Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Daily Growler Apologizes

Everything's Based on Secret Goings On
Yes, Allen Greenspan did shoot his mouth off yesterday in Hong (Commie China) Kong about the US going into a recession that will flush our economy down the toilet to make us the largest excrement-producing country in the world; yes, old crotchity rich bastard Allen did say that, yes he did, drooling a lot, yes, but he did say it. "Hey, at least we stayin' numb-er one at sumthin'," replies a typical Amurican Yahoo...BUT, I'm told by my millionaire-plus betters that nobody listens to old creaky Allen Greenspan anymore and that the stock market decline yesterday that was plunging so fastly down it caused the NYSE's computers to blow up momentarily--because somebody was dumping stocks by the barrelsful yesterday so fast the system wore itself out--BUT, I'm told by my millionaire-plus betters, those one-shot teevee market experts (there are millions of them) hee-haw that the stock market tumble yesterday was merely the rich cats selling off their excess stocks for profits--what ever the hell that means

First, let me inject a little envy here: all the commentators on the major US news networks are millionaires--Katie Courec, ex-cheerleader/cute piece of ass (now pruning up due to age, by the bye) is worth 40 million-a-year; Meredith Viagra (who I do think is cuter than Katie by several longshots and who though is also pruning up a bit, is still more vibrant and down-to-earth (she's from Rhode Island; I know a lot of good weird types from Rhode Island, my kind of peeps) than the ex-cheerleader Courec, though Viagra could be an ex-cheerleader, too, for all I know. Meredith Viagra was already a millionaire from her Bah-bah Walters ass-kissing job on The View; even the network weather guys make a million-a-year at least, like big, getting-fat-again, fatheaded Al "Fathead" Roker or even that obnoxious Dave guy on CBS--that hurts to think he's a millionaire --plus, Tim Russert and all those know-it-all, pencil-necked geek-commentators make millions or they are already well-heeled from their families. Most of these fops now on teevee aren't even communications majors, certainly not journalism majors--what the hell are they; well, maybe Katie C's pretty high up on the scale as an ex-cheerleader in terms of qualifications.

And, yes, the stockmarket did miraculously recover both here and in Shanghai, Commie China--Praise the Lard! I love when these broker-blokes talk about "market correction," you know, like the stock market is a living entity and occasionally automatically corrects itself--again, whatever the F that means.

For a brief moment yesterday I totally forgot my backward logic when it comes to understanding what is happening at this time in my life here in New York City as a bona fide Americano Blanco but in a world that is gradually turning a tide against me, first, and I guess this country after the first wave wipes me out. I'm not complaining; I've lived a superwonderful life--no strife, a good wife, at one time excelling in throwing a knife, the life, looking for a favorable wind on which to ride my ass out of here; may I borrow your broom, ma'am?

Backward logic says that if Allen Greenspan says we're going into a recession that really means we're not going into a recession or really it means, who the F knows what the hell they or we are doing?

And now, I just heard, Condo-leasing Rice is shooting for a Nobel Peace Prize by announcing today she's set up a meeting between Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the Saudis, the Jordanians. I remember the VietNam Peace Talks--it took them how long to decide at what kind of table they were going to sit at, finally agreeing to a round table because at a round table everybody is on eye-level with everybody else; plus round tables are easier to hide weapons under.

I live in a backwards world; and it's got me in a whirl; I'm beginning to find salvation in a Dervish, hell yeah.

for The Daily Growler

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