Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It Just Hit Me! I Had to Growl

From Chaos Back to Reality
I've been hiding out. To hell with where I'm hiding out. It's unimportant except for you to know that the Global Warming freaks are full of buffalo chips; it's freezing here where I am and snowing polar bears and Yettis out the windows of my lonely half-warm hotel room--don't get me wrong--I love it--to me it's snowing baby elk bellies--it's adorable but tragically GREY at the same time. Reminds me of Jung's Theory of Opposites when it comes to the subjective (the instinctual) and the objective (materialistic?)--the Chinese yin and yang concept fits Jung's idea just fine as an example--and I'm over in the yin here in this wonderful winter hell where I'm at; where I'm smoking a La Rosa cigar--I packed a box of them 'fore I escaped NYC, the Apple, Gotham (you don't hear it called Gotham anymore), and I'm slugging down the fermented juice of some good ole Iowan corn...whewwww....

Why I'm blogging again--I swore I was giving it up--and I did, at least for Lent--such hogwash--but I'm a Pagan and understand why Lent is Lent and what it means in several instinctual languages--but why I'm blogging again happened when I was watching our new Sec'y of All-Out War, this Gates character (how ironic the name of the British general who tried to keep us slaves to the King of England, the insane King George III, a flighty little fop of a morganatic bastard, with some early successes around NYC was a dude named Gates) announcing that he was extending the tours of duty of the US forces in Iraq--some of them are there for their third tours now--"F-'em," Bush keeps cockily hollering, "Those hog-farming ploughboys and boys of color--aren't all the white boys officers?--er-ah, heh, heh--but, anyway, F 'em. They're paid to kick towelhead ass and protect those valiant contractors hauling that oil and those treasures the hell out of Iraq 'fore we have to pull our asses out--Karl! Unka Dick! When can we H-bomb Tay-ran? Why can't I force the Jews to bomb 'em first, you know, to do a 9/11 on those towelheads in Eye-ran--those bastards. I hate them wurse than I hated Sad-dam; in fact, I didn't hate Saddam that much. My ole Pappy and Unka Rummy said he wasn't a bad sort'a man once you got to know him. He got to know me, though, boy; I strung his towelhead ass up like you swing up a trophy deer after you've blown his stupid head off--or maybe you accidentally shot your favorite judge in the face, right Unka Dick?"

What right do these privileged bastards have keeping everything they do secret from the American people? Did you ever think about that? Everything Congress, the Executive Branch, the Judiciary, the Pentagon, the spy agencies, Immigration, the Supreme Court, all government stooges do is TOP SECRET--unavailable to WE THE F-ing PEOPLE. Why is that? How come these fools can lead this country to the brink of extinction and WE the People have no rights under the god-damn sun to know what the hell these idiots are up to; everything they do is behind closed doors, except when the meet to vote more money for these stupid wars, the one in Iraq and the one in Afghanistan (I'm still asking, what did Afghanistan have to do with 9/11 and why did they deserve to be occupied by our foreign forces after they fought their asses off to keep the Russkies from taking them over--colonizing them?). We are also secretly involved in the war between the Ethiopian Christian forces and the Sudan Islamic forces--yep, we're knee-deep in that war--supporting the Ethiopian forces with weapons and strategies and sending Sudanese prisoners to Ethiopia to be tortured the Donald Rumsfield way until they confess enough to be shot in the head maybe. What if they all raised their hands and said, "We convert to Christianity, oh masters, oh bwanas, oh great white fathers--and please take all our wealth, too, because as Christians we see Jesus Christo said you should give up all your possessions and follow him because it was easier for a slovenly, mangy camel to get through the eye of a needle than it was for a spoiled little aristocratic rich brat and his whole unholy family get into Heaven." "Shoot such a blasphemer's ass. He's mocking American democracy and our God. Shoot his ass and while you're at it rape his pretty good looking little sister over there--hell, I may take a crack at that myself--yeah, boys, rape her in front of her mother and father before you turn your AKAs on the whole dirty bunch of them--blow 'em away, these ungrateful antiChrist bastards."

This "surge" shit. What's that all about? Sorry, that's secret information; only the "president" is privileged to that.

Our government is selling our ports to Dubai. Why? It's a secret. States are seriously considering selling their freeways and thruways--those paid for by working stiffs who pay federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales taxes, miscellaneous taxes, gasoline taxes, property taxes--but these states--Indiana and New Jersey are voting on this--are privatizing their highway systems, selling them to mainly Arab royal families, like those of Dubai, the Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia. We are allowing our nation to be sold off piece by piece--when are they going to sell our human asses to the Arabs as cottonpickers or waterbearers. Son of a bitch, and it's all done in secret.

John "Insane" McCain
In how many past posts have I, thegrowlingwolf, have I yowled that all VietNam vets who saw the service and suffered the torture John McCain suffered in South and North VietNam (ironically, now our great trading buddies), wherever, are nuts. Now, John McCain is proving me right--he's losing it daily as his presidential ambitions are being shot down by the Karl Rovian Underhanded Attack Squad (The "Scooter" Libby Division); he's losing to Rudi "America's Mayor" Guiliani--not a veteran of anything but a Brooklyn Italian childhood surrounded by the you-know-who, right goombah?--how maddening is that to a nutjob like McCain. He's losing to Hillary "I'm Gettin' My Revenge on My Philandering Husband" Rod-Ham Clinton; my God; a woman! He suddenly recalls Hanoi Jane sucking Cong c__s while the Cong were pulling his teeth and finger-and-toenails out with rusty pairs of pliers--I think they were made in Commie China, who now, ironically, owns 51% of our debt and are currently smore successful Capitalists than we are. Isn't that dramatic? The Commie Chinese are beating us to death at Capitalism. We are Capitalist failures--because of the debt we have suddenly acquired--while these Commies are living the lives of millionaire Rileys. Remember, I wrote about the Chinese dude who had gotten so wealthy he was buying whole European castles and having them hauled to China stone by stone and rebuilt on property he acquired by eminent domain from local peasants with the help of the Commie Chinese government? Such waste. Thorsten Veblen said "conspicuous consumption" was a sure sign of a coming Great Depression. Yep, he wrote that just before our Great Depression started after the stock market crash of 1929. We are no longer producers; now we are consumers. Soon we will be slaves to our own indebtedness. Prisons will expand to become poor houses as well as penitentiaries--Easter reminded me of Los Penitentes cult out in New Mexico when I lived out there and once stumbled onto one of their little churches up in the Pecos Mountain foothills--I was drunk--when I was drunk, I could climb mountains--no sweat--and I climbed up this hill and damn there I was at one of Los Penitentes's little rock chapels with the wooden cross leaning up against its front. I was too tired to crucify myself so I got no penance that day.

Man, how stupid we are. Even I feel stupid some times.

for The Daily Growler