Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sic, Sic, Sic

I'm Sick of Politics and Politicos
I'm watching this South Carolina-rich-boy fool J0hn Edwards making a self-important wimp out of himself while allowing his wife to either join him on continuing his presidential bid (it'll be one of those Hell-freezing-over days if he even gets the Dumbocratic nomination) or go ahead an die; he ain't gonna do a damn thing to comfort her--and even if she dies during the campaign, he won't miss a step. Boy, these rich assholes sure do want to be in politics don't they? Like Brother Bill Moyers said in his speech I posted in yesterday's post, the rich and powerful are taking us over through politics; through lobbying; through perks, kickbacks, vested interests--all these rich bastards whether politicians or outright crooks (most politicians definitely are lying crooks) are investing and gathering in the sheaves through these two illegal occupations the US is carrying out in Afghanistan and Iraq--making Afghanistan and Iraq our dependencies--and itching to mightily waddle into Iran, kill another 600,000 people in the name of Freedom, and leave them all standing around wearing Depends given them by the Halliburton Humanitarian Foundation. The wealthy, the plutocrats, are jabbering and backstabbing among themselves over these piles and piles of billions upon trillions of US big bucks out there for the taking, stealing, forging, counterfeiting, or simply picking up off the ground. And oh how wealthy these wealthy are getting: wealthier and wealthier, with the really Big Daddys of the wealthy world like Little Billy Gates having more wealth than most of the sovereign nations of the world. Think about that. Bill Gates and Warren "Junk Bond" Buffett are in tow wealthier than all Third World nations's wealths combined.

Isn't that too much? Can't We the People regulate the wealthy through our government? Bill Moyers cynically thinks it's impossible. I agree with him. We the People have to revolutionize our government if we want control of it; We the People have to change our obsolete voting laws and the "aristocratic" electoral college; We the People have to revolutionize the banking system in this country; We the People have to regulate our own Congress; We the People really need to modernize our Constitution; We the People have to drastically change the tax laws--add Wealth taxes; Luxury taxes; Excess Profits taxes--bring some of this plutocratic wealth back home where it was produced on the backs of the US labor force and the fights that labor force had to go through a 100 years ago over the same problems our workforce and economy are facing today--either We the People take production back or we allow ourselves to become cheap labor in the global marketplace. We should figure how to relocalize our production--like, why can't communities themselves produce their own energies, their own foods, their own futures. What happened to the farmer's co-ops and things started in the 30s in this country? As far as that goes, what happened to "conscience raising," though I, of course, wolfishly deny there is such a thing as a conscience.

I'm so tired of politicians. They are such out-and-out crooks, bingers, egomaniacs, and big liars. They are two-faced. Ultra-hypocritical. Natural born liars. They lie so much they can't distinguish the fake from the genuine. Hillary? A liar. Obama? A liar. Slick Willie? A liar. Unka Dick Cheney? A prevaricator royale. Georgie Porgie, our phony "president"? He is an anthropomorphized LIE--a lying machine. John Edwards and his cancer-stricken wife? I'm sorry, but I think they are lyin' like dogs, too. Cancer doesn't spread to your bones and you start acting like nothing's wrong and you're going on with your life as normal. She'll be dead in a month; John Edwards's presidential career is already dead.

for The Daily Growler

77 Wasted Hours of Intellect?

symmetrical mathematics

one of the most symmetrical mathematical structures in the universe, calculated by 18 mathematicians over 4 years & generated by about 77 hours of supercomputer computation. as one of the most complicated of the "exceptional simple Lie groups" , "E8" describes the symmetries of a 57-dimensional object that can in essence be rotated in 248 ways without changing its appearance. according to the researchers, this "some sort of curvy, torus type of thing" ... "could well determine the deep inner structure of the universe".

see also ulam prime spiral & number spiral & math sculptures & lorenz manifold.

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