Monday, February 19, 2007

No Matter How Many Axes Somebody Put in His Head...

Leon Trotsky Lives On
I mean, I should have known, shouldn't I? Haven't I read that Neo-Cons are simply old Trotskyites (anti-commies really) still out for revenge for somebody's agent down there in Mexico putting an ax to Old Leon Trotsky's skull while he was sitting at his desk? [By the bye, just prior to the ax in his skull, the old rascal got to have an affair with Frida Kahlo, which must'a been something, except Frida said he wasn't that good in bed.] Leo Strauss, the U of Chicago (John D. Rockefeller built it) Neo-Con guru, was certainly a Trotskyite anti-Stalinist who turned Trotsky's "Endless Revolution" around backwards and turned it into "Endless War."

That's the objective of our little phony-baloney president, though he really is our blunderer-in-chief and our "servicemen" love his ass; and so do all the cops and firemen all over the country; and so do all the gun-toting Cretins all over the country; and so do the Mormons; and so do 28% of the voters; and so do all the VFW freaks in their little cunt caps and wearing their stupid service ribbons that millions of goofy soldiers have--and Purple Hearts, too; Purple Hearts galore and Lyndon "Big Balls" Johnson gave out the most Congressional Medals of Honor of any president during any war. The man who got two Congressional Medals of Honor (it was rumored he got 3 but one was denied him), General Smedley Butler, said the US Army was simply the army of the corporations--the army was a racket, the good Marine general said back in the 1920s. We didn't learn the lesson then; why do we think we are suddenly going to learn it NOW? NOW now stands for NOW Only War, N-O-W.

We glorify violence on television and in our movies. We glorify the torture of young women on most cop and CSI type shows--it's always the young girls the serial killers bury alive and shit like that! Yeah, men get blown away, but they're tough and begging for it when they get it; they're not crying like a bunch of sissy girls begging for their lives, bad guys fixing to die die like real men, NRA types, punk criminal types, the heroes we really cherish in this country, guys who kill or get killed. I now even see a Blackwater-type show on CBS--the only show I know where a black dude is the leader hero of a Blackwater-type group of "soldiers of fortune" that go around the world doing the CIA's and the NSA's dirty work, which means these boys are loaded to the teeth and they love killing and slapping A-rabb-looking terrorists up side the head before they blow 'em away. Oh yes, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and they're all killers, no matter what side of righteousness they're on. Even on the proper ladies's soap operas now they have terrorists and kidnappings and guerillas and kidnappings and some of the more buxom and sexy blondes get kidnapped and bound and gagged and threatened with sexual abuse by guys that need shaves but look like a god-damn million dollars--and if you check the records of a lot of these soap opera characters, they've all gone through murder trials, rape trials, kidnapping trials...God, you name it, if it's vile, vulgar, or vicious, vehement, or venal it's on or has been on our shit-for-brains soap operas.

Look at our worship of the Mafia. It's a constant worship of the Mafia. Mario Puzo, a half-ass, beer-gutted, kind'a hack NYC writer, made a fortune off his Mafia-as-hero book, The Godfather. And then look at the Godfather movies, made by a Coppola, too, how they are considered some of the finest movies ever made; yet, they are full of outrageous violence against fellow human beings--so they are stupid goombahs who deserve to be fitted in concrete overshoes--still, those that kill the most viciously come out the greatest heroes in our pop culturists's eyes (see Scarface). Being an outlaw is a very white thing and has been since the days of anarchy out on the Western Plains; it still goes on to this days in the ranks of the rhythm and rhyming hip-hop world.

Look at the worship of John Gotti here in NYC. John Gotti and his worshippers got Rudi Guiliani (Rudi Mussolini) a political career--made him a millionaire, that's for damn sure. How come none of the Mafia guys ever put a mark on Rudi? Doesn't that make you a little suspicious of which side of his heritage Rudi's really on? I've always said he was too F-ing dumb to be a goombah even, so they made him a lawyer and promoted him to Federal prosecuter. Rudi actually failed in his effort to put Gotti in jail (and boy did John have a good life in jail!); it was tax-evasion that finally got Gotti--tax evasion always gets the Mafia dudes, that and stoolies. Hey, the ability to get away with murder is an American ideal, isn't it?

All the evil sides of humanity dream of committing the perfect murder.

Some Neo-Con Facts

What is a NeoCon? Neocon is a neo-conservative who began as anti-Stalinist Trotskist before moving to the far right in U.S. politics. NeoCons have roots in the Leon Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s. In the 1950s and 1970s that movement morphed into anti-communist liberalism. Today the NeoCons are embedded in the imperial right and militarism of the U.S. defense and foreign affairs departments. If this sounds like muddled thinking, then you are not alone in such an assessment.

Who are the main NeoCons:

  • Paul Wolfowitz,deputy secretary of defense is the NeoCon defense mastermind of the Bush administration
  • Donald Rumsfeld is defense secretary (since Wolfowitz is too controversial)
  • Douglas Feith, No. 3 at the Pentagon
  • Lewis "Scooter" Libby, a Wolfowitz protégé who is Cheney's chief of staff
  • John R. Bolton, a right-winger assigned to the State Department to keep Colin Powell in check
  • Elliott Abrams, recently appointed to head Middle East policy at the National Security Council.
  • James Woolsey,former CIA director, who tried repeatedly to link both 9/11 and the anthrax letters in the U.S. to Saddam Hussein
  • Richard Perle, who recently resigned as chair of a defense department advisory body after a lobbying scandal. His comment that day was "It is not about the oil."
  • Robert Kagan is a NeoCon propagandist who argues that Americans are 'martial' and Europeans 'pacifist.'
  • Irving Kristol(b. 1920), City College '40; co-editor of The Public Interest magazine; John M. Olin Distinguished Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Kristol said," Ever since I can remember, I’ve been a neo-something: a neo-Marxist, a neo-Trotskyist, a neo-liberal, a neo-conservative; in religion a neo-orthodox even while I was a neo-Trotskyist and a neo-Marxist. I’m going to end up a neo- that’s all, neo dash nothing."

Interesting cast of characters, right?

What was Trotsky's Theory? Trotsky's theory is called "Permanent Revolution" (first published in Russian in Berlin in 1930). Permanent Revolution is a contribution to Karl Marx and Frederick Engel's thought. They wrote that "an independently organized party of the proletariat. Their battle-cry must be: The Permanent Revolution" (Address of the Central Committee of the Communist League, March 1850). Trotsky wrote: "The permanent revolution, in the sense which Marx attached to this concept, means a revolution which makes no compromise with any single form of class rule, which does not stop at the democratic stage, which goes over to socialist measures and to war against reaction from without; that is, a revolution whose every successive stage is rooted in the preceding one and which can end only in complete liquidation" (Ryan, 1996). Trotsky also wrote: "The Perspective of permanent revolution may be summarized in the following way: the complete victory of the democratic revolution in Russia is conceivable only in the form of the dictatorship of the proletariat, leaning on the peasantry. The dictatorship of the proletariat, which would inevitably place on the order of the day not only democratic but socialistic tasks as well, would at the same time give a powerful impetus to the international socialist revolution. Only the victory of the proletariat in the West could protect Russia from bourgeois restoration and assure it the possibility of rounding out the establishment of socialism" (Ryan, 1996).

In sum, the Permanent Revolution that the NeoCons pick up from Trotsky is that a country like Iraq need not pass through the stages of economic development achieved bu countries such as the U.S. Rather, the post-war Iraq government can combine backward and advanced economic aspects, in the form of a Permanent Revolution.

This information is unedited from the following site (written by M Boje, PhD):

for The Daily Growler

All comments on this site are made by fictional characters who have no relation to living human beings whatsoever. Neo-Wolves. (Wasn't there a writer named Nero Wolfe?)

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