Sunday, December 28, 2014

Existing in New York City, Where Our Police Can Do NO Wrong; Where Only the Citizens They're Supposed to Protect Are Criminals

New York City Police (Under Guiliani-Appointed Dumbass Police Commish) Cry Foul
Two NYPD officers were ambushed (or "bushwhacked" as my West Texas friends would say) and killed by a man with a Muslim-sounding name.  Now the NYPD is crying its eyes out over this incident.  Plus, they're crying foul.  Who committed the foul?  Why the protesters of police killing of unarmed Black men who have been tying up traffic, blocking tunnels, bridges, protesting in front of police headquarters, city hall.  G.W. Bush's piece of crap administration started all of this by stamping the asses of protesters against Baby Bush's two illegal and economic destructive wars (both illegal since neither Iraq nor Afghanistan had a damn thing to do with 9/11, one of the great military invasions of all time, where 22 fanatic Islam drunken nutjobs (my psychiatrist niece castigates me for using such vicious slang) using only box-cutters took over airliners and crashed them into various "political sites" (World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the White House) around the USA in payback for Pappy Bush (is he near to meeting his maker?) using Saudi-Arabia to launch an attack against a Muslim nation, which pissed off Bin Laden and the Saudi Wahhabists to the point they sought revenge against the US attempt to control the world's marketplace with the intentions of forcing US ways on what we call savage nonChristian nations.

And now, oh my God, all the NYC news flunkies are with tearfilled eyes talking about what a tragedy this is,  It's OK for cops to shoot and kill Black boys and men but when one of them goes berserk and kills policeman, HOLY SHIT, the whole citizenry is blamed.  Here's how our big phony Liberal (liberal, hell, he's a political hack just like all of 'em) Mayor DeBlasio had to politically word it:

"When a police officer is murdered, it tears at the foundation of our society. It is an attack on all of us," said de Blasio, who has had a rocky relationship with rank-and-file police officers over what they see as his lack of support. "When they are attacked, it is an attack on the very concept of decency."

Oh, poor old political hack.  He forgets NYC is a Republican stronghold---hell, the Koch Brothers live here; it's a billionaire/playboy heaven now---full of dictators out looking to take away all our Constitutional rights and our long-now-dead Bill of Rights.  My question is, how does the killing of a police officer tear at the foundation of our society?  Does that mean when the cops kill an unarmed teenage Black boy or a choke a Black man to death they are building UP the foundation of our society?  "When THEY are attacked, it is an attack on the very concept of decency."  Wow, that's a powerful backwards way of thinking.  If the cops kill unarmed citizens, they are really being decent about it, is that what DeBlasio means?

Our local teevee stations telecasted live and stayed throughout the long cop-honor-B.S. and Praise the Lord service for slain cop, Raphael Ramos (they did not televise Eric Garner's funeral).  And according to the teevee narators, you would have thought Ramos was Jesus Christ as they emphasized how tough it is being a policeman here in NYC and how harassed they are by protesters like the sorry low-lifes protesting the legal killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner on Staten Island.  Michael Brown, according to our teevee mourners, cockily defied the Ferguson cops and deserved being blown away even though he was unarmed and committed no crime---he was killed because he was a Black man.  Or they said Eric Garner was a sorry bastard of a Black man who deserved to be choked to death because after all he was selling loose cigarettes, which meant the sorry bastard was not paying taxes on these cigarettes.  I agreed wholeheartedly after my teevee "newsspeakers" explained the cops side of that choking that led to this criminal's death and gave the boyz in blue a big tip of the hat, shouting, "Good job, men.  Blow the fucking Black bastards away at will.  I confess my Communist leanings and renounce them to now favor a FASCIST state where the police are meant to protect the rights of the rich and blow away any aggravating and protesting lefties, and that includes all Blacks and Latinos as well as Hippy Whites---blow 'em away with impunity.  Amen.  The cops are RIGHT and WE the citizens of NYC are WRONG.  Case closed.

There will be I'm sure (and already are) other Black men and boys gunned down by cops probably before the end of this year and certainly all during 2015.  Cops are not guilty of any crimes because they have a 007 attitude about why they carry powerful sidearms and AKAs and tear gas and pepper spray.  They truly are taught they have a God-given right as cops to blow away anybody they suspect of being a threat to them.  Our poor police.  I think we should let them rule us.  Afterall, cops are there to PROTECT US and SERVE US.  What mythical bullshit, eh?

Our national hypocrisies go marching on.  We live in a mythical world.  There's nothing real about it except human beings are through the human race's death wish trying to kill the real world with their mythological belief systems.

for The Daily Growler 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Existing in New York City: Is That Anarchy I Smell in the Air?

In the Still of the Night
I was already in bed reading Lawrence's The Plumed Serpent when a sound outside my opened window caught my attention.  You know how you hear something and at first you know what it sounds like but you're not quite definite about it yet?  That's what happened with me.  I heard this sound and knew what it sounded like but thought no that can't be what it sounds like.  Then, as if on cue, I heard a helicopter flying low and noisy over my building--I'm on the top floor so I got a bird's eye view of it with its exhaust belching out its annoying presence. And then it hit me.  It was what I thought it was.  It was the noise of people in the streets, of people chanting forcefully in that inspiring unison that then I knew was ringing all about my neighborhood as these protesters marched up Broadway toward Times Square.  I immediately turned on the 11 o'clock news (news I normally don't ever watch except during catastrophes or mass protests, those sorts of things).  I was wide awake to first a fairly fair reportage by the local CBS news of what was going on (the local NBC news was sarcastic and pro-police in their reportage).

This all started when Al Sharpton (I don't call him Reverend...that's a bullshit title) announced a televised press conference in which he was going to discuss the day-before exonerating of the cop who choked poor old Eric Garner to death with him hollering "I can't breathe" eleven times--it was all captured on an i-camera by a dude standing right at the edge of the action.

No problem, saith our pious police.  This big Black devil was selling loose cigarettes trying to make a little street money to support his wife and 6 kids.  Tough shit, Black man.  The NYPD can't tolerate such law breakers.  Why not shoot this crooked son of a bitch?  Cops know nothing's gonna happen to 'em if they shoot someone in the "line of duty."

Since I've lived in New York City, almost every few weeks the cops shoot and kill someone, usually, a Black man, though, hell, if you remember Mrs. Bumpers (she was wielding a butcher knife for protection when cops broke down her door and invaded her home), they'll shoot to kill women, too.

Here's a Huffington Post article on a history of the New York police shooting unarmed black men.

Cops are basically cowards.  Cowards carrying high-powered sidearms, wearing bullet-proof vests (they have to buy their own), harnessed in huge leather attire that holds handcuffs, billy club (nightstick they call it), automatic pistol, bullets, pepper spray, and their intercommunication devices (if they are in their SWAT paraphernalia then they are in military garb carrying AKA assault rifles) .  When watching 9/11 on television, while the NYFD did their duty and marched into the falling straight down World Trade Centers 1 and 2 to their possible doom, the big fat overloaded cops were running like hell away from the falling buildings.  Cowards, don't you see.

And, yes, it is dangerous to call an NYP officer a coward.   Yet they are.  Why, for instance, does it take five or six officers to take down one human being who if he or she resists arrest or asks the wrong questions about why they're being arrested or they turn and run when they see the cops, they get blown away without their side of the story or a chance to defend themselves in court)?  Remember back to the famous Rodney King case how 5 or 6 LAPD beat the living crap out of the man and then said he resisted arrest (those cops were cleared of any wrongdoing by a bunch of White jurists).

No, all cops kill with impunity.  Watch the cop shows on teevee where during the course of an hour, these teevee cops shoot and kill upwards of at least 3 or 4 people per episode.  Some of these phony cops are brought to bear by what these shows call Internal Affairs if they've shot and killed a suspect.  But, praise the Lord, even these phony cops end up with impunity in killing the evil enemies of law and order.  Remember when the Republicans trumpeted "law and order" as their main concern while participating in local, state, and federal elections.  I remember when SWAT teams came into being.  Cop shows have always been popular, especially with males because males are taught to be competitive by playing imaginary games of good and evil, like "cowboys and Indians," "cops and robbers," "bad guys and good guys."  (Little girls are taught to want to be princesses and live in fairy tale kingdoms with handsome rich princes a la Disney's concept of Utopia.)

But get used to cops ruling the roost for the Neo-Con Capitalists for many years to come, Capitalism being our true enemy but like we can't deny a God, we can't deny Capitalism is a worn-out, unfair, British-designed, Imperialist economic tool.  Am I promoting Socialism or Communism?  Nope!  Not at all.  I'm promoting reality. I'm promoting thinking positively in a mathematical/dialectical sense.  I'm promoting studying history and how it never changes until the peasants get tired of being run over by the robber barons' carriages and whipped at the post by one of the boss's goons or beaten in an alley by an anti-union goon.  They revolt when they get beaten down enough.  When they start gathering in the streets...well, you get my drift.

So now do you understand why we need a militarized police force?

Our aristocratic Congress is voting on declaring war on ISIS.  Hot damn.  A chaotic world.  Obama speaks backward-thinking speak by being anti-Keystone XL pipeline on Colbert's teevee show, which to me means it could be approved any day now.

for The Daily Growler

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Existing in New York City: Gotta Learn How to Think Like a Republican

Into the Republican Mind
Hi, y'all.  I'm Crispy Chris Righteous (not my real name), a representative from the great Confederate State, what'd I say? Well, dammit, it is a Confederate State, by God, and I proudly call the great State of South Carolina a Confederate state.  That rebel spirit still lives on in our souls.  In our WHITE souls, I might also proudly add, 'cause after all, folks, it was rich White folks, rich White plantation moguls, rich conniving representatives of both Dutch and British private equity and joint venture companies that set this country on its amazing course to rising from a British colony that had been civilized by God-fearing and God-ordained Fundamentalist Christian exiles.  Like the brave and wily Puritans and Pilgrims and their believing that God had sent them to this great land to civilize it, to save it from the wildness of the savages who fought madly like wild dogs over the exploitations meant as a gift from the God Jehovah to the coming civilized and God-fearing humble but meanly sincere White, I don't mean to leave the gals out here, but as we men all know, some of the gals need civilizing worse than the worse savage Indian. [He waits for the guffawing laughter to die down.]

With the Republicans kicking ass in the recent midterm elections, I was swept to a big victory over my Communist-Socialist-Democrat-Terrorist-Asskissing opponent, that bitch, Mary Peeples, a lying dog protester who'll protest anything to get her mug in the media, especially on television where she tried to use her perky carnal appearance, and granted she is a perky little piece of charm, to make a monkey out of me, but with the help of God and the good White citizens of Poll Tax County, South Carolina, I put her in her place...and I wanna thank our gracious Secretary of State for removing 20,000 nigger, what'd I say now?  Did I say nigger?  I said 'Knee-grow'--in yore prejudiced mind I said nigger, but in reality I said knee-grow, a proper White way of pronouncing that designation...why, hell, folks, I gotta admit I likes knee-grows.  They can be very funny characters sometimes, but, on the other hand, they can be some contrary sons'a bitches, too...and, dammit, folks, I'm sorry, but if you see a knee-grow teen in one of them defiant hoodies, you damn right, you stand your ground just as our White hero George Zimmerman did, 'cause over in the great southern State of Florida you can legally carry a concealed weapon...hey, folks, I carry one, and so does my wife, and I'll tell you the truth, I wish I could give my two boys, 12 and 14, sidearms so they could protect themselves from these crazy Islamic bastards who under the edicts of Mohammed are out to kill all Americans.  So I say, if they're out to blow you away, you blow them away first.  That's the American way.  That's how the White people were able to conquer this savage land and civilize it.  Why, hell, folks, look how we civilized our faithful slaves.  Look at that snooty, dichty, nose-in-the-air Obama, a nigger, what say?  I said nigger.  My friend, what've I gotta do to convince you knee-grow sounds like nigger to you.  Let's change the subject anyway.

Let's talk about why rich folks shouldn't pay one god-damn dime in taxes. [There are "Amens" reverberating through the audience.] Rich people are our mentors.  They are rich because they are smarter than the average Bubba and some of the best of them, like the Koch Brothers and Warren Buffett, both Middle-American, Silent-Majority true Capitalists, were Bubbas who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. These are the same bootstraps that the family of that great Neo-Con president, the great and spiteful G.W. Bush, pulled themselves up by...OK, so the family got beaucoup rich taking care of Adolph Hitler's finances.  Hitler, by the way, wasn't as bad a guy as the communists, socialists, secularists, and atheists have made him out to, my fellow White folks, there's no real proof there was such a thing as this so-called Holocaust.  Even if there was a Holocaust, the Jews brought it on themselves.  Do I hear an 'Amen' on that?  [Multitudes of Amens fill the room.]

Back in the glorious days before left-wing LBJ forced the Civil Rights Act on us, we called those left-wingers who came down to the South and tried to enforce that Civil Rights Act on us "outside agitators," which is exactly what they were.  All protesters are ninnies, cowards, left-wingers, communists, atheists, coming from another part of the country, usually the North, Yankeeland, New York City (Jew York City), to agitate against the things that made the South great.  First of all, the Old South had the cheapest labor there is in a Capitalist society: slavery.  You see, folks, there's nothing wrong with slavery when it's working.  Most great civilizations were built on the backs of slaves, mainly, knee-grows.  You see, folks, we White Christians know from reading and studying God's word, the Holy Christian Bible, that the Sons and Daughters of Ham, Noah's son who looked upon his father's nakedness, a mortal sin in those days, according to God's laws, which are the only laws I respect, would be servants to the White man for eternity.  They were banned by God to suffer living in what is now Ethiopia.  Old Christians used to call Niggertowns out of respect for Biblical fairness, Ethiopiantowns.

I got into Libertarianism after meeting Ludwig Von Mises in Alabama and what a great thinker he was.  On coming to the US, he was considered a liberal in Austria, but convinced that liberalism was too close to socialism and communism, he found retreat in the John Birch Society and the teachings of Ayn Rand and then especially after meeting her, promoting her philosophy as a companion way of thinking with Libertarianism, of which Von Mises along with Frederick Hayak were the founders.  I consider these guys next to God.

Libertarianism believes that governments are unnecessary except for maintaining an army and a navy.  Each individual, according to Libertarians, is his own government, his property being his domain, his regulations of himself being the only regulations and "laws" he needs, because in practice, only the laws of the God are the laws he follows.

I'll end my statement by saying, and I think the majority of Americans agree with me, since we have the greatest armed forces ever known, why aren't we using them to their full power? I mean, folks, stop and think about it, one nuclear bomb dropped on the borders of Iraq, Syria, and Iran would solve that crisis in a matter of minutes.  Remember, how tough the Japs were until we creamed 'em with a couple of A-bombs and think how many lives we'd save by eliminating that Middle-East cesspool of Islamic fanatics.  Just my thoughts but I think most Americans secretly agree with me.  I mean, why have these weapons if we're not going to use them?

I must admit, I'm a radical Republican, a Libertarian first, a Conservative always.  What's best for this country is discipline.  Why should an employer, for instance, be responsible for his workers' health?  Should the workers on their own provide their own health care?  And this Social Security mess, too.  Shouldn't old people provide for their own retirement?  Successful people don't need Social Security only the poor and unhealthy need it and I say, hey, pull yourself up by your own bootstraps; that's what made this country great. [A standing and long applause is heard throughout the hall.]

Crispy Chris Righteous (not my real name)
for The Daily Growler

Friday, November 21, 2014

Existing in New York City: Calling the US Population STUPID as a Whole

From Objectivist Sociologist, William Ogden: "My worship of statistics has a somewhat religious nature, " he noted in his journal at a time when his enthusiasm was fading. Statistics had been his God. "But God only meets an emotional need which has little to do with reason." 

Calling the American People Stupid
I just read a piece by Dean Baker (he calls himself the following: "macroeconomist and co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, DC. He previously worked as a senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute and an assistant professor at Bucknell University.") in which he condemns a fellow MIT Economist, Johnathan Gruber, for calling the American people stupid, in Gruber's sense having to do with the Affordable Care Act.

Baker starts out defending the American people as not being stupid but rather simply just  "ill-informed."  I was immediately hollering bullshit as I read the article, which in a way turned into a defense of Economists. As I have written for six years on this blog, Economics is not a science; it was once studied under Sociology departments as a tool for measuring wealth and poverty in a society using "fact"-gathering observations and statistical conclusions based on "guesstimations."

[What is an Macroeconomist?  Well, here's the Wikipedia definition: "Macroeconomists study aggregated indicators such as GDP, unemployment rates, and price indexes to understand how the whole economy functions. Macroeconomists develop models that explain the relationship between such factors as national income, output, consumption, unemployment, inflation, savings, investment, international trade and international finance. In contrast, microeconomics is primarily focused on the actions of individual agents, such as firms and consumers, and how their behavior determines prices and quantities in specific markets."]

Do you understand the role of statistics in this profession?  The first course I took in Economics, before 101, was a course in Statistics.  The first book I was given to read in Statistics was entitled, How to Lie With Statistics.  In those days before Economics broke away from Sociology to become a part of the Schools of Business, all Sociology and Economics majors depended on calculators (the old fashion kind) to crunch numbers in their statistical studies.  For my first statistical problem, I did a paper on "The Infant Death Rate in Texas." My conclusions in this paper were based on guesstimations as to what was behind the infant death rate and what was the solution to lowering the infant death rate neither of which I supplied in my "rigged" paper.

My point: I have called the American people "stupid" for many years now.  And they are stupid, I don't care if they have 6 degrees from Harvard and 3 from MIT.  Most Americans are stupid not because they aren't smart--there's a difference to me--but because they are full of bullshit reasoning based on their believing in the American Dream (nothing comes from a dream but confusion), believing in gods that don't exist (except in fables, myths, Holy Bibles, and fairy tales), believing we are an exceptional nation, believing that we are a democracy, believing that rich people are the smartest people on earth because they are know, dumb thinking like that.  I call a person stupid who believes in lies over truth (reality is the only truth). Intelligence unused leaves the intelligent one stupid, doesn't it?
The following is an excerpt from a current Counterpunch article by Ismael Hossein-zadeh  explaining how classical economic theories are "old-fashioned" (out of date) in terms of what modern economists are calling FIRE (Financial Investing and Real Estate), where investors are investing in financial markets and real estate rather than reinvesting their profits in capital improvements, borrowing to invest in the real economy, the economy of the classical economists. In classical economics, money is considered merely a means of exchange.  It was in the late 80s with the advent of desktop computing, that money became a commodity.

"The following are a few additional examples of the astronomical growth of the FIRE sector during the past three decades or so: Between 1980 and 2005, profits in the financial sector increased by 800%, more than three times the growth in non-financial sectors. In the early 1990s there existed only a couple of hedge funds; by 2007, their number had grown to 10,000. The number of mortgage brokers, replacing old-style Savings & Loans and regional banks, has likewise mushroomed in recent years/decades: 50,000 thousand of them, employing nearly 400,000 brokers, more than the whole U.S. textile industry [emphasis is mine]. As the (unusually candid) manager of the hedge fund Raymond Dalio of Bridgewater Associates bluntly put it: “The money that’s made from manufacturing stuff is a pittance in comparison to the amount of money made from shuffling money around. Forty-four percent of all corporate profits in the U.S. come from the financial sector compared with only 10 percent from the manufacturing sector."

"As noted earlier, the neoclassical “circular flow” and/or “general equilibrium” model/theory is built on the basis of a near-barter economic paradigm, that is, an economy where money is implicitly treated as largely a means of exchange or circulation, not as an ideal or ultimate repository of the accumulated or concentrated wealth. In this model, financial cycles neatly follow real cycles: they expand when real cycles expand, and contract when they contract. As such, there is hardly any possibility for financial bubbles to emerge and expand independent of the real sector of the economy—the financial sector is treated essentially as a service or subsidiary sector to the real sector.
The circular flow model (like most other models) can, of course, serve as a useful tool or concept for analytical purposes. It is designed to show what happens when/if the circuit, or circular flow, breaks down, and what to do about it. The problem is that mainstream economists seem to have been stuck in the abstract model, in the earlier stages of capitalism, unable to see how in the era of giant banks and other colossal financial institutions finance capital can (and does) grow independent of industrial capital, thereby leading to financial inflations, followed by implosions.

"It might be argued: who cares whether a financial bubble follows a real sector expansion or whether it is formed ab-ovo, i.e., in the absence of such an expansion. Such a distinction, however, is critically important to an understanding of how in the age of advanced financial markets finance capital has become largely independent of industrial capital, and how it has therefore undermined the neoclassical concepts of general equilibrium, of circular flow mechanism and of national savings as the main source of supply of money—in short, how it has rendered the neoclassical economists’ theory of credit creation, of investment financing and of money supply obsolete. Sucking financial resources from the rest of the economy, as well as generating fictitious capital out of thin air through speculation/gambling, parasitic finance capital feeds on itself—just like a real parasite. Neoclassical economists have not, so far, been able to reconcile the financial sector with their circular flow and/or general equilibrium model. Sadly, instead of trying to incorporate the financial sector into their real sector model, they have chosen to ignore it lest it should disturb their shipshape, convenient model."
Ismael Hossein-zadeh is Professor Emeritus of Economics (Drake University).
Have You Noticed?
My old friend and colleague Barabbas Munn-Dayne noted this to me about how since the Republican sweep of the midterm elections, Koch Industries (yes, that's the evil Koch Brothers) ads are appearing on teevee by the droves.  These ads glorify Koch Industries as a great job source, as fueling the rebirth of the American economy, and as providing research and scholarship in promoting new ideas and industries.  I happened to catch one the other day during a college football game.  It was sickening.  What a bunch of self-promoting bullshit.  Of course, the autocratic Koch brothers don't write these commercials, a bunch of silly souls like I once was (in advertising for over 30 years in NYC) brain-storming away in the war rooms of the biggest advertising agencies in the country.  "How can we make these aristocrat assholes look benevolent?" the account exec swoons.  "How 'bout a pack of lies emphasizing the wonders these benevolent brothers do?"

I say, "Fuck the Koch Brothers," but then they are filthy rich so they must be righteous priests in the Money Theology game, the worship of the great god Moolah.  Money is the Koch Brothers' GOD; hell, MONEY is the GOD of us all.

for The Daily Growler   

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Existing in New York City Out of Sinc With the Rest of the World

Unfolded 1956 Pacific Jazz Records Catalog showing the early LP releases that introduced the world to West Coast Jazz, which led to "Cool" Jazz, which was the partial invention of Gerry Mulligan (along with Miles Davis), the Pacific Jazz label's biggest star.  Other stars on Pacific included Chet Baker, Chico Hamilton, Cy Touff, Richie Kamuca, Russ Freeman, and Pacific introduced us to the great pianist Dick Twardzik, who died at age 29 of a heroin overdose in Paris while on a European tour with Chet Baker's Quartet.  Chet later said he became a heroin addict because of his depression over Twardzik's death though critics say Chet was already doing heroin when he met Twardzik.  (from the tgw collection) "Trying to Keep Jazz Alive"
Say Goodbye to: Ray Sadecki, first I remember Ray he was on the 1964 World Champion St. Louis Cardinals, the team he started his career with as a "bonus baby" (remember them?) and was rookie pitcher of the year when at 19 he went 9-9.  Ray was prominent along with Bob Gibson in '64 in the Cards WS victory that year.  Then next I remember Ray when he turned up as a Met in 1974 as a reliever on a Mets team that had Tom Seaver as their main man on the mound that great Met year. Ray Sadecki, 73, American baseball player (St. Louis Cardinals, New York Mets), blood cancer.
Say Goodbye to: Alvin Dark, baseball player and manager extraordinaire; originally played for the Boston Braves and the NY Giants and later the SF Giants.  Alvin also managed the SF Giants and the Cleveland Indians.  Alvin Dark, 92, American baseball player (Boston Braves, New York Giants) and manager (San Francisco Giants, Cleveland Indians), Alzheimer's disease.
"Sittin' Here Thinkin'"
In my way of laughingly reasoning about the Republican's taking over Congress, I stumbled across something from the back of the attic of my brain I've known a long time, since my college days and my acquaintance with James Fraser's The Golden Bough, a book I think should be required reading for growing minds.  That something that I stumbled across while reasoning on that Repug takeover was how totally ruled we are, and I include the world in this, by MYTHS, from whence come mysteries and God-almighty how human beings love mysteries.  I mean most of the whole damn world believes in ghosts.  I've got good friends, one a writer whose work I admire very much, who swear they've seen ghosts. With me, to believe in ghosts is nonsense.  Comical stuff.  OOOOOH, a for your life! (And, F. Scott, I use that exclamation point to actually laugh at my own joke.) [And I wonder how many Americans know who F. Scott Fitzgerald is?  "Isn't he a Kentucky whiskey distiller?"]

Mitch McConnell, who is going to be our supreme ruler for the next Zeus-knows how many horrid years, is a Southern Baptist, the worst kind of Old South Christian 'cause they're tricky slick.  They dance and drink and make sleazy backroom business deals with divine impunity because among Old South Christians, and Mitch was born in Alabama don't forget, the Southern Baptists are stuck up and holier-than-thou or as my dad used to say, "All Baptists are going to Hell, but they don't give a damn 'cause they'll air condition it and turn it into a First Baptist Church." [The First Baptists, by the way, were the holiest of the holiest Baptist.  Why?  Because they were the first Baptist church in town meant they were then the richest (old wealth) Baptist in town.]

So Old Mitch, and he is an old fool, can swindle us and gas us and spoil our waters and give our public lands away and impose the Ryan Budget on We the People Who Elected Them Into Power, a budget that is inhumane and backwards in terms of the ideals that should be governing this right-now being-destroyed nation.  Check out that great old tome, Gibbons' The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire.  It's all in there, except we haven't yet been taken over by a military coup, but that's certainly a possibility in these coming tragic years.  And, by the way, I want to say, I'm just as scared of the weakkneed, asskissing, all-embracing Dumbocrats, and don't forget, a lot of those Hillbilly and low-populated-states Dumbos voted in lock-step with the stupid Republicans on a lot of issues.

First of all, the majority of us live under the myth that we are not animals.  That we are not the results of natural evolution but rather are creatures created from a supernatural being from up in the clouds or under the seas or down in Hell.  We live among ruins (and preserve them with love) of temples to Zeus, Jupiter, Mars, Dianna the Huntress, Pluto, Jehovah, Hera, Mary, Mary Magdalen, St. Paul, St. Sebastian, etc. all the Saints, and etc. to all the gods I've left out of my Pantheon.  But think of how these mythical creatures have been since the beginning of human reasoning believed faithfully to be real, to be actual beings while being spirits at the same time.  Would I want to have sex with a swan?  Maybe that's why I never wanted to believe in any god or mythical creature.

We live lies.  We have faith in our fabulous gods (and all our gods and Messiahs are fabulous) and we deeply study the writings that have accumulated over centuries that are supposedly sacred writings, interpretations of the various cultural gods' messages, messages on how and what to sacrifice in order to get favors from these gods.  The Jews sacrificed lambs and goats to their god; the Aztecs and Mayans sacrificed young maidens to their gods or they cut out the hearts of their enemies and ate them.  Hey, the gods demand sacrifices.

We sacrifice our people in this country and the people seem to love it.  I mean by electing these Republican goons to rule us, We the People of the USA have given up for good our Bill of Rights; we've approved of Corporations becoming citizens of privilege (the Supreme Court in the late 1800s made corporations citizens--especially Rockefeller's monopolistic Standard Oil); we have OK'd a perpetual war economy; we have given up most of our civil rights and our voting rights will be purposely rigged to make Black, Latino, Asians, and senior voters inconsequential; we have agreed that Corporations and rich people will have their taxes reduced to a nil status (why should they pay any taxes at all?); we've approved a rise in the use of coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, and uncontrolled fracking in every state; we have approved of a privatization of our public schools and most government services--remember, our government is supposed to be "for the people and by the people," though not according to the wealthy Republicans.  To them, our government is a regulatory monster who have their hippy/Communist/Socialist boots on the necks of our heroic Power Elite as they try and swindle us out of ALL our taxes, savings accounts, bank accounts, pensions, homes, cars (the latest bank scam includes selling cars with no money down and no proof of being able to pay for these overpriced foreign automobiles (does that sound like the home mortgage scams that went south on our crooked financial industry?); we've approved of selling our public lands off to billionaire cattle herders, hunters, gold miners (how about privatizing our National Parks?); we've approved raising interest rates on student loans; we've perhaps approved of debtors' prisons; and worst of all, we've approved of the very people whose wildass backward-thinking schemes got us into this mess in the first place.  Reagan's administration put us into perpetual debt; Pappy Bush then put us into deeper debt that Reagan; then came Pappy's dumbest son (which doesn't really mean the rest of the boys and the girl aren't dumbasses) and this little phony bastard put us into the worst debt ever.  But, hey, folks, that's who We the People of the USA want as our rulers.

We live as though our myths are actuality.  We believe God's laws are more important than humanitarian laws (the righteous Republicans calls such laws promote "Secular Humanism," a tag that riles Republican's up worst than Socialists and Communists.  After all, Communist China owns us.  So how did you like the way Obama (who left the country after he fucked up the Dumbocrats chances of winning) kissed Chinese Communist ass in Beijing before he went on down to rightwing Australia to another of those bullshit G20 sessions in Melbourne. [Get ready for the Ten Commandments to suddenly appear in all our courts.]

We're doomed, but, hey, the White People of the USA had rather see the country sink into Third World status (the whole trickbag in the Neo-Con Manifesto) than see equality and democracy work, especially as this country begins to turn brown and put the White man in the minority (NEVER, the White Man screams!).  White people in this country hate Native Americans, Blacks, Latinos (especially Messkins), Asians, any foreigners who aren't White...IN FACT, White people in this country hate themselves.

for The Daily Growler 

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Existing in New York City: The American Idiots Have Spoken

Well, get used to this sociopathic rich man's dumbass look.  He's going to be dictating policy over the next 2 years and this asshole (he was a champion of Money as a Citizen with First Amendment Rights) will set us back a hundred years with his totally backward thinking.  He's a lying dog.  A lie to him is truth.  He's one of the richest men in Congress thanks to his wife's daddy's money (he's married to his second wife (his first marriage ended in divorce), Elaine Chao, G.W. Bush's Labor sec'y. Mitch, however, is definitely a stone racist when it comes to POOR Asians, Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans.   Also he's a stone hypocrite because though he claims to be a Kentucky coal revitalizer, his wife's father, who owns a fleet of ships and is fabulously rich, ships cheap Colombian coal to the U.S. (one load of coal he was shipping contained a large shipment of cocaine, a matter that is still under investigation) thus undercutting the value of Kentucky coal.  Fuck Kentucky, is his father-in-law's attitude about this subject.  And Fuck Kentucky as well as the USA is Mitch the Bitch's attitude, too.  There's only one person in Kentucky and the USA he cares about and that's Mitch McConnell.

The American Idiots Have Spoken
Americans obviously love Chaos even more than I do.  They voted in in both state and national offices the most backward-thinking Chaotic sociopaths in the game.  If you thought the moderate Republicans were going to control the Teabaggers, think again.  Teabaggers won big in the backward dipstick states like Gawjah, Lawsbanana, the Confederate States of South and North Carolina, Rightwing Illinois, backward-thinking Arkansas, ignorant Colorado, truly dumbass South Dakota (Native Americans should own and run South Dakota), and, of course, poor little Wendy got her ass clipped by a Texas what's new in the Confederate State of Texas?  How about Massachusetts going Teabagger! And the Confederate State of Virginia and its Hillbilly relatives in West Virginia.  And the voting idiots elected these creeps in landslide ways.  Mitch McConnell conned his way into power with a victory over a very weak and Obama-ashamed woman.  And Obama was the reason the Republicans took over the House in 2010 and now for the first time in a long time the Senate in 2014.  Obama who has turned out to be the shuckin' and jivinist president since we thought G.W. Bush's dumbass lying and deceiving was our worst president ever.  Obama beats the little phony Texas prick hands down. 

The last time the Republicans had this much power was during the Hoover administration and you know how that turned out.  THE STOCK MARKET CRASH OF 1929.  And, yes, this is the scenario We the Dumb People of the USA have locked ourselves into by putting the Republicans back in power.  There will definitely be economic chaos, especially if the Republicans win the 2016 Presidential election with Jeb Bush (wanna bet me?).

Obama could have stopped all of this if he had of stood up firm against this ongoing Republican agenda (an agenda that goes back to Hoover's embarrassing loss to FDR in 1932, a loss the Republicans have never gotten over).  But, no, and Obama admitted in his book that he was a fan of Ronald Reagan's, especially Reagan's free trade bullshit and his trickle-down economic theories (the theories of Milton Friedman) and the beginning of tax-breaks for the rich, who by the bye have always ruled this country.  So Obama was the Republican-Democrat and his agenda was to bring the two parties together.  "Yes, we can," he shouted in his best Black preacher imitation, copycatting Martin Luther King and his Black preacher method of repeating taglines over and over...three times at least..."Yes, we can...Yes, we can...Yes, we can."  Of course, yes, we can meant, yes we can keep this Bush Imperial ball rolling.

The dumbest voters in the world voted in the rich bastards because from childhood in this White man's land, we're all told with the right breaks and following the Capitalist rules of the game, we can all be RICH as Rockefeller.  That's the true American Dream.  We the Dumb People of the USA worship the rich man.  We envy the rich man; we may even hate the rich man; but we will always idolize the fact that he is rich so he must be doing something right.

Again The Daily Growler Advises
Now is really the time to take all your savings and whatever other monies you can scrape up...sell your house, sell your car, you dog, your wife or husband if you have to...and invest in the stock market (it will go to absurd heights until it crashes)...invest in Exxon-Mobil...invest in fracking because the Republicans will empower fracking all across the US; they will also approve of more and more pipelines (the Keystone XL will be quickly approved).  You see, with the rage for natural gas in Asia, the price of natural gas will go up and the fracking boys will make more fortunes and if you ride along with them, you'll get gas rich, too.

Also, invest in the Military Industrial Complex since the Republicans will increase military spending and keep all our current wars burning at full flame.

I would invest, too, in security stocks.  You think we spy on each other now, wait'll the fraidy cat Republicans get through with us.

[WARNING: If you're looking forward to retiring at 65, FORGET IT.  The Republicans will rip the heart out of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.  These assholes will raise the retirement age to 70, so you'll be working for the Yankee dollar for the rest of your miserable lives.] 

So HOT DAMN, folks, here we go.  We're in for a wild ride over the next decade.  I'm lucky I'll be leaving the mortal coil hopefully before the next stock market crash (it's inevitable) and another Bush becomes president.

As George Carlin said, who's responsible for these clowns getting into office?  And surely you can answer that question just like George did.

for The Daily Growler

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Existing in New York City: Ebola Has Come to Town

The Teabaggers and Republicans love low turnouts because they know their hardcore White brethren and sisters will vote and make up most of that under 40% vote.  When you see what lowly populated and Confederate-leaning states (like Alaska, Iowa, Colorado, Gawjah, North Carolina, New Hampshire) will maybe turn this worthless Congress over to a bunch of God-promoting, climate-change deniers, miscreants who believe our government was founded on Christian principles and respect for the Judaic God Jehovah (actually the same god as Allah), outsourcing fools, sociopathic liars out to bring our style of living down to that of a Third World nation per the Neo-Con Manifesto promoted by idiots like Paul Wolfowitz, Robert Rubin, Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers, et. al. , it's enough to make you head spin like Betelgeuse.  If the Republicans win Congress, HOT DAMN, total Chaos is right around the corner.  "I was walking down the street just the other night/I had a funny feeling that things weren't right/ I heard some heavy footsteps right behind/And I know it wasn't just my mind: A foolkiller's coming...he's getting closer everyday/A foolkiller's coming...I've got to try to make my getaway."  [Mose Allison, "Foolkiller."]

Ebola Comes to New York City
I'm an outpatient at Bellevue Hospital.  Sometimes I go there and a lot of the workers are wearing masks.  It makes me wonder why they are wearing masks.  I go on about my business without asking why they are wearing masks (and they aren't all wearing masks which makes it more confusing).  But now?  I'm due to go pick up meds this week at the Bellevue Pharmacy now knowing that there is an Ebola patient on the premises.  And they now are saying he's in critical condition though stable. What does that mean?

In the meantime, my neighborhood is wracked with construction noise as the Communist Chinese are building a 50-story hotel one block behind me.  Yes, that's right, the real estate investors of this hotel are Communist Chinese.  Remember, one of the only tenants so far in the Chinese-material-built No. 1 World Trade Center, the world's most expensive office building, is the largest real estate firm in Communist China.  And how do I relate this wild construction going on in New York to the Ebola crisis in West Africa?  The corporate global economy cares absolutely nothing about human suffering.  It is ironic, however, that Communist Cuba has now sent over 200 doctors and healthcare workers to West Africa to help fight this corporate-world neglected Ebola outbreak.

And what was President Obama's contribution to this horrible outbreak?  Why he sent a bunch of military hotshots over there.  We are a militaristic country; we live in a war economy.  Our Commander-in-Chief sends our invincible military over there to battle disease.  War is the solution to all world problems even Ebola outbreaks to our more-pious-than-thou President and his asskissing Congress.

Check out photos of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa.  You don't see any neighborhoods with walled estates and Mercedes and BMWs in their driveways and guys wearing Brooks Brothers suits.  No.  Instead, you see overall filth and uncleanliness; you see dead bodies in the muddy unpaved streets; you see children with no clothes on just sitting on the filthy ground dying; you see mothers holding their infected babies who are literally dying in their trying-to-protect arms; you see armed soldiers wearing protective gear and carrying big long sticks forcing impoverished people into quarantine areas; you see the shacks and shanties constructed of rescued woods, scrap metal, and tarpaper all sitting in muddy and corruptible squalor; over 10,000 affected; over 5,000 deaths.

In China, I've read about how they build whole cities that nobody lives in, one a city that would hold 77,000 people.  Instead of building those cities in China, why couldn't they go to places like Guinea and Liberia and Sierra Leone clean them up and then build all new residences with clean running water and proper sewage systems?  Little Billy Gates and Warren "Junk Bond" Buffett could with their pocket money help these affected countries by sending them boatloads of medical supplies, mobile hospital units, and armies of clean-up crews.

But the wealthy hate the poor so they'll let those Ebola-infected countries go to Holy Hell before they'll give up any of their mostly ill-gotten wealth.  I mean, just think, our billionaire pharmaceutical industry, our pay-or-die health insurance industry,  our big hospitals-for-profit industry could do miraculous things with doctors, healthcare workers, biochemists, free medical supplies, with free vaccines, with experimental drugs...BUT, hell no, these crooked bastards will wait until it's a worldwide epidemic then they'll all be heading for the upper floors of their hi-rise luxury apartments and office buildings guarded by their own private police forces and the regular police forces while the poor below die in the streets like pariah dogs.

But then death can be a savior.

Mid-Term Elections
There's a rightwing, dumb, stupid feeling in the air that the stupidest voters in the world, We the People of the USA, will put the Teabag Party and far right Republicans in both house majorities in these coming wasting-billions elections.  Don't be surprised, you so-called progressives, if this tragedy doesn't happen.  We the People of the USA...actually that should be We the White People of the USA will take our government back from the Obama Communists (the rightwing dumbass fable-believing Christian soothsayers call Obama a progressive socialist.  Damn, don't we all wish this rightwing, Corporate asskissing military asskissing Uncle Tom were a progressive socialist).

for The Daily Growler  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Existing in New York City: Translating Intellectual Gobblygook That Is Untranslatable

The Taj Mahal in 1930s.  Photographer unknown.  Collection of tgw.

The Gooblygook of Intellectuals
I just finished reading a long article on Radicalized Pedagogy and, boy, is my head spinning.  I don't claim to be an intellectual.  I'm a basic reasoner, which simply means, I think (or reason) common sensibly, something I deduced while in college studying Economic and Sociological Theory.  Sociology to me was simply a common-sense approach to the study of society (or societies).  The Sociology originators (Comte, Diderot, Marx, Proudhon, Durkheim, Weber, Sorokin, Thorstein Veblen, et. al.) were encyclopedists in that they observed societal life in purified settings.  In other words, sociological observations were made free of bias (one's on particular beliefs or some outside influences, etc.) and in as pure a thinking atmosphere as could be produced.

But even Sociologists are becoming transfixed by their intellectualism and are writing radical articles that are so gummed up by intellectual verbalizing, it's really difficult to understand just what the hell their points are.  I see poverty in a neighborhood and using common-sense reasoning it's easy to deduce why that neighborhood is impoverishedLook at the defined neighborhood's ethnic majority, whether it's workingclass (low-salaried) or not, and how distant or isolated it is from the Middle Class.  Ethnically, you notice the neighborhood is a Black neighborhood.  Blacks make up the most out-of-work people in this country and even when they get work, it's low-salaried work.  And, of course, it's easy to deduce that since it's a Black neighborhood, by discriminating factors (like Gerrymandering), yes, it's isolated from the Middle Class (the process in White terms is called Racism).

One problem with intellectuals is they have to publish and publish frequently in order to maintain their livelihoods and intellectual presence.  They are insatiable writers. So I can deduce from this that intellectuals are writing to impress other intellectuals.  Not being an intellectual, of course, I find their expansive writing untranslatable into a language I understand.

I'm Bitching
I've been writing on this blog for almost ten years now.  There are certain phrases and designations I use (like referring to Ronald Reagan as Ronald "Raygun" Reagan and a recent posting on Christian Reprobate John Hagee and his idiot saying that Obama's trying to divide Israel in half is the reason for the Ebola (named after a river) epidemic in West Africa) and now suddenly, I see other writers using these terms and referring to idiot characters using my sentiments.  Statistics show my blog gets "looked at" over 150 times a day.  Yes, I know a lot of those are spammers, probably the majority of them, but some of them are blog writers and Internet media pundits.  So far, of all the people who visit my blog only a few of them list The Daily Growler in their blog lists.  I thank these people for honestly appraising this blog as worthy of their reference to it in an acceptable way.  Anyone can call Ronald Reagan Ronald Raygun; I don't hold a patent on the name, but on the other hand, give some credit where credit is due.  Damn, I hope I'm not being paranoid.

Is Obama Now the Worst of Our Long-Line of Worthless Presidents?
I've always said over the decades I've lived, we've been ruled by poor little spoiled rich brats with Ivy League-propaganda backgrounds; an ex-haberdasher; a ex-general (Ike "I Like Golf" Eisenhower); a Texan who won his first election with the aid of voters in a cemetery in Duvall County, Texas, by 80 votes; a California Quaker crooked lawyer; a man who couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time; a peanut farmer; a Grade B actor (who shared top billing with a monkey in his most famous role); a failed oilman who also was head of the CIA (a Yale man); a Hillbilly profligate from the backward state of Arkansas (I noticed Monica Lewinsky is making a comeback lately by claiming she's being harassed unmercifully on the Internet); that failed oilman's worthless son (a Yale man) who up until President Obama came along was the worst president in the history of our worthless presidents.

Obama warned us in his book he wrote right before he was nominated to be the Dumbocratic Party candidate (that had Black people raising their hands praising God they were so hopeful) that his two heroes were Lincoln and Ronald "Raygun" Reagan.  Then, after his multimillion-dollar extravagant inauguration (paid for by the taxpayers), when he met with Georgie Porgie Bush, he said he really liked the fellow and that G.W. was the kind'a guy you could have a beer with and have a fine bullshit conversation with (a Good Ol' Boy, in other words).  Then, during his inauguration speech, Obama warned us that he was going to forget the past and think only futuristically.  "Yes, We Can!" he bellowed in an attempted impersonation of Martin Luther King's Washington Mall speech.  And that Yes We Can turned out to mean, "Yes, we can keep on keepin' on in G.W. Bush's footsteps...war, war, and more war, more wars than G.W. ever criminally started."

As I write this, the U.S. and Britain (we go together hand in hand with our former colonizers) have in a secret move pulled all but 9,000 troops out of Afghanistan and Obama has declared our involvement in Afghanistan as over.  Oh yeah, over except for 9,000 troops still there and God knows how many contractors and soldiers of fortune are still there; plus the drone operators in Nevada (and God knows where else) will still be blowing away innocent civilians under the banner of killing terrorists.  How many innocent civilians have had to die in order for us to kill terrorists.  We kill terrorists and the next thing you know, they're stronger than ever, i.e., ISIS or ISIL

So who is the worst president ever?

for The Daily Growler 


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Existing in New York City: Blood Moons and Christian Jibberish

A Blood Moon, not a designation given it by NASA or any astronomers.  A Blood Moon is the invention of two blowhard, Bible-thumping money worshipers, one that big fat putz, John Hagee (he hates anybody who doesn't kiss his God-connected ass), and the other a Jesus-hustling backward thinker, Mark Blitz, both Jesus jive artists who are selling books at $39 each to mouth-gawking Christian believers who believe everything they believe depends on the Nation of Israel, a nation whose rabbinical soothsayers don't believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
NOTE: Christian Jive Artist, John Hagee (of Blood Moon fame and fortune), declares ebola the result of God punishing the world because Obama is trying to divide Israel. And people truly believe in everything this Jesus-hustler says no matter how insanely nutjob it is.  In fact, the nuttier the prophecy the more his flock throngs around it and starts worshiping it in ecstasy.  Of course, this Christian clown takes in millions of TAX-FREE dollars every day of his hustling life.
Out of Fear of Dying
Yes, that's the reason for all these damned religions, a human's fear of dying.  But all animals fear dying.  I was in Jamaica many years ago and I was invited up into the mountains by a young lady to attend a barbecue where her father was killing a porker.  When we arrived at her father's farm, they had not yet picked out the pig to be spiked and roasted over an open-pit fire.  I sat drinking Jamaican rum and watched as the father and the pig killer went down to the pig pen to pick out the doomed porker that would be the star of the big event.  When the pigs in the pen saw the men coming with the ropes (they roped the winning porker) they began to run around the pen squealing bloody murder.  When at last they roped the pig they wanted and pulled him out of the pen, the rest of the pigs became silent.  The pig they roped, however, resisted their pulling his several hundred pounds squealing all the way up to the big tree whose large thick lower branch they soon threw the rope over and then hoisted the pig up off the ground with his neck stretched taut.  All this while this pig was squealing worse than bloody murder.  He knew his fate.  He knew he was soon going to be stabbed with the pig killer's big killing knife up in his neck and then that knife would be pulled hard down from his neck to gut the poor bastard at which point with spewing blood he gave up the ghost.

Later deep into the night, with the music swirling all around that mountain valley and the rum being passed around and the barbecued pig meat eaten with gusto along with big bowls of callaloo, while making out with my Jamaican girlfriend I looked up and saw the biggest baddest full-blown bloodiest moons I'd ever before seen.

Blood Moons
From the astronomers at EarthSky:
"Why is the term Blood Moon being used to mean a full moon of a lunar tetrad? We can’t really tell you why more and more people are using the term Blood Moon to describe the four full moons of a lunar tetrad. We don’t know why, exactly.  Here’s the definition of a lunar tetrad, again: four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons). There’s no obvious reason why Blood Moon should be associated with this term."
So there.  The use of "Blood Moons" is according to big fat blowhard Jesus-selling John Hagee signs the fictitious Jesus Christ is returning to become the King of the Jews sitting on his Holy Throne in the God-designated seat of government in the divided city of Jerusalem (Jeru and Salem).  By the way, this nonexistent Messiah will return from out of the clouds riding a big White horse and leading an army of angels down to make his return to earth and to take up his Jewish God-ordained role as Messiah to the Jews and King of the Christians who will first rise from the dead to meet Joshua bar Joe in the air and those still alive will be gathered up leaving behind those like I who can't believe such whoppers no matter the color of the moon during lunar eclipses.

You see Christians besides believing that the world is still flat also believe the moon gives off its own light.  They really don't believe that moonlight is simply reflected sunlight.  They ignore the natural fact that the Sun is in fact our true God, for without the Sun's saving light we would not have any life at all on this planet unless there perhaps are some Mole People: source: a 1950s Superman television show.  The Mole People in the teevee show's case used Electrolux portable vacuum cleaners as space guns.

for The Daily Growler Under Its Own Blood Moon

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Existing in New York City: Are We All Republican Assholes?

Elston Howard, the first Black to play for the New York Yankees.  Ellie became one of the great ML catchers of all time, plus in his later years he was a Golden Glove outfielder.  On the Yankees, he was the first Black MVP in the American League.  Ellie also played in 10 World Series with the Yankees.  He ended his career with the Red Sox. This is a Yankee promotional photo of Ellie down at spring training at Al Lang Field (now it's called Steinbrenner Field) in Tampa, Florida, in early 1950s.  (From the collection of tgw)
Say Goodbye to: Jean Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier, Papa Doc's son, Baby Doc, both ruthless dictators of Haiti back in the "Good Ol' Days" or the American exploitation of Haiti. I almost got to meet Baby while I was in Haiti getting a divorce.  Jean-Claude Duvalier, 63, Haitian politician, President (1971–1986), heart attack.
Say Goodbye to: George "Shotgun" Shuba. He had an arm like a shotgun. George Shuba, 89, American baseball player (Brooklyn Dodgers
And Speaking of the Bloody Irony of All Things American
This is a great piece by Ben Schreiner in Counterpunch:
High-paid Right-Wing Pundits Are Trumpeting That the Backward-Thinking Republicans Will Retake Control of the Senate in the Coming Mid-Term Elections
Yeah, all those dumbass pundits like George Will, Georgie Boy Stephanopolis, and the Right-Wing nutjobs who appear weekly on the teevee politico shows are saying in retaliation against President Obama (all these White pundits hate Black Obama with their subconscious racist feelings even though to me Obama is more White Republican than he is a Black Democrat) the Republicans will win enough seats in the backward states to put them back in control of our already backward-thinking Senate.  One pundit says Colorado and Iowa (two very divided backward states) will be the deciding states in whether this Republican takeover happens or not.

Since I am a worshiper of Chaos, I welcome such a disaster, and that's what a Republican control of both Houses would amount to. It would be a disaster for the majority of We the People, but then, as you should know, I consider Americans to be the dumbest and most easily hornswaggled people in the world; otherwise how the hell do off-the-wall Republicans like John "Failed Mission" McCain, John Bonehead Boehner, Mitch "Jock Itch" McConnell, et. al., keep getting re-elected or elected in the first place?  Or Sarah "Paleface" Palin, a total wacked-out woman with her vagina for brains, and I wonder puzzlingly who the hell listens to and believes anything this backward-thinking progress-wrecking broad from the low-populated and backward state of Alaska has to say

Republicans are, like Obama and the Dumbocrats, for more and more war (we live in a war economy, folks).  Some, like John "Oops, I Got Shot Down Over North Vietnam" McCain, would like a nuclear war.  In fact, the Republicans are for more nuclear power plants (build them over earthquake faults like Diablo Canyon in California that is built smack-dab over the San Andreas Fault); for more fracking all over the world (the Koch Bros. benefit immensely from fracking); for building crude oil and natural gas pipelines all across the country; for the use of more coal-burning plants; for outsourcing our industries (what's left of them); for more tax breaks for the rich, the class in which a lot of these creeps (like Mitt "the Mormon" Romney) belong; for bringing back slavery, the cheapest form of labor there is;  for some Republican jerks, like old Rick "The Praying Governor" Perry, they would like for their states to succeed from the Union (and I say, let 'em all go and restore the Confederacy); some Republican nutjobs are for privatizing (selling off) our National Parks and Government (the People)-owned lands and wildernesses; for continued bailing out of our crooked bankers and Wall Street pirates (a simple transfer tax on each bought and sold stock would erase a hell of a lot of our trillion-dollar debt to Communist China); for branding all Muslims terrorists and putting all American Muslims in concentration camps or putting them all before firing squads like they execute in the great backward state of Mormon-believing Utah (they gave us that nutjob Oren Hatch); for running another worthless Bush son, Jeb, against Hillbilly Hillary (who Bill Clinton, who rules the Dumbocrats, will insist on being the Dumbo candidate since he owes Hillary big time in order to maintain his profligate image).

The one up and coming presidential candidate that scares me worse than Hillbilly Hillary is Pappy and Mammy Bush's "good" son, Jeb.  I'm afraid that the American voting idiots (read: White folks) love the Bushes.  Why in the holiest of hells would you be on the side of the Bushes?  All of them are failed snobs from a pre-Pappy Bush family that got rich off war by aiding Adolf Hitler in keeping track of his money and investing for him during World War II.  Pappy's failed in every oil-business venture he tried after WWII, his family supporting him plus through marrying Mammy Babs he got his sweaty worthless hands on her inheritance (she was a St. Louis newspaper mogul's daughter).  And thus popped up the head of this dumbass, one-track-minded family of pompous numbskulls, George H.W. Bush, the failed oil man living in Midland, Texas, who decided to take advantage of that old reprobate Strom Thurmond's taking his Confederate-leaning Democrats out of the beginning-to-look-like-a-nigger-loving Democratic Party, a nigger-loving bunch of White cowards the Dixiecrats blamed on F.D. Roosevelt and his New Deal politics; and remember, Southern assholes like Strom Thurmond used to hint that Eleanor looked like she had a little knee-grow blood in her.  Ironically, after his death it was revealed that ol' Strom had been messin' out in his plantation's woodpile with one of his black gal servants resulting in Ol' Pure White Strom having a Black daughter.  Don't you just love the ironies of life?

The Same Ol' Same Ol'
When you've lived as long as I have and have experienced what I've lived through in terms of survival, you become quite aware of how nothing ever changes except our mechanical objects and they change every six months, so rapidly that only whiz kids working in deep-thinking factories can keep up with their board-room-ruling need-for-profits pit bosses' demands.  "Profits are sagging, Elmo, so let's whip those young puppies into creative it time for a new cell know, add a couple of apps or something...make 'em in pastel something quick...China's peones are demanding more money per hour...God-damn, why can't they be happy making three dollars-a-day?"

for The Daily Growler

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Existing in New York City (the Bull's-Eye on the Terrorists' Target): When Will We Ever Learn

The Harlem Blues and Jazz Band in 1981 at The Ginger Man in New York City.  From left to right are George James, alto; Gene Rogers, piano; Johnny Williams, bass; Al Casey, guitar; the great Eddie Durham, trombone; Bobby Williams, trumpet.  Missing from the photo are Tommy Benford, drums (you can see his tom and some of him behind Bobby Williams); George James, alto. (from the collection of tgw)
From the Lucid Pen of C. Wright Mills (from his book, The Power Elite (1956)
There is still one old American value that has not markedly declined: the value of money and of the things money can buy-these, even in inflated times, seem as solid and enduring as stainless steel. 'I've been rich and I've been poor,' Sophie Tucker has said, 'and believe me, rich is best.' As many other values are weakened, the question for Americans becomes not Is there anything that money, used with intelligence, will not buy?' but, 'How many of the things that money will not buy are valued and desired more than what money will buy?' Money is the one unambiguous criterion of success, and such success is still the sovereign American value.

Whenever the standards of the moneyed life prevail, the man with money, no matter how he got it, will eventually be respected. A million dollars, it is said, covers a multitude of sins. It is not only that men want money; it is that their very standards are pecuniary. In a society in which the money-maker has had no serious rival for repute and honor, the word 'practical' comes to mean useful for private gain, and 'common sense,' the sense to get ahead financially. The pursuit of the moneyed life is the commanding value, in relation to which the influence of other values has declined, so men easily become morally ruthless in the pursuit of easy money and fast estate-building.

A great deal of corruption is simply a part of the old effort to get rich and then to become richer. But today the context in which the old drive must operate has changed. When both economic and political institutions were small and scattered-as in the simpler models of classical economics and Jeffersonian democracy-no man had it in his power to bestow or to receive great favors. But when political institutions and economic opportunities are at once concentrated and linked, then public office can be used for private gain.

Governmental agencies contain no more of the higher immorality than do business corporations. Political men can grant financial favors only when there are economic men ready and willing to take them. And economic men can seek political favors only when there are political agents who can bestow such favors. The publicity spotlight, of course, shines brighter upon the transactions of the men in government, for which there is good reason. Expectations being higher, publics are more easily disappointed by public officials. Businessmen are supposed to be out for themselves, and if they successfully skate on legally thin ice, Americans generally honor them for having gotten away with it. But in a civilization so thoroughly business-penetrated as America, the rules of business are carried over into government-especially when so many businessmen have gone into government. How many executives would really fight for a law requiring a careful and public accounting of all executive contracts and 'expense accounts'? High income taxes have resulted in a network of collusion between big firm and higher employee. There are many ingenious ways to cheat the spirit of the tax laws, as we have seen, and the standards of consumption of many high-priced men are determined more by complicated expense accounts than by simple take-home pay. Like prohibition, the laws of income taxes and the regulations of wartime exist without the support of firm business convention. It is merely illegal to cheat them, but it is smart to get away with it. Laws without supporting moral conventions invite crime, but much more importantly, they spur the growth of an expedient, amoral attitude. 

When the Hell Will We Ever Learn 

Obama looked so stern as he declared war on the CIA-created ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). ISIS started off as at best a 10,000-man force; now, after we've built them up into a TERRORIST organization, they are now estimated to have a 50,000-man army.  They also have a government set up; they collect taxes; they takeover banks and steal the money; they get arms from WHERE? why the U.S.A., of course.  We're the biggest producers and sellers of war machinery and arms in the world.

What a bunch of propaganda, scare-tactics bullshit Obama spieled out as he, again looking so damn stern (I could just see that ISIS true believer who decapitated Foley and Sotloff shaking in his U.S.-made (made in Communist China probably) boots..."Ooooh, Obama scares so much hell out of me, I'm surrendering immediately and become a Christian") roared out his war-drum-beating plans.  All over the Middle East, I'm sure young hothead Washables are running as fast as their Nike sneakers can take them to the ISIS recruiting office to sign up to fight the hated Americans.  And just think how Obama could have become our greatest president ever if after he beat G.W. "Lyin' Bastard and AWOL Coward" Bush if he'd simply brought all our troops home, ended these illegal wars, and offered a hand of peace to the Middle East.  They were ready to accept him.  Remember the scenes of the Arabs wearing Barack Obama teeshirts on the night he was elected?  Instead, our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president decided to go the G.W. Bush/Cheney way, which also was the Slick Willie Clinton and Hillbilly Hillary way [how to go from a $30,000-a-year governor of the backward state of Arkansas to a multimillionaire in 8 years of hornswaggling the American people into thinking this sociopath profligate hillbilly boy was a great president, he wasn't, and is now still honored as a honorable man, he isn't].  And look at the chaotic mess these lying bastards have gotten us into.  We are verging on a nuclear holocaust as we go pompously about declaring our exceptionalism while condemning all Muslims as terrorists and making gestures of defiance against Russia, a nuclear power led by a former KGB head. 

Again recall Bill Moyers' 1987 report on our "Secret Government," the one that truly rules us, all its shenanigans conceived in secret backroom plans for continuous war.  Every power-hungry demon out there's desire is to RULE the WORLD.  That was Alexander the Great's intent.  That was the Roman Empire's intent. That was the Islamic Golden Horde's (the Caliphate) intent.  That was Napoleon's intent. That was the intent of the British Empire.  That was Hitler's intent.  And after World War II after We the People of the US got this exceptional big head our intent became to rule the world (the evil John Foster Dulles, an Ivy League-propagandized poor little rich boy, decided we were the World's Policemen).

So here we go again, folks.  Obama, as Commander-in-Chief, is "policing" at a pace John Foster Dulles would be proud of using of course the same tactics the bastards who started all this mess back after 9/11 used as they followed the Neo-Con (the New World Order) dictate for a backroom-planned takeover of the world and of the world's OIL, and truly, folks, this bullshit Obama is proposing is all about ISIS blocking our ownership of Iraqi oil (they now control an oil field and are shipping out black-market oil).  ENERGY.  We are soaking up all the world's energy.  We the People of the USA rely on oil to keep our military machine roaring about the world creating havoc, destruction, despair, annihilation, corrupt regimes...throwing us lock, stock, and barrel into the throes of our Great Lord CHAOS.

Before He Became a Rock Star, Bob Dylan Figured It Out
Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs

You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know
I can see through your masks

You that never done nothin'
But build to destroy
You play with my world
Like it's your little toy

You put a gun in my hand
And you hide from my eyes
And you turn and run farther
When the fast bullets fly

Well like a Judas of old
You lie and deceive
A world war can be won
You want me to believe

But I see through your eyes
And I see through your brain
Like I see through the water
That runs down my drain

You fasten all the triggers
For the others to fire
And then you sit back and watch
When the death count gets higher

And you hide in your mansion
All the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
for The Daily Growler

As a P.S., how about a scary article from Radical Philosophy:

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Existing in New York City (The Bull's Eye of the Target): As a Member of the Beheading

1967 Poster of Charcoal Drawing of Amiri Baraka (then LeRoi Jones) by San Francisco Artist Erwin Cobbs (from tgw collection)
A Poem by Amiri Baraka:

Monday in B-Flat

I can pray
    all day
    & God
    wont come.

But if I call
        The Devil
            Be here
        in a minute!

As a Member of the Beheading
Can you imagine being such a fervid true believer that you would have the egoistic willpower to actually cut a human being's head off with a knife not much bigger than a kitchen knife.  Hacking that head off while the poor decapitation sufferer is still alive, his or her blood spurting wildly, spewing in some cases when the large arteries leading to the brain are cut.  Our CIA trains its goons well.  I'm sure there's a CIA stooge who would on orders decapitate a human being with a kitchen knife.

The humane and the cruel.  Again the "two sides" theory of life pops into my attempt to get on down the road of life with as few obstacles and detours as possible.  Two sides?  Think about it.  There's wealth, but in order to have wealth there has to be poverty.  There's war; there's peace.  Our American mightier-than-the-gods military chieftains claim our military is out to bring peace to the world through war.  So far that effort has been a total failure; yet these war-in-their-blood bastards are as true believing fanatical fools as that ISIS true believer who decapitated Foley and Sotloff.

Eric Hoffer Said:
"The suspicious mind believes more than it doubts.  It believes in a formidable and ineradicable evil
lurking in every person."

"Those in possession of absolute power can not only prophesy and make their prophecies come true, but they can also lie and make their lies come true."
Even With My Head in the Sands of My Imagination
Through the sands I hear the cries of pain, the cries of the dying, and the sound of approaching death, the sound of people running for their lives, the sound of drones sneaking in to blow whole families into lifeless oblivion, the sound of superjet fighters wasting millions upon millions of dollars of bombs trying to annihilate human beings, the sound of wild fanatics going about butchering people, the sound of a Congress lying like dogs as they feed like pigs at the slop troughs of our corporate dictators, the sound of police all over the USA firing multiples of high-powered bullets into the skulls and chests of Black men...killing them with impunity, the sound of our Vice President (a man with his grateful nose up the ass cracks of the DuPont high priests) ballyhooing our invincibility against the CIA-created ISIS (ISIL). 

Our presidents and corporate dictators turn into killers once they get their fists around the controls of absolute power, the power to annihilate whole groups of people, the power to destroy whole countries' economies, the power to go to war on a whim, the power to assassinate your own citizens as you wish, the power to return whole work forces back into slavery, the power to lie and make their lies come true.  And, look, all their lies are coming true.

for The Daily Growler

Friday, August 29, 2014

Existing in New York City (Among the Billionaires): Onward Christian Soldiers

Actor Tom Mix w/Fans on Hollywood lot, 1925 (photographer unknown: from tgw collection)
I've Still Got My Head Buried in the Sands of My Imagination
Considering if I were a Black man.  Especially a young Black man.  If you're a Black man (or woman) and you come up on a White, KKK-inspired, gaggle of cops, especially those in military garb, what the hell do you do?  You can't turn and run.  To cops that's a sure sign of guilt.  It also gives them the right to blow your running "guilty" ass away for good.  "Good riddance," the commander on the shift says to his boys as they stand around with all their AKAs smoking.  "Who got the most hits on the nigger?"  "I think Greg did; hit that big buck in the head with two shots."  "Was the buck packin' heat...or drugs?"  "No.  He was clean."  "Then why did we kill him?"  "Cause, he was runnin', man, and we know a Black man runner is always running 'cause he's guilty.

Why do most  White people hate Blacks (they also hate Mexicans, Arabs, Jews, Poor White Trash, and Atheists)?  Because...and watch out, you may not like this...Black genes are dominant.  Black man + White woman = Black baby.  Or vice-versa: White man + Black woman = Black baby [Yes, I know about sunshine kids].  That's why southern racist Whites lynched Black men they accused of flirting, whistling at, or hitting on a White woman.  Emmett Till, a Chicago teenager visiting his relatives in Mississippi, was murdered because he supposedly made a sexual remark about a White woman, the purest of women known, don't you know.

Onward Christian Soldiers
Here come the Christian soldiers back into Iraq...and some special forces have been active in Syria, too, and Commander Obama can't wait to reenter the Iraq bullshit/fuck up, to bomb our CIA-created ISIS out of existence (a futile waste of very expensive bombs).  It's like a modern-day Crusades, with the Christian zealots out to shove the Muslims into Hell and take over their land and oil in the name of OUR AMERICAN GOD (also known as the Israeli God).

Has anyone discovered yet that the CIA is fomenting all this bullshit in Syria, in Iraq, in Yemen, in Libya?  That the CIA not only gave us Bin Laudin, but they also have given us this ISIS bunch that's raising cane and hell in Iraq and Lower Syria these days (there are photographs of Smilin' Joe Biden meeting with this bunch looking happy as a possum eating shit).  The dude who beheaded Foley spoke with a British accent.  What the fuck does that mean; why wouldn't an Arab who learned British English speak with a British accent?

The British are directly responsible for all this bullshit in the Middle East.  It all started way back in WWI.  The current Middle East crisis was started by the CIA during the early fifties after the duly elected president of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddegh, nationalized all the British oil companies (including the evil BP) and according to a Bill Moyers report in 1987 on our "Secret Government" this nationalization totally pissed off John Foster Dulles (Sec'y of State under good ole Dwight D. Eisenhower (who played golf more than he was president)) and John's evil brother Allan who was head of the CIA.  These two New England Ivy League assholes convinced Eisenhower to give the CIA permission to go in and overthrow Mosaddegh's duly elected government and install instead our old asshole buddy, the pompous egotistical schmuck, the Shah of Iran, who later the people of Iran began to hate so much, they finally drove his cancer-wracked ass out (he came to the USA supposedly for treatment of his cancer; in fact, We the People of the USA paid for this crook's hospitalization and operations) and that's when the Ayatollah Khomeini took over and why our embassy was attacked and its staff was held hostage.  That lying dog and totally stupid, inept, Grade B actor, Ronald "We'll Soon Be Flying to Tokyo in 3 Hours" Reagan, gave the Iranians weapons in return for them releasing our Embassy hostages, which they did, a move that paved the way for that idiot Reagan to get elected president (what fools are We the People who vote in this country).  Don't forget, too, that Iran and Iraq were at bloody war for almost a decade.  War is so wasteful and so humanly devastating.  But, hey, our American war philosophy is that war eventually brings on peace and power and rule.

We love WAR.  We love killing.  Watch all these stupid copy-cat cop teevee shows.  On most of them humans are killed in several excessive ways, either by machine-gunning away 10 bad guys at a time or on one NCIS, their whole headquarters were blown to bits by a gang of Arab-looking criminal entities.

We Now Live Under Military Rule
One of the marvelous areas of stupidity among my fellow "Amuricans" (speaking Lyndon-Johnsonian) is the fact that I still hear them babbling about us being a democracy and not a Fascist state based on a war economy.  Pundits dance all around the truth of this chaotic mess a bunch of Ivy League propagandized (mostly lawyers; G.W. being the first non-lawyer president since D. D. Eisenhower), backward-thinking presidents and their gathering-up-of-nest-eggs Congresses have gotten us into.

And now, hot damn, we've got a chance at finally maybe starting World War III.  And a further hot damn is in order when you think about this maybe being that nuclear war our warmongering military leaders and our warmongering Nobel Peace Prize-winning president and our asskissing Congress have been hoping and praying for.  Hot damn, we finally may be able to annihilate the human race.  And the Earth shivers with delight as it thinks of finally getting rid of this monkey who thinks he's created from above, blah, blah, blah, bullshit, blah.

I loved listening to our UN warmonger ambassador, Samantha Power (and power is her game, too), condemning Russia for "invading" the Ukraine (a former Soviet state; Nazi sympathizers in WWII) saying the Russkies are defying the sanctity of international law by threatening the illegal Ukraine government with military intervention (I'm breaking up here; laughing my ass off at this American hypocrite's reasoning).  In the meantime, look what our enforcing (via the CIA and its agents provocateurs) of our kind of democracy on Korea, Vietnam (except, of course, the North Vietnamese kicked our asses and saved their country from being divided in half), Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya (where they are now involved in a civil war), etc., did to those countries.  It has left these countries in devastation, destruction, with millions of dead, divided, now either with civil wars or with potential civil wars.

We truly do love war and killing.  And it was all spelled out in the Neo-Con Manifesto, the ultimate goal of which has always been to drive our economy down to where We the People of this Mess of Divided States of America are forced into cheap labor situations (slavery being the cheapest) and a downgrading of our social order to that of a Third World country.

Hot damn, bring 'em on.

 for The Daily Growler