bernie Keric, to police commissioner. Rudi after annuling his 14-year marriage to his cousin, married teevee has-been and second-hand wife, Donna Hanover. While married to Donna, Rudi was banging every women that worked for him--you know, those tender young just out of college interns and assistants and staffers--some of them right in the mansion with Donna and Rudi's stupid kids asleep in the next room.

Later Rudi dumped Donna and shacked up with one of his assistants--who he married, I think, after he had his prostate cut out--yep, old Rudi caught prostate cancer...poor old Rudi.

And, Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliana had his famous Hitler-style bunker built on the 17th floor of the, you guessed it, World Trade Center in spite of the City Council wanting it built in Brooklyn. At an expense of 40 or so million bucks, Rudi built his WTC bunker. Soon it was reduced to ashes.

After 9/11, Rudi advised New Yorkers that he should postpone mayoral elections and stay on as mayor--you know, because of his bravery during 9/11. I'm laughing, folks, as I write this I so disrespect this truly evil man (there I go making a moral judgment again).

Rudi has trouble being against abortions. You know why? And this is a free answer, because all Rudi's women have probably all had abortions. Remember, Bernie Keric was banging celebrity publisher Judy Regan in his love nest apartment in Battery Park Village overlooking Ground Zero. Yep, he had Judy's fine ass up on the windowsill one time banging her in the contaminated dust still coating everything in the apartment. Judy said he was the best F-er she'd ever had, and trust me--OK, OK, I won't accuse Judy of any other immoralities.

Do you think if you went to a Bernie Keric "love" party there would be any coke or marijuana there? What do you bet? Booze. Well, sure; tons of booze. Booze is fine. Nobody ever got hurt drinking booze?

So will Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliana become president of the USA?

You better hope not--though my answer is: No, Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliana, the Brooklyn son of a real goombah, will never be president of the USA because he is a big LOSER." Hillary-dillary-dock Rod-HAM Clinton has already cleaned Rudi's clock when he thought he could beat her in the race for senate.

If he does get elected president, then you'd better brush up on you Cosa Nostra guidelines of how to be a good citizen.


for The Daily Growler

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