Friday, November 03, 2006

Sign Here, Soldier

Dumbass Soldiers
I told you all one of my peeves against the media is how they talk about "our soldiers in Iraq sacrificing their lives for us..." and I'm thinking, wait a minute, the soldiers aren't sacrificing themselves for whatever reason they are in Iraq, We the People are sacrificing them on the altar to War--our true God, the God of revenge, of killing, of murdering, of torture.

Watch network television after 8 o'clock at night; nearly every show scheduled is a cop show or a cop-related show or a lawyer/cop/judge show or in one case a show about a secret branch of the CIA that goes around the world killing and maiming and blowing things up and wiping out tons of bad guys and women who look Arab to me--and also the bizarre sexual aspects that are infused into these creepy murder, mayhem, kidnapping, exploding, rape, torture, and maiming thrillers.

One CSI-type show I watched the other night was a gruesome plot where a nutjob kidnapped three girls and locked them in an underground den he'd built under his house and left them there for a week with no food or water and nor contact with them--then one day he comes to den's door and throws three hammers onto the floor of the den. He says, "I'm only going to let two of you out unharmed; the other one has to die; it's up to you three to decided which one of you dies--that's what the hammers are for; when you decide which one of you dies, one of you has to kill that one with one of those hammers--when she's dead, I'll let the two remaining go totally free."

Great Hollywood-writer plot, right? And it was a moving show; the actresses that played the girls were damn good actresses.

What happens is; one girl is getting weak from not eating, and she has a medical problem to boot which is causing her to lose her grip on staying alive--one of the girls is very caring and scared but the other babe is conniving and as the sick girl gets sicker, the conniving babe pulls the caring babe over and says, "Since she's weak and almost dead anyway, she's the logical one to kill--she's gonna die anyway, right? So one of us has to kill her--otherwise we're all going to die."

The sick girl leaves the others to believe she's passed out. The conniving girl then says, "Now's the time; she's going to die anyway, look she's passed out now, so now's the time." As the conniving girl's turning to pick up a hammer and do the deed, WHAM, suddenly blood spurts out of her pitching-forward head all over the face of the caring girl who's standing in front of her. The girl they thought was dead has sneaked over, picked up a hammer, and then she brains the conniving babe who was going to hammer her ass. Gruesome plot, right? Supposedly based on a true case that happened in the backwoods of Pennsylvania.

That's pretty consistent with most of these days's teevee show nighttime, family time plots. Plots full of ruthless murdering; cops blowing away people; even CSI people carrying firearms and drawing their weapons and in several episodes these CSI types get to blow away bad guys. In a Miami CSI episode, an Arab terrorist sets off a shoe bomb and blows away half a South Beach marina and 10 or so bad dudes along with it. I mean it's a straight through evening of most evenings, shows depicted graphically, too, every kind of rape, murder, homocidal insanity, trickery, father's braining sons, sons braining mothers, serial nutjobs subjecting their female captives to horrible endurances, like one dude buried his victims in graves with lights and air-conditioning--even to putting a cellphone in the grave with this helpless teenage girl--and he kept calling her and telling her how much time she had before he was cutting off the lights--then in the dark--in a grave mind you, he calls and says he's turning of the air-conditioner and for her to stay on the line so he can hear her die.

Holy shit, and then we wonder why we are so destructive a people; why we are so superstitious; so afraid of living life fully and of love, sex, and pregnancies; really abusive to women--nearly all the tortured victims on these shows are women--the men are tough-ass punks, mostly ethnic not white Amurican, though the CSI folks are mostly white folks with, of course, that token cool, handsome, black dude--who will have an affair with one of his white woman co-workers and that's a guarantee on these sleazy shows. All the cops and CSIers and lawyers and judges are people of great dumbass integrity.

All of this teevee putdown because this morning on Amy Goodman's radio show she had on a soldier from the Iraq War who had been sent to Iraq as an engineer and ended up a roof gunner on a Humvee where he was ordered to shoot men, women, or children who got in the way of their mission. The guy finagles a leave to come home and once back in the USA, he skips to Canada. Then he makes a deal with the army and says he'll turn himself in at Fort Knox, Kentucky, where the military will give him a less-than-honorable discharge and let him out of the army free of punishment.

Of course, that was a lie; when he turned himself in at Fort Knox, the military immediately ordered him back to his Iraq unit, which was in the states at that moment at my old basic-training venue, Fort Leonard Wood in the Ozarks of old Mizzou. At the Greyhound Bus Station in Louisville where the army dropped him off to catch his bus to Leonard Wood, this dude takes off again--goes AWOL--and that's why Amy had him on her show this morning, "from a studio located somewhere in Louisville."

This silly bastard. It makes you F-ing pissed off mad to hear this poor boob of a teenager giving his reasons for signing up with the army in the first place. Yep, you guessed it, he was wanting to get a college education, marry his fiancee who was knocked up, and get a pile of that army easy money. The army recruiters sold him a bill of goods--that's their duty to sucker poor high-school dumbasses into signing up under glorious offers and bonuses and then shipping their dumbasses right straight to the killing fields of Iraq.

How dumb this guy was. I mean he knew nothing about why we were in Iraq. He was so dumb, I doubt that he ever knew where Iraq was in the world, even after he was there and having to blow away men, women, and children who got in the way of his Humvee and the mission it was on. I mean this guy was dumb politically, in terms of education, in terms of marrying--his fiancee was knocked up when he went to Iraq and while he was there she lost the baby, which he said caused him to become manic depressive. That's when he told his commanding officer he didn't want to be in Iraq anymore and couldn't be a gunner on the roof of a Humvee anymore.

The dumbness of this guy was what impressed me. He was loyal as hell to the military--thought highly of them until he fell for their jive. You see, these recruiters go around to these high schools and they're experts at culling out the naive dumbasses and then they hustle them with talk of world travel, and bonus monies--$5,000 cash if you join up right then and there--and also bulljabber about being paid to go to college--that's the recruitment offer that gets most of the dumbass young people--the free education one. Does anyone know really how many soldiers ever complete their college educations in the Army. It could be zip for all I know. These poor souls don't seem to see the military as a place where you learn to kill or you're gonna get killed. These poor souls are so trick-bagged by their own Amurican patriotic upbringing of God and country bullshit, they forget it's the job of the military to take up arms and fight to kill or be killed.

I mean this kid didn't go to Iraq to sacrifice himself for our freedom--to protect us from terrorists--hell no, he forgot, oh hell, we are at war in Iraq and thousands of Amurican young people are dying--100s a month now--and this fool thought he'd be sitting in a classroom somewhere smoking Cuban cigars, trottin' his babe out, and sportin' his new Saturn sports car. You know, acting like all of our Congress people.

Iraq stands for DEATH. DEATH is in its way a FREEDOM.

Killing is so popular. Soldiers are so dumb.

I'm sorry. I hate saying this, but soldiers are dumb stupid teenagers, most of them, with no idea of current affairs, of our "president" being a dumbass executioner--he killed 157 mostly blacks when he was goobernor of Texas--including the first woman ever executed in Texas--that's the woman who pled with him to give her amnesty because while on Huntsville, Texas, Prison Death Row she found Jesus and became a Christian saint teaching prisoners and nursing, shit like that. Bush, as his limo sped him over to Huntsville to enjoy this unprecedented execution, laughed about her appeal for amnesty saying, hell, he'd shoot the juice in her himself and she should thank him since if she were really a born-again Christian, he was sending her straight to Heaven.

Now there's a great humane man for you. And these silly teenagers joining this army trust this son of bitch and military types to be fair with them? To the military, these children are cannon fodder--numbered bodies readied to be sacrificed on the bloody altar to the God of Amurcian Wars--the mighty Mammon.

Poor dumb children we are sending to their early graves; it is We the People of the USA who are sacrificing these dumbass teenagers and early twenties dumbasses on the altar to the God of this illegal and immoral War; it is not these soldiers sacrificing themselves, the way most news media freaks describe them and why we have to support them and their sacrifices--which, of course, to baloney brains Bush means We the People here at home have to sacrifice too--all of our rights to privacy, to freedom, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Onward Christian Soldiers...

for The Daily Growler

We were limited in terms of time tonight for posting.

By the bye, it looks like the Repugnicans are going to keep control of Congress. The Dumbocrats don't get it. They're being handed a landslide but they're refusing it. I mean Howard Dean is one dumb son of a bitch--he's talking through smoke signals coming out of his loudmouth ass; Hillary is talking about how she's protecting children from Internet porn--oh wow, Hillary--fuck the Iraq War, right? Not important. Must be though, Hillary voted for the war and keeps voting to give the Pentagon and Georgie Porgie's killing machine more and more billions of dollars to continue fighting it. War expenditures do help the economy--also selling arms to foreign countries at war--the way Roosevelt got us out of the Great Depression--by selling arms to England and other allies for cash on the barrelhead.

Obama, the great black hope, is busy with visions of grandeur of his own presidential hopes--he's already given up on these November 7th elections.

Not one Dumbocrat is calling for impeachment. This I find mind-blowing (remember that term?). The most impeachable president we've ever had and he goes on Scott free.

John Kerry proved with his botched joke he's a worse loser now than he was the night he conceded the 2004 election to Bush without a fight, without even one accusation--wouldn't you have stood firmly back then and said, "F you, Bush; I ain't conceding until every damn vote in Ohio is recounted; every damn vote in Florida is recounted; every damn vote in Washington state is fact, count every damn vote in the country counted again." Oh no, John Boy politely kissed ass, conceded he was a loser, and then was in bed in the Heinz family mansion by 11 o'clock.

So The Daily Growler predicts a Repugnican win on November 7th--a sweep--even Joe Lieberman will be put back into office.

Ah what a lily-livered bunch of dumbasses we Amuricans all are.

for The Daily Growler

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