Sunday, February 11, 2007


Hillary in New Hampshire
There she was flitting around New Hampshire, that cold smile thrown everybody's way--has anyone ever asked Chelsea what kind of mother she was? She tries to sport a sort of serious grin--and she seems to be constantly moving.

Did you ever notice how teevee emphasizes people walking or running, talking and discussing as they walk or run, people always moving, talking and moving, talking, walking, with body guards around them, their lackeys and their asslicking entourage, all of them always walking and walking with them others walking and talking and shouting at them as they move, from one podium to another, the same speech at each one, the same cornball responses to audience questions, except Hillary's getting bombs thrown at her by her own kind, one a young woman standing up and asking how Hillary how she can be trusted when she's gone along with Georgie Porgie Bush's policies without one croak of protest for the six years he's been in office.

Nor does she have any substantive ideas about the Afghanistan War--except we know she's a champion of that war; that's the good war (yeah sure). The Iraq War--and here's where Hillary stands accused--she voted for it, and she's consistently voted to fund that war, and she's continued to vote funds for the war in spite of, I feel it now, the overwhelming and now growling want of the American voter for us to get out of Iraq NOW, Repugnican nutjob or Dumbocrat bleeding-heart liberal, it doesn't matter, the American people want out of Iraq--and then when the truth about the Afghanistan War comes out and we're shown how we're losing that one, too, then maybe Americans will be against that war, too, maybe against all wars, though that's a little too much to ask of the scardy-cat Americans.

Hillary consistently failed when she was senator of New York--she didn't do a damn thing for New Yorkers while she was senator--all along, all she's been after is retribution for Slick Willie diddling (with a good illegal Cuban cigar I'm sure) Monica Lewinsky--"Ohhh, Mr. President got his cum on my good blue dress"--don't you think, ladies, that incident pissed old Hillary off big time? I can see her chewing Slick Willie out good, right? And Slick Willie replying, "Well, hell, Hill, I mean, you let that ass spread to about forty full acres of bottomland, honey. And your complexion! Cripes, you look like a menopausal ghost, all clammy white and stale looking. You need a major Oprah makeover, honey chile--I mean, you just flat lost yere looks, and you know I loves me some good lookin' women, like that Paula Jones--yeah, now there's an Arkie looker, the kind'a babe my old pappy would have gone for--that is, had I known who my old pappy was." [Bill Clinton, even though he said he never had sex with that woman, paid Paula Jones around $80,000 to go on about getting her nose jobs and posing naked in Hustler or did Bulldoggish Paula make Hugh Hotrod's Playboy? I'd say Paula made close to $500,000 of Slick Willie's sinning--her Playboy layout, her book deal, her hip-hop CD.]

The Clintons. Please. Hillbillies. I mean Slick Willie as governor of Arkansas (the lowest state in the Union in most categories) made 30,000 bucks a year. Hillary was the moneymaker at that time; being in the White & Rose law firm gave her a bigger salary than the Slick One; even her little comodities market (was it cattle buying?) scheme only brought her in a 100 grand or so. After Slick Willie diddled Monica in the Holy Office, Hilary suddenly got the spotlite turned on her. F the commodities market, F the law firm, now it was her turn to be the Slick One. Screw a hundred grand, she was now in the millionaire league--her "tell all" (actually bullshit) book made her independently wealthy of Slick Willie--whose book made him a millionaire, too; plus the big lecture fees they both got out of their book deals. Of course, the Slick One became a millionaire as president, exactly like Lyndon "Big Balls" Johnson went from Texas school teacher to a multimillionaire on the basis of an eighty-vote (most of them from dead voters in Duvall County, Texas) victory that got him in the Senate. [Remember Mr. Sam? Most of ya don't remember Sam Rayburn. But Google Sam Rayburn and read about a little Texas Dumbocrat politics--"Shiftless skunks" they used to be called in Texas.]

Richard "I am not a crook" Milhouse Nixon became a millionaire as president. Harry Ass Truman, too. Dwight David Eisenhower. Gerald R. Ford. Then there are the Kennedys; they've kept the Kennedy fortune growing by tumbling like clowns into the political arena--just think of the millions of dollars siphoned off the government into the Kennedy Foundation coffers while Daddy Joe (the bootlegger), JFK (loved to F a Mafia boss's moll--might have been one of the reasons he got assassinated, though that was due to his Bay of Pigs fiasco--E. Howard Hunt was in on that, you remember. E. Howard Hunt was also in Dallas--some say he was seen on the grassy knoll), Bobby Kennedy as brother-appointed Attorney General (his own going after the Mafia probably got him assassinated, too--remember, Allen Ginsberg said, after a lot of research, too, the CIA, the FBI, the DEA, and the Mafia are all the same bunch of goombahs, working for the same cause--MONEY, WEALTH, POWER, and the power to KILL at will with no reprisals. And KILL at will our presidents have done, every blinking one of them. Our presidents have killed more human beings than they've saved. Hilary will be no exception.

Rudi "America's Mayor" Guilimussolini will be no exception either.

Rupert Murdoch (a bloody Australian) loves Newtie Gingrich--Rupert thinks Newtie should run for president. Newtie is already a multimillionaire; hell, he's the representative of the county where Martin-Marietta rules the roost--I do believe Lockheed, too (We the People taxpayers, if you think back a few decades, one time bailed Lockheed out of going under--we've forgotten our government's bailing out of Lockheed same as we've forgotten our government's bailing out of Chrysler (after Lee Iococa F-ed it up), the New York Central and the Pennsylvania railroads--and how many other "under the table" bail outs have been given out by Congress that we don't even know about.

You see, rich people love money, especially hillbilly paupers who have the luck to have one of their bright sons or daughters get into politics and raise the family up to the point where, hell, they're socially acceptable folks--you know, if you can afford to pay to play, you get to play. Running for the presidency is merely "play" for these new millionaires and certainly for the old crusty bastard millionaires, too.

Hell, you and me, we're ruled by MONEY. You got brains but no money. Too bad. You be dumb as a dodo but you got money, hey, pal, welcome to the club, grab you a handful of those sweet tax dollars overthere in that big pot at the foot of that political rainbow.

Bill and Hill started getting rich the minute he first started running for president. There was a precedent, a guy named Dale Bumpers. Bumpers had been governor of Arkansas back just before Slick Willie took over that hillbilly state. Bumpers had been a Dumbocrat with presidential-running aspirations, and he almost made it, too; the Dumbocrats are always looking south for their candidates, you know. Have you ever checked that out? There's always a southerner somewhere in the mix. [Kerry, a Yankee, picking John Edwards, a South Carolina Yahoo rich boy. Before, Al Gore was a southerner (Tennessee, another hillbilly state), so he had Joe Lieberman, the Connecticut Yankee (most Americans add "he's a Jew" to their description of him), as his running mate. [A really big mistake now that Al has turned earth savior--but, oh yeah, the success of his 8mm film on Global Warming has pepped old slothful Al up a bit and if it wins an Academy Award, which it will--I mean how can Hollywood pass up a chance to gain that national attention?--he'll probably be looking through his closet for a hat to toss in the ring against Hillbilly Hillary and Osama bin Barrack (oops, I'm sorry, I'm reading a Rupert Murdoch description of this black gentleman from Chicago who has really impressed Joe Biden with his eloquence and clean-cut look [Biden runs for president as often as he can because of the millions you get to use whether you're a serious candidate or not]). A lot of these Congressional Yahoos do that; they run just for the measly million or two it garners their coffers. OH these miserable bastards are such open crooks. They aren't scared of We the People, but they sure as hell want us scared of them.

Chelsea Clinton and Amy Carter for President and Vice President. Or, hell, how 'bout ME, thegrowlingwolf for President. Fresh-killed baby elk bellies for all! Some pot in every chicken.

How 'bout we cut Anna Nichol Smith's little bastard daughter in quarters and give a piece to each of her daddies?

Always compassionate,

for The Daily Growler

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