Amy Goodman had a big leftie ballyhoo program this morning concerning an article running today on Alex Cockburn's Counterpunch that is trying to unravel the story that the Israelis knew all about 9/11 way before it happened and they knew who the attackers were, sending their Mossad assholes over here following Mohamed Atta and the 19 Saudis--oh, I'm sorry, there was one Jordanian in the group--who eventually made the miraculous air attack on the World Trade Center and pulled it off, with box cutters and cell phones, beating the invincible mighty US Air Force at its own game--and without any bombs or weapons of mass destruction, but simply using common old easily boarded commercial airlines--who by the way have never been held responsible for their jelly-ass role in all of this.
Let me just add this. I've been around since the CIA began, back after WWII when Allan Dulles, brother of John Foster Dulles, the aristocrat Sec'y of State under Golfer Ike Eisenhower's bumbling job in the White House, took what was left of the Office of Secret Service (OSS) and turned it into the Central Intelligence Agency--not much intelligence in it actually. Since that time, I ask you, what has the CIA ever accomplished in terms of their intelligence? Oh, they're good at assassinating and backing goon, annihilation, and death squads; they're good at flying high-grade dope out of Burma via their Southern Airways; what is left of their dope-hauling Southern Airways is now called Blackwater, a private little army of 20,000 run by an ex-goofball blowhard rightwing Christian behemoth named Eric Prince, whose father Edgar was a nutjob, too, and CIA vet Cofer Black [Ken Starr is their lawyer; remember him?] with the blessings and support of Georgie Porgie, our phony president and "confounder" in chief, using Blackwater in Iraq as a private army guarding the many greedy, coke-snorting, wild-eyed contractors, 100,000, almost as many contractors as troops, some of whom are making $19,000 a week--tax-free, too, buddy--while the Amurican volunteer troops who are guarding the Blackwater goons--you believe that! are making pathetic chicken-feed pay--even having Social Security and Medicare and state taxes taken out of their combat pay. Our soldiers are fools--which brings me to what I think is a much more impressive article in Counterpunch than the story that the Israelis knew all along that these 9/11 terrerists were going to blow down the WTC -- we all remember there was a moving van of Israelis stopped over on a Jersey bluff jumping for joy as Tower 1 went down, yeehawing and all that shit or those Israeli "art students," they were actually Mossad assholes, who lived right across the street in Hollywood, Florida, from Mohamed Atta and several of the eventual 9/11 guerilla tacticians who carried out what I call a miraculous guerilla attack on our sacred shores (we're blessed by the Christian God, Jehovah, remember?)--I don't believe our CIA ever pulled off anything so spectacular, so world shattering! Our CIA are bunglers. It is made up of little guy toughies who are in "enforcement" to do just that, enforce laws no matter their devastating consequences; spying, gossip, dope smuggling, assassinating, whoremongering, that's their real specialties; the CIA and the FBI are the next steps up the ladders of success for these little fellows who can start off as low as being a juvenile corrections officer. List the CIA's successes since WWII. The only success I see is their interfering in the election of Salvadore Allende in Chile, a democratically elected leader who happened to be a socialist with grand reform ideas for his country, like land reform, like internal reforms, tax reforms, banking reforms--but OH NO, the CIA can't allow that to happen, so they overthrew his government--they didn't give a shit that in the process they wiped out his family, too, except Ysabel, eh? Remember the name Pinochet?
The CIA actually thinks it controls Latin America--wherever there are heavy drug activities going on, Colombia, Bolivia, Paraguay (check it out, I saw a story of how we are messing in the business of Paraguay as I type this), Uruguay, and parts of Peru, the CIA is big and active and bossy and passing out the bucks, buying crops, hustling drugs into this country--War on Drugs, disband the CIA, the drugs will stop. [Remember, Allen Ginsberg said (in one of his great poems that Rage Against the Machine, the rockers, do--a hell of a recording by the bye if you've never heard it) the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, they're all the same thing representing the same thing.] And certainly the CIA is terribly active in Central America, especially El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and thick in Nicaragua, too, 'cause I kind'a get the feeling they have Daniel Ortega by the nuts now. Outside of murder and assassination and meddling in Latin American politics and drug hustling, what successes have they had? Their spying in the Soviet Union, the reason they were organized in the first place--they were the foreign spy unit in the Cold War--didn't bring the Soviet Union down; it took Gorbechev and a one-day decree to bring the Soviet Union down. It didn't stop Khruschev from shipping missiles to Cuba, ninety miles away; JFK practically had to start WWIII to stop that little charade. JFK got assassinated because of the botched up job the CIA did in the Bay of Pigs in order to satisfy the old rich Cubans who had fled to this country after Castro's takeover--Batista loyalists--hell, we even gave that big-bellied peasant crook Batista a nice comfortable life down there in Miami, the choice retirement city for ex-dictator thugs, Watergate crooks, and CIA informants and goons--oh they love Miami! Remember when the CIA tried to assassinate Castro? Putting explosives in his cigars--or even one plan to put explosives in his beard--I kid you not, I think they did have a plan to wire his beard. Idiots. And we know, the CIA certainly didn't stop the mighty Al Queda World Force from bringing down the WTC--or if they did know about it, and we assume from the Counterpunch article that they work hand in hand with Mossad, hell, they support Mossad, they helped plan it. It's the kind of debacle the CIA is good at. [Have you noticed Negroponte has taken his "death squad" expertise to Iraq now? Yep, Little Johnny Boy, a Greek citizen by birth, a Londoner by home, son of a beaucoup wealthy Greek shipping scumbag, is doing his dirty work in Iraq now, wiping out whole families in the middle of the night--oh, maybe raping the better looking women before blowing their brains out.
But anyway, like I said many moons ago, there is an article in Counterpunch running now for free--you have to subscribe to Cockburn's site to read the Israeli connection story-- that I think is a hell of a lot more powerful than the bruhaha over whether the dumb Israelis knew 9/11 was happening or not--and that, of course, the CIA knew what was happening since they and the Mossad have to work hand in hand, don't they? We support Israel; Congress just approved another several billion dollars in prop-up money for them just this week; without this country's economic and military support, there would be no Israel--it couldn't survive; so Israel is simply one of our colonies, like we are becoming one of Saudi Arabia's colonies (oh, you don't think so? Still you better start practicing your Wahabi--and girls, get used to wearing burkhas--when the Saudia Arabian royal family takes over this country it's gonna look funny all those hillbilly snake-handling Christian women running around in burkhas. Lardy, lardy).
Anyway, check this out--here's a powerful excerpt from this story I'm talking about:
How many of you recognize the name of Army Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, Jr.?
I do because he and I stood on and flew over the same ground nearly 40 years ago. Like him, I left a little blood and a lot of sweat in a Godforsaken place halfway around the world, earning four battle stars in 11 months. Plus some cheap tin and ribbon medals made even cheaper by the good friends who never came home with me. Thompson did, too.
Hugh was a helicopter pilot who aimed his guns at American soldiers--members of my brigade -- to keep them from slaughtering civilians in the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai 4. Spotting massacred civilians around My Lai, Thompson and his two-man crew landed beside wounded civilians to give medical help as the infantry company commander and others present kept shooting the wounded. Thompson ordered his crew to open fire if the slaughter continued. No more civilians were shot.
Thompson's story is critical because the march to a nuclear war against Iran has begun, and YOU will the ones carrying it out. There is no way to effectively "confront" Iran except with tactical nuclear weapons. Tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children will die outright or suffer lingering deaths from horrible radiation sicknesses. It will be murder, pure and simple. Look at the suffering around you and multiply it by hundreds.
No doubt you know that back home, 80 per cent of the American people voted in the last election to end the Iraq debacle, but no one in Washington listened. Our two-faced media watchdogs are a gaggle of neocon propaganda peddlers, corporate whores and New World Order shills who helped orchestrate and cheerlead the slaughter, and they sneer at your patriotism behind your backs.
Everything you've been told about Iraq is a pack of lies, and the powers that be seem to think we're all stupid enough to be conned again. We can't trust our elected representatives to carry out the will of the people. They're been bought and sold, and have just proven it. For all practical purposes, a coup d'etat has taken place.
Read the whole story:
for The Daily Growler
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