In the Still of the Night
I was already in bed reading Lawrence's The Plumed Serpent when a sound outside my opened window caught my attention. You know how you hear something and at first you know what it sounds like but you're not quite definite about it yet? That's what happened with me. I heard this sound and knew what it sounded like but thought no that can't be what it sounds like. Then, as if on cue, I heard a helicopter flying low and noisy over my building--I'm on the top floor so I got a bird's eye view of it with its exhaust belching out its annoying presence. And then it hit me. It was what I thought it was. It was the noise of people in the streets, of people chanting forcefully in that inspiring unison that then I knew was ringing all about my neighborhood as these protesters marched up Broadway toward Times Square. I immediately turned on the 11 o'clock news (news I normally don't ever watch except during catastrophes or mass protests, those sorts of things). I was wide awake to first a fairly fair reportage by the local CBS news of what was going on (the local NBC news was sarcastic and pro-police in their reportage).
This all started when Al Sharpton (I don't call him Reverend...that's a bullshit title) announced a televised press conference in which he was going to discuss the day-before exonerating of the cop who choked poor old Eric Garner to death with him hollering "I can't breathe" eleven times--it was all captured on an i-camera by a dude standing right at the edge of the action.
No problem, saith our pious police. This big Black devil was selling loose cigarettes trying to make a little street money to support his wife and 6 kids. Tough shit, Black man. The NYPD can't tolerate such law breakers. Why not shoot this crooked son of a bitch? Cops know nothing's gonna happen to 'em if they shoot someone in the "line of duty."
Since I've lived in New York City, almost every few weeks the cops shoot and kill someone, usually, a Black man, though, hell, if you remember Mrs. Bumpers (she was wielding a butcher knife for protection when cops broke down her door and invaded her home), they'll shoot to kill women, too.
Here's a Huffington Post article on a history of the New York police shooting unarmed black men.
Cops are basically cowards. Cowards carrying high-powered sidearms, wearing bullet-proof vests (they have to buy their own), harnessed in huge leather attire that holds handcuffs, billy club (nightstick they call it), automatic pistol, bullets, pepper spray, and their intercommunication devices (if they are in their SWAT paraphernalia then they are in military garb carrying AKA assault rifles) . When watching 9/11 on television, while the NYFD did their duty and marched into the falling straight down World Trade Centers 1 and 2 to their possible doom, the big fat overloaded cops were running like hell away from the falling buildings. Cowards, don't you see.
And, yes, it is dangerous to call an NYP officer a coward. Yet they are. Why, for instance, does it take five or six officers to take down one human being who if he or she resists arrest or asks the wrong questions about why they're being arrested or they turn and run when they see the cops, they get blown away without their side of the story or a chance to defend themselves in court)? Remember back to the famous Rodney King case how 5 or 6 LAPD beat the living crap out of the man and then said he resisted arrest (those cops were cleared of any wrongdoing by a bunch of White jurists).
No, all cops kill with impunity. Watch the cop shows on teevee where during the course of an hour, these teevee cops shoot and kill upwards of at least 3 or 4 people per episode. Some of these phony cops are brought to bear by what these shows call Internal Affairs if they've shot and killed a suspect. But, praise the Lord, even these phony cops end up with impunity in killing the evil enemies of law and order. Remember when the Republicans trumpeted "law and order" as their main concern while participating in local, state, and federal elections. I remember when SWAT teams came into being. Cop shows have always been popular, especially with males because males are taught to be competitive by playing imaginary games of good and evil, like "cowboys and Indians," "cops and robbers," "bad guys and good guys." (Little girls are taught to want to be princesses and live in fairy tale kingdoms with handsome rich princes a la Disney's concept of Utopia.)
But get used to cops ruling the roost for the Neo-Con Capitalists for many years to come, Capitalism being our true enemy but like we can't deny a God, we can't deny Capitalism is a worn-out, unfair, British-designed, Imperialist economic tool. Am I promoting Socialism or Communism? Nope! Not at all. I'm promoting reality. I'm promoting thinking positively in a mathematical/dialectical sense. I'm promoting studying history and how it never changes until the peasants get tired of being run over by the robber barons' carriages and whipped at the post by one of the boss's goons or beaten in an alley by an anti-union goon. They revolt when they get beaten down enough. When they start gathering in the streets...well, you get my drift.
So now do you understand why we need a militarized police force?
Our aristocratic Congress is voting on declaring war on ISIS. Hot damn. A chaotic world. Obama speaks backward-thinking speak by being anti-Keystone XL pipeline on Colbert's teevee show, which to me means it could be approved any day now.
for The Daily Growler
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