How Stupid Are Human Beings? Jesus, I've been focusing in on human beings talking these days--conversation--who was it, Stan Mack?, who used to make cartoons out of ordinary conversation he overheard around New York City--and, folks, let me tell you, and these include some conversations I tried listening to on teevee, the conversations these days are not even close to being worthy of more than a passing glance--they're not even as interesting as Gertrude Stein's big poodle Basket lapping up his water from his bowl in a rhythm far more fascinating than any conversation I focused on today.
now with his infamous "police study" that shows NYC is UP for an Al-The stock market may be crashing, but the conversation reports it as, "Whooooo, whoever they are they are selling off on Wall Street and it isn't bothering Wall Street veterans one dire bit even though the market dropped 200 points yesterday to fall for the first time in a year or more below 13,000--oh hah, hah, hah, and now on to the next freaky thing we have to learn to FEAR." [How about New York City's shanty Irish, crooked as a snake-at-night police commissioner, Ray "Customs Crook" Kelly, trying to scare the hell out of New York CitiansQueda attack!!! Yep, according to Ray and our littleman billionaire mayor in his little wimpy voice we New Yorkers are guilty of something, of what we don't know, maybe harboring Muslim-looking people, or giving the equal rights to bearded men wearing their native dress some with turbans on--they could be Sikhs--but then, yes, they could be Pakis, too--there are a lot of Pakis in my neighborhood--should I turn them all in as potential shoe bombers? Jose Padillo was convicted today--nope, not of what he was originally charged with--nope, those charges didn't even come up in this trial--
I mean, STOP THE PRESSES, what our government (actually it was ordered personally by our phony president) did to this poor slob--so he went to Afghanistan to join the Mujaheddin (we created this group) and learn about what they were up to--he had become a Muslim down in South Florida--hey, that was Jeb's state during all of this wasn't it? I guess Jeb's investigative forces were too busy kicking black people off the voting rolls in helping his brother steal the election than he was about all the
jihad bullshit going on in the Miami mosques--but still, baloney! bullshit! the way this poor slob was treated--
think of this, Padillo spent 3 1/2-- THREE AND A HALF YEARS in solitary confinement; with no bedding--you heard me, in a 5 x 9 Navy brig pen down in Yahoo South Carolina, where else, like a jail cell, with a steel plate anchored to the wall as the bed--and Jose wasn't given any bedding--nor was he allowed pencil and paper, books, magazines, a teevee, a radio, NOTHING--he wasn't allowed anything--just a pair of skivvies--
yep, folks, 3 1/2 years in a barren cell with nothing but his underwear to wear--
think of this--THREE AND A HALF YEARS in isolated confinement--he was the only prisoner in the whole brig. Now think of this: the windows of his cell were blacked out. The only light he saw was artificial light. He wasn't allowed a timepiece. He wasn't allowed a calendar. He wasn't allowed to telephone anyone. He wasn't allow to even write his mother. He wasn't even allowed to see an attorney. He wasn't allowed any visitors.
Think about it: THREE AND A HALF YEARS (
that's 1,277.5 days) in solitary confinement, a steel plate for a bed, a concrete-floor cell, a toilet, a washbasin, and a wire-caged lightbulb in the middle of the ceiling--he was confined to this cell in this condition for THREE AND A HALF YEARS--
think about that.
Think about it-- could you endure such torture? I heard a psychiatrist talking about it and she said there was nowhere on record of any other human being ever being put in solitary confinement for this long a period of time. Plus, this guy was systematically tortured while confined--at first he was imprisoned by Bush with no chance at a trial--permanent imprisonment--
and they call it external torture--day and night--like an interrogator would come and brutalize him with rhetorical questions for hours at a time and then say as a reward for his cooperation they were giving him a pillow--and they would bring a pillow into the room and put it on the steel plate that was his bed--then they would question him somemore except at the end of this questioning they would say, oops you failed this time, so we're gonna have to take back the pillow.
Think of that. Then systematically every night the guards would start opening and closing the cell doors of the stockade (they are electronically controlled), their banging and clanging opening and shutting going on for hours every night in order to disrupt his sleep.
Remember now he was sleeping on bare steel or on concrete wearing nothing but his skivvies. Think about it--for Three and a Half Years this dude endured this--as the psychiatrist said, guilty or not, he didn't deserve such cruel and inhumane punishment--and he wasn't even proven guilty--innocent until proven guilty--nope, folks, the NeoCons have thrown that out of our Bill of Rights (nobody knows anything about the Bill of Rights)--and perfectly legal according to George Bush who named this guy an "enemy combatant"; therefore, he's treated as a Prisoner of War (a POW)--
and POW! this dude is an American citizen, folks, just like you and me, a bright guy, he taught himself Arabic, and he speaks Spanish and English, and he was linked with two other dudes, one a computer expert and the other an engineer and college professor, and these guys are said to be Jose's connections to Al-Queda and his relationship with Osama Bin Laden (Who?)--
this is the same justice system we all face--hey, I saw a white man on the Montel Show today and this poor bastard got accused of being a terrorist agent due to a misindentification--he looked exactly like a person on one of Bush's kidnap-the-bastard-and-torture-him lists--and they through this guy--and like I said, he was white and white looking, too-- in the hoosegow in spite of his bellowing out that he wasn't who they thought he was--and he was in jail and lost his business and then they came and just let him go--no apology or anything--and he said, he came back to his life and found out it was ruined--because even though he had been freed by the government, he found out he still had a active criminal record--American justice, folks. When your court system becomes crooked as hell and has no ethics, then the whole country itself is subject to DOOM.
What the police here in NYC are up to is they're organizing, forming SWAT-like units, putting cameras all over, hundreds and hundreds of very expensive cameras, making laws against people filming with video cameras or shooting too long in one place with a hand-held camera--yeah, the NYPD hate protesters--they are PRO-BUSH!! So's Mayor Doodlysquat--even though he's declared himself to be "America's Mayor" now and he's planning on trying to buy the presidency with his own billions--he's got more billions in his pants pocket than Hillbilly Hillary and Back-stabbing Obama have combined in their Cayman Island Offshore Accounts (same as Mormon-nutjob Mitt Romney is a multi-multimillionaire worth more than all the Dumbocrats combined)--
but New Yorkers will soon be trapped in a police state--at least on Manhattan Island--
the mayor and his cronies care little or nothing about the other boroughs--they're packed with white trash, illegal immigrants from all over the world, the last of the old New York immigrant population, the huge West Indian and East Indian populations in Queens and Brooklyn--Nuyoricans in the Bronx, Blacks in Bed-Stuy--while on Manhattan Island, the rich white (mostly foreign: Saudis, Dubaians, Chinese Commies, the Brits, Israelis) developers are taking over Harlem--and believe you me, Charlie Rangel don't give a shit--he's too busy partying and getting rich-man fat--Look out, Charlie, that ole blood pressure will cut you down to size--"Don't let the pressure drop" hit you, Charlie--new breed young lost breeds are filing into old Jewish Williamsburg and old Polish Green Point now--the mayor has given all the East River riverfront away to developers--he's building a wall of hi-rise luxury apartment complexes and plush hotels all up and down the East River sealing off Manhattan Island from the rest of the boroughs. You see, Mayor I'm Richer Than Any of You Bloomingidiot wants Manhattan exclusively for the RICH and TOURISTS--look at his "congestion pricing" toll-shit (oppression) he's going to put on poor folks coming to NYC to do their daily business except now when they get to West or East 86th Streets--the beginning of the really almost pure white sections of Manhattan, where the rich live in splendor--yes, they will be able to get their limos into their apartment parking garages, thank God; limos are like taxis, see!-- and this a F the poor, F people tax--forcing people if they want to live within the rich confines of the NEW Bloomberg-Manhattan Island you must make over 50 grand a year--hell, let's make that 100 grand a year and the cheapest rent you'll be allowed is $2,000-a-month-a-room or 1.6 million if you want to buy your apartment--and that's for a tiny wormhole-loke resurfaced dump-- the mayor wants his rich developer buddies to own Manhattan--EXCEPT--I already see one new hi-rise hotel behind me has stopped construction--and I mean the building is almost up--and they've stopped and now it sits a tacky piece of unfinished tacky crap on the horizon out my window--when the real estate bust hits Manhattan, there's gonna be some jumpers--and they may be wantin' to take the little mayor along with them--EXCEPT in a time of crisis, the little mayor will leave town, don't worry.
So Jose Padillo, the dirty bomb expert--he's just a goofy dumb kid really--is now awaiting sentence--he says he's lucky--at least he'll be put in a regular jail he hopes when they give him life.
Think of that, this dude is going to get LIFE in prison--while Osama Bin Laden--hell, he's living well in our buddy country Pakistan--on his tiger shooting reserve--you know, the Dubai Royal Family knows where Bin Laden is--so do the Saudis--so does Prince Bandar Bush--oh that's right, he's Osama's brother isn't he--son of a bitch--it all leads back to Rome, as that guy wrote yesterday about the cockroaches and the new cold war, the WAR the nutjob Christians are hoping will be their precious Armageddon, where the blood will flow up to the bellies of the horses--you see, God ain't all that up-t0-date on our methods of transportation--he still thinks we ride horses--he's sending his only son down on a big white horse--coming out of the clouds, which the nutjob Christians believe aren't vaporous but are actually the gates to heaven. Oh how we love blood flowing and KILLING and MURDER and TORTURE and RAPE and blowing people's heads off--KABLEWWWWY--and those folks go free as birds, like our murderous-minded phony president--Hell, folks, he's telling us all he's out to get US, too!]
And the bottom is falling out of the stock market because the props holding up the real estate market have finally been chopped out from under it and that market's plummeting is the reason the stock market is plummeting right this minute--
I say, don't worry, the Bushites will bail the market out before it crashes all the way down--the military industrial stocks should hold on, they're fixing to declare record-breaking profits--
but the problem is CREDIT (is that old
Ez Pound I hear laughing like a hyena from his imagistic grave?)-- everybody's overdrawn including these big global conglomerate corporations, though the independent moneybags boys, like cute little Billy and cute little Melinda Gates or good ole kindly Warren "Junk Bond" Buffett (of course it helps to have a crooked millionaire daddy to give you a jump-start fortune to work with) are doing just find--they still have money to burn. These globally profits-gouging big shot corporations, remember, are buying each other out and merging like mad, like the Exxon-Mobil merger, and these mergers costs billions and billions of dollars of loan debts and interest debts and debts to shareholders that have to be paid off--instead, they are falling into more debt because they can't show profits in any of these smaller corps they've bought out of the market--like Daimler paid billions for Chrysler (it failed once before--remember Lee Iakoka the Mustang wonderboy who drove Chrysler into such debt We the Good Old American People bailed them out of total destruction?) and now the Nazi--oops, old habits, sorry, the German boys are looking to dump Chrysler because it ain't making any profits, which is what everything is all about up and down the boards, whether big or small,
making profits--profits over quality--you dig? and this all comes from Quantitative Physics originally, then with the advent of computers, Quantitative Math, which led to Quantitative Modeling and Simulating leading to Quantitative Management and finally a Quantitative Economics theory of markets and modes and the advance of Quantitative Production and
product glut to fly all this QUANTITY like a dude shot out of a canon over any QUALITY hoops it used to have to jump through before meeting certain QUALITY standards, which have now nearly all disappeared under our last 50 years of being ruled by the Hollywood Conservatives.
Yes, friends, it all started with the John Birch Society out in LaLa Land after the Korean Police Action of rat's ass Hairy Ass Truman ("This ain't no war, " said Harry, "it's only a police action") and yes we ID'd ourselves as "The World's Policemen" after WWII.
Yes, Sunny California, the state that has given us in modern times S.I. Hayakawa, Ronald "Raygun" Reagan (I attended a party in Santa Clara, California, back in 1967, I was there at the invitation of Santa Clara University who wanted me as a Sociology instructor, and this party was a departmental party and everybody was cool as hell, great unbra-ed and uncosmetized natural beauty young teacher babes and pipe-smoking, beret-wearing overintellectual teacher dudes and I remember a discussion developed about whether Ronnie "Raygun" Reagan (second banana to a chimpanzee in his best movie) would be elected Governor of California in the next year's election. All these Alan-Watts-R.D.-Laing-following pundits said, "Oh no, don't worry, Southern California, yeah, they'll go for him, they're celebrity nuts down there, but Northern California, oh no, we're too sophisticated out here, and besides, there are a lot of New Yorkers in this area" and I, in my snide asshole way, said, "I don't know, most of my insane relatives ended up in California, even up here in the Redwood forests--renegade whiteys, Dust Bowlers, honkies, rednecks, crackers, clodhoppers, charcoal burners, and I guarantee you they all love Ronnie Raygun--hell, he's a real American to them, like John Wayne, that pansy, and on and on blah blah blah," I bellowed. One of the head sociologists bet me 20 bucks Raygun hadn't a chance in hell to be Governor of California--I told him, "I'm holding you to this, pal, when you nutjobs elect that nutjob and turn us all into Hollywood zombies"--bastards, I've had a meanstreak for California ever since, though I still love the state's natural beauty and the weather--but it does attract tons of pure-dee nuts, schemers, flim-flammers, phonies, pickpockets, degenerates, and
American Idol contestants), and California also gave us George Murphy (the tapdancing Senator who was an avid racist and rightwinger), and now they've given us Governor Arnold "Hey, I Took Steroids, Too, But I'm Not Black, So F-You" Swartzennegger (whose father was a Nazi policeman,
"Achtung, Judenschwein"), and unless we forget, the Sunny Californians gave us
Richard Milhouse Nixon (the blood-thirsty Quaker, who proved himself a top-flight lyin' crooked son of a weasel bitch as a politician, calling Helen Geohagen Douglas, a decent sort of liberal representative, a "communist" and a "whore" in order to get the Orange County-type-Walt-Disney-type Yahoo rightwingers to toss his sorry old ass into office; this phony Quaker who would later as president kill millions upon millions of SE Asians following the advice of pompous, aristocratic, Harvard-trained, sons of rich families and an old sleazy thrown-out-of-Europe traitorous Jew, Henry Kissingasser (God, how white folks kind'a admired the Nazis in WWII--though I was a little kid I recall much more vehement hostility against the heathen Yellow-Peril Japs than against the Christian White Nazis and the Catholic Italian Fascists)--and all these little rich goons who had nothing to do with their worthless asses so their families put them in the diplomatic corps or got them privy Washington Beltway jobs or put them in their family foundations and such--anyway, this bunch of rich-boy aristocrats controlled our governmental movements and progresses--but these inbred assholes don't know their asses from their faces so we've ended up with these Hollywood Conservatives--yes, even like Georgie Porgie Bush the pretender, our phony, no-good, double-lyin', sommbitch "president"--and off I go again, growlin' on the fact that George W. Bush is a true coward, lyin' bastard, and he gets his penis power from knowing he's responsible now for 5,000 dead Americans in Iraq--1,000s more in Afghanistan, but, and this is most important of all, they say now he's responsible for a million civilian deaths in Iraq since he illegally invaded that "not-doing-us-any-harm" sovereign nation--"I'm gainin' on ya, Tricky Dick"--remember, Boy George was personally responsible for sending a record 157 mostly black people including one Mexican-American woman to their deaths while he was a terribly unsuccessful governor in Texas--the woman appealed to him for clemency on the grounds he claimed he was a great Christian man and since being in prison she'd become a great Christian, too, and God had told her Governor Georgie Porgie "the Man Who God Talks To" Bush would pardon her--BUT, you see, Governor Rich-Boy Bush's contact with Mexican-American women in his life had been limited to the servant girls that worked in his various Connecticut, Maine, and Texas homes (illegal Mexican immigrant girls, I'm sure (unless they were some of Pappy's Mexican girlfriends from his wildcattin' days in Tampico and Vera Cruz and the failure of his Zapata Offshore Drilling Co.) or the prostitutes Boy George visited on his boys's town visits to Via Acuna, Coahuila, Mexico, or Nueva Laredo (now a totally Mafia-controlled town--the capital of the Mexican Drug Cartel--and the Border Patrol says they know nothing about that) and Papacaya's out on the highway to Monterrey, then later with his sister in law (Mrs. Jeb Stuart Bush) or with Henry Gonzales, Prince Bandar Bush, Katty Karl Rove (who's packed his Land Rover and moved back to spend more time with his family--what do you think, a lie? but it's a timely move, I'd say), Kenny Boy Lay, and that Saudi-Arabian he went into the oil business with and failed and who later ended up having his brains blown out--I like Bush can't remember his name--and instead of pardoning this woman, Bush joked on the way to witness her execution about how he was sending her on to her Christian rewards by killing her ass. What a man! and God-damn I'm exhausted from all that running around Robin's Barn.
What a dumb history. I mean these guys are the dumbest hoof-and-mouthers I've ever seen, and I've been going pretty deep back into history lately.
We are killers and always have been--the white man started colonizing this country by massacring as many Native Americans as he righteously could--even luring them into "Thanksgiving Dinners" and then massacring them after they'd eaten and talked peace. Yep, we founded this country on massacring people, then we imposed our white principles on the people we left alive with harsh laws whose punishments included most times a little fun torture and then outright murdering in the name of justice and righteousness--usually condoned by any and all of the religious outfits involved in the running and ruining of this country. Our Civil War was bloody as holy hell--read Crane's
The Red Badge of Courage--and that son of bitch was simply a reporter--he never was in combat--but he saw what a bloody horrifying mess a war was of any kind, but this one especially since it was Americans killing their own kind--and wow, it was bloody and there was a lot of both-sides patriotic bullshit--God's for Enslaving Human Beings! The enemy is evil and must be destroyed.
And then WWI came along and boy did the white man wreak havoc with his own kind in that war--I mean the whiteys blew each other to shreds, they mustard gassed each other, they set booby traps--read Fussell's
The Great War--it makes a civilized ("evolution of culture") man's stomach turn--but it thrills the common ordinary human TO DEATH. As I've bleated out over these airwaves for over a year now, our white rich boy leaders are standing proud like white males against the dark-skinned heathen enemies rising up against us from all around the world--the only solution to this heathen hoards attacking us is the very White Jesus Christ bringing his army of snow white angels down out of the clouds, Jesus riding a WHITE horse, and I assume wearing a white robe and a tall white dunce cap--Yahoo, Jesus rides again. That's the white man's hope for this terrorist and illegal immigration (aren't they the same thing?) hoard that is coming against him--the world to the white man is turning brown--the color of shit.
Holy shit, I'm bushed. I've never felt like growling so deeply and hardily before--but that full moon that sails over me constantly, night and day, keeps my growling so I can "kill" (go for the throat) and bring home to my she-wolf that fresh baby elk meat she so loves--'cause I wanna howl at that moon--howlin' for my darlin'---ooooooh---ooh--ooooooo-we--howlin' preparing to make love.
The Old Beat Goes OnI got good news today from
theryefarmerfromqueens, my old guitar-collecting, bass playing friend of 30 years. He's invited me to come hear his old band--reunited--and they're playing here in Manhattan Saturday night--and it's about time I treated myself to a Saturday Night Fish Fry ("Oh no, not with my daughter")--you know an out-on-the-town affair, doing the ivey-divey down in Alphabet City. He's working with another "hero" of mine,
majorcontaythecanebreakrattler who's having a battle with his real heart these days but is still one of the great old-timey instrument collectors and old-timey blues performers around town--and they're gonna be joined by a dude I don't know though they assured me he was in their band originally on old guitars and a rack harmonica. We'll see.
thebushedgrowlingwolf for
The Daily Growler