Sunday, August 05, 2007

Sunday: the Day of Extreme Liars

Disgusting Reality
I lolled around in the old bed this morn thinking about catching another 40 winks or so. The heat had subsided in the night and the morning was almost like a spring morning except the Mighty Sun's glare was still coming up burning over the East River and sailing into the noon sky trying to burn us up alive; not today, you God of us all, the air is crying! Here I am talking to the Sun.

The wolf in me, my honest animal side, the side of me that is purely savage, the side that only respects finding a solution to hunger, thirst, and then the fight to keep the species united and procreating--and my wolf is a pro at creation--and then there's me, the monkey-man--and the wolf side of me flipped on the silly-goose television and turned to the Mickey Mouse channel, NYC's local ABC channel, and by damn there was an Ethiopian, a Kenyan, and a Somalian running through the streets of the Big Apple--it was 7 a.m.--and there these dudes were running like antelope out of Central Park and then sailing down to 42nd Street and then turning and sailing west to rip through Times Square--now the squarest square in NYC--all corporate crap and glaringly lying advertisements with their huge waste of energy, all that neon and gaslit shit and all those thousands of offices and expensive hotel rooms all piled on top of the 42nd Street Subway Station (what if it collapsed--its suprastructure is over 100 years old now?)--all so phonily plastic who the hell could ever believe any of it, especially the gaudy big-pitted-skin mugs of lyin' dog teevee personalities like the ex-Mayor and Prostitute Client (the dumbass paid his ho with a personal check), Jerry "Jive Ass" Springer and god overthere is a huge mugshot of reality-illiterate Bill "Cokehead and Womanizer (rapist, too, wasn't he?)" O'Reilly and then there always are the big 20-story Hollywood waste-of-money billboards with ferociously galvanizing doctored photos of the latest female half-sexy-sleazebag actress or reengineered James-Dean-looking male actor--and Jove, the disgusting Rupert Murdoch, the dumbass Aussie crooked-as-a-tiger-snake-at-night, rich, Tony-Blair-influential asshole pompously promotes his American Idol talentless Barbies and Kens--hey, I'm jealous; all of these talentless jokers of singers become highly respected stars, able to write books about their lives and they aren't even much past 20 yet, able to marry at will, screw around at will, and keep singing off key and too utterly "funny" (as in "clownish") in a contemptuous way (chosen to be "American" stars by some British fop asshole who's talent seems to be only being a British asshole, a has-been disco queen who likes F-ing the good-looking black contestants--except not that big, fat, Burger-King-eating freak--remember that big bloated black man who beat out one of those sleazy unshaven white boys who gets his trends from watching the Mickey Mouse Club successes like Ricky "What Happened to Menudo?" Martin, J Lo and her PR husband, Kev Federline, Britney, and Christina? and a black dude nobody ever heard of before he showed up on this rubber and plastic out-of-tune show.

Such disgusting shit like American Idol (people can vote umpteen thousand times for one of these clowns) has run America's original musics (its classically evolved musics) into hiding--I don't want to be associated with this prefab music shit; untalented singers--all singers singing off key, especially the babes, the men just scream and sing cutsey-wootsey lyrics that some 12-year-old has written--it's like we used to laugh like hell when 14-year-old Frankie Lyman was singing to all us dudes what an F-ing lover he was and how he knew women better than us older dudes--and son of a bitch the little MF-er knew of what he was singing, turning out he married women without a second thought--some he married at the same time--and the babies produced--WOW, little Lyman bastards all over the place; I'll put Frankie Lyman up against the Diddy Man any day for spreading little bastards all over the world. A man needs his ho's and bitches. All women are prostitutes, the woman I once loved once told me.

But, dammit, I got to watching these African runners--the Somalian had become an American citizen (smart dude--who'd want to live in Somalia these days?) in the meantime--the Kenyan was the greatest marathoner who's so far lived, and, yet, they said this Ethiopian was the wunderkin of distance racing and he was a 34-year-old man named Haile Selassie (wasn't that the Lion of Judah's name? "By the waters of Babylon, where Jah sat down....")--and they said hell this dude was so super he had a movie (Endurance) made about his life. And soon this dude did a rabbit job on the rest of the field and he ended up running all alone down the West Side Highway at 13 mph--he was averaging 4 minutes and 8 seconds a mile--pretty tough for a regular miler--and soon Haile was a minute or more ahead of the Somalian-turned-American and the Kenya world champeen. I got fascinated--well, I was a miler myself in high school--and this Ethiopian won it easy--and he ran this--whoaaa--the guy said this was a "half" marathon--what the hey! Half a 26-mile job--called "The New York City Half-Marathon." I'd never heard of this marathon and I've lived in NYC for over 30 years--but hell, here it was--and the Ethiopian won $70,000--but they said his fee for coming to a marathon was 100,000 to 200,000 bucks--100 grand for this half-a-marathon; $250,000 they said for a real marathon--so this Ethiopian got a total of $170,000 for running a 13-mile race in 59 minutes and 29 seconds--the first runner to ever run this race under an hour in NYC race--like I said, I never heard of this race, but, hell, there it was.

You know what followed that? The god-damn lyin' dog Repugnican presidential candidates debating--holy bejesus's rabbit's foot--here were these screwball crooks trying to prove which one of them was the real WAR president!--and there was the self-proclaimed "America's Mayor (and you can have him)" and "9/11 Superhero," old crooked-mouth, mushmouthed Rudi Mussolini, and Il Duce said, "We are at WAR and the Democrats don't seem to understand this." This is the old we fight 'em over there are we're gonna have to fight 'em here bullshit being spread all over our barren fields of honesty--oh, and by the way, the Repugnicans are insistent on a WAR with Iran. Oh, yes. WAR. They love WAR. Even old plural-wives, loyal Mormon nutjob, Mitt Romney (is he old Michigan George's son?), says we gotta go to WAR with Iran. WAR, WAR, WAR! I quickly flipped off the Mickey Mouse channel--you talk about Mickey Mouse being smarter than all those retreaded rightwinger assholes up there posing as honest men who honestly want to lead this country to an honest role in bringing freedom (one Repugnican called it "bringing the modern world" (read: Civilization (as in taming the savages)) to the rest of the world; I mean they're so far behind the USA (29th in healthcare in the world) (the world's largest stockpiler of nuclear weapons--more than all other nuclear-weapons-holding countries combined and then some--remember the members of the World Nuclear League: the USA, Israel, Pakistan, India, Great Britain, Commie China, France, and we thought North Korea, but they were starving to death so they shut down their stupid nuclear program for some food and medicine--and the only country to ever use a nuclear weapon--3 guesses, you dig, but only 1 counts (as usual). Hey, you think food and medicine might end wars?)--yeah, we're so modern, our bridges and buildings are collapsing; we're so modern one of our major cities is wiped out in a hurricane and our government has allowed it to decay back to the Dark Ages--except for the white rich in New Orleans--and oh, they're doing just fine.

WAR. God, we love WAR. So I flipped off Mickey and shit I stumbled onto Condo-Leasing Rice telling the truth to truthseeker Chris Matthews on the Foxy Babe Network (and Chris "Bloated Jowls" Matthews is one dumb looking son of a rich daddy--he looks as if he could be the bastard son of old RIP pig-drippings glutton Jerry Falwell), how the factions in the Middle-East are gradually seeing the light and are beginning to unite against the evilest now of the uncivilized world of the Empire of the Evil ("evil" spelled backwards is "live," and that's what we ought to do with this WAR obsession we have--turn it around backwards and go for life rather than death), the Nation of the Christian Devil, Iran. Why, they want to destroy Israel. Allah versus Jehovah--Arabs versus Jews. The Jews are always right; the Arabs are always wrong. The Iranians aren't Arabs except in their Islamic politics; in that case they are more than just Arabs, they are children of Allah, the same ole same god as the Arabs and, if truth be told, the same "god" as the Jews worship and call their Pappy (remember the, is it a conundrum?, I think it is: "Abraham was the Poppy of the Jews; Heroin is the Juice of the Poppy."

Condo-Leasing Rice was so sweetly lying. Her eyes told another story; her eyes told of how important she thinks she is; yet, her eyes also tell you she knows she's not that powerful--I mean Unka Dick could dick her out in the woods and leave her lost to anonymity--she's powerful as a black female--all those honky white men have a little erotic fascination for any kind a slick black woman like Condo-Leasing the little Birmingham, Alabanana, black girl who rose above her race thanks to Stanford University and the Hoover Institute--though they wouldn't be caught dead marrying her--F-ing her, you damn right--but not admitting that bastard speckled child was really theirs, like Strom Thurmond's black love-child daughter who he supported like old Tom Jefferson supported Sally Hemmings and all the little redheaded bastards he totally sleazebag are politicians throughout our history. Check out George Washington and Alexander Hamilton and the Federalists and the aristocrats that like good free, white, and twenty-one year old men felt about poor whites, persons of strange religious beliefs (like Puritans and Pilgrims and shit, folks, the poor whites's religion from Europe), not allowing the poor any chance at governing themselves or control of the common wealth--our president just another excuse to have a king (white people love kings and queens and foppish princes and princesses--look at all those Disney Channel fairy tales--all about princesses and princes and beauties and beasts and bullshit crap like that--what a bunch of pompous-ass white men who claim to be the founders of this country--I'd rather Chief Joseph or someone smart like him or Chief Quannah Parker were president of this wildass, spoiled-brat, still-childish white nation--and G.W (for Whiteman). Bush and his white cohorts (including Condo-Leasing "Appointed a White Person" Rice whose more white woman than she is black woman) are doing in this country--they're enforcing whiteness on us all--their whiteness and white values and white supremacy attitudes and loyalties--look at what's being revealed about the Oklahoma City bombing now--how it wasn't just Timothy "White Boy" McVeigh and the other white saps involved in it, there was more to it than that; why there's even some FBI knowing it was going to happen information coming out--one big question was how did a dumbass white boy like McVeigh and his white-supremacist buddies get ahold of that much fertilizer--hundreds of pounds of it--and how did they manage to buy it, then pick it up--load it in their rented U-Haul truck and boogie off through the sticks of Missouri and into Oklahoma down the Trail of Tears on into Okie City--without somebody calling the cops?--"Hey, there's a couple'a nutjobs over here wanting to buy a 1000-lbs of fertilizer and they don't look like farmers to me."

Lyin' dogs all of 'em. Even Barrack Obama is a nutjob now. Did you hear him say he'd defy Pakistan's sovereignty and send the US Army into Pakistan to find Osama and his huge al-Queda Army--that powerful organization that could attack us we're so vulnerable if they so desired--ah, come on, Obama, you turning white, baby, you and that George W. Bush in those leisure suits, Hillary "Hayseed" RodHAM Clinton. And Mrs. Slick Willie is a WARmonger, too; she and Billy Jeff are highly invested in WAR stocks and WAR supplier stocks--plus, remember, Hill Girl was once on the Wal-Mart board. The Dumbocrats are whiteys, too; and believe me, whitey ain't giving up ruling this country easily--like Ronald "Raygun" Raygun (second-banana actor to an F-ing chimpanzee) had his quivering finger on that red button back during those scary days when he was ballyhooing his WAR attitude all over his "Star Wars" imaginationary world, his jelly bean and soothsayer world--yes, before the white man will give up his power in this country, I think he'd rather blow us all up.

The US white man will work hard at starting WWIII, the WAR that not only may be the WAR to finally end all WARs, but will be the WAR to end all human animals to boot--and the wild animals are jumping for joy--especially cockroaches, who can easily survive a nuclear devastation--just think, as human beings, we are lower in terms of survival than cockroaches.

La cucaracha!


for The Daily Growler

And For You Mexican Revolution Fans; Viva Villa! and Sing Along

La Cucaracha

La cucaracha, la cucaracha,
Ya no puede caminar;
Porque no tiene, porque le falta
Marijuana que fumar.

Ya murio la cucaracha,
Ya la llevan a enterrar,
Entre cuatro zopilotes
Y un raton de sacristan.

Con las barbas de Carranza,
Voy a hacer una toquilla,
Pa' ponersela al sombrero
De su padre Pancho Villa.

Un panadero fue a misa,
No encontrando que rezar,
Le pidio a la Virgen pura,
Marijuana pa' fumar.

Una cosa me da risa:
Pancho Villa sin camisa;
Ya se van los carrancistas
Porque vienen los villistas.

Para sarapes, Saltillo;
Chihuahua para soldados;
Para mujeres, Jalisco;
Para amar, toditos lados.


How's Life Going in Beautiful Baghdad, in the Freedom-Loving US Dependency of Iraq? Let's Ask Dr. Mohammed


A Week in the Death of Iraq

By Dr. Mohammed
Sunday, August 5, 2007; Page B01


When will I die? That's the question circling in my head when I awake on Wednesday. I'm sweating, as usual. My muscles ache from another long night of no electricity in weather only slightly cooler than hell. As I dress for work, other questions assail me: How will I die? Will it be a shot in the head? Will I be blown to pieces? Or be seized at a police checkpoint because of my sect, then tortured and killed and thrown out on the sidewalk?

from The Washington Post

Read the rest of it if you can here:

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