The Good Saint Nick...what the three little dudes in the wash tub represent, we'll have to trust the Saint Nicholas Society for the answer.
We hate to bring up such a salacious notice but we see "nichol ass" in that URL.
There was a good bishop who lived long ago
His memory is glorious, His legends are bold
We call him St Nicholas, a servant of Christ
Who loved little children and taught what was right
He is Father Christmas and Santa Claus too
He helped many people, the stories are true
At Christmas he calls to us, both young and old
To see that the story of Jesus is told
The gifts that he brings us are signs of the love
That comes down at Christmas from heaven above
We see Mother Mary, the babe in the stall,
With Joseph, the wise men and shepherds and all
O blessed St Nik'las we hail you today
The patron of many, you show us the way
To be good and generous, to help those in need
To be kind to others in both word and deed
-----------------------------------------------------And Check This Out: A Saint Nicholas Tale: Where "a Baker's Dozen" Comes From, acc. to Aaron Shepherd, "The Good Shepherd" We Hope
Good ole Van Amsterdam. een gelukkige sinterklaasfeest to all our The Daily Growler Dutch friends and enemies.
X-mas Quotes:
"I hate Christmas. The mall is full of nothing but women and children. All you hear is 'I want this,' 'Get me this,' 'I have to have this' . . . and then there's the children. And they're all by my store 'cause they stuck the mall Santa right outside ringing his stupid bell. As if you need a bell to notice a 300-pound alcoholic in a red suit. 'Ho, ho, ho,' all day long. So, nice as can be, I go outside, ask him to shut the hell up. He takes a swing at me. So I lay a hook into his fat belly and he goes down. Beard comes off, all the kids start crying and I'm the bad guy."
Al Bundy, a character on an old Fox teevee show "Married With Children."
And Speaking of Another Fox Show:
"Aren't we forgetting the true meaning of Christmas? You know, the birth of Santa."
We Found a Socialist 12 Days of ChristmasThe Twelve Socialist Days of Christmas
By Melvin Little III
I am really bored on this holiday morning, so I decided to my own socialist variation of the Twelve Days of Christmas.
On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the masses joining the movement (and scaring the various liberal-parties), the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me the defeat of fascism and principled opposition to authoritarian communism, the masses joining the movement (and scaring the various liberal-parties), the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the electoral victory of the various social-democratic or labor-parties, the defeat of fascism and principled opposition to authoritarian communism, the masses joining the movement (and scaring the various liberal-parties), the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the establishment of the mixed economy welfare state/socialized medicine/public services, the electoral victory of the various social-democratic or labor-parties, the defeat of fascism and principled opposition to authoritarian communism, the masses joining the movement (and scaring the various liberal-parties), the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me civil liberties reforms such as abolition of the death penalty as well as opposition to racism, anti-Semitism, sexism, and homophobia, the establishment of the mixed economy welfare state/socialized medicine/public services, the electoral victory of the various social-democratic or labor-parties, the defeat of fascism and principled opposition to authoritarian communism, the masses joining the movement (and scaring the various liberal-parties), the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy.
On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me the various leftist governments across the world that opposes the right-wing agenda of the George W. Bush Administration's attempt of being the global schoolyard bully, civil liberties reforms such as abolition of the death penalty as well as opposition to racism, anti Semitism, sexism, and homophobia, the establishment of the mixed economy welfare state/socialized medicine/public services, the electoral victory of the various social-democratic or labor-parties, the defeat of fascism and principled opposition to authoritarian communism, the masses joining the movement (and scaring the various liberal-parties), the rise of the current Socialist (Second) International, the establishment of a social-democratic or labor-party, the writings of Karl Marx as well as the social gospel of the progressive faction of the Jewish and Christian faith, the rise of the trade union movement, the working class consciousness that something is wrong, and an impoverished society of established plutocracy..
For Bread, Red Roses, and Peaceful Revolutions!
Melvin Little
Socialist Party of North Carolina
Who'd a'thought North Carolina had a Socialist Party?
From the King of the Commies, Karl Marx:
Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.
Hail to Father Christmas:
The English, as I have said, have no Saint Nicholas, no Santa Klaus, no Chris-kinkle to act as a distributor of gifts on Christmas eve. They hail as the patron of the season a vague allegorical being, usually called Father Christmas, though he has, sometimes, been known also as Old Christmas, Captain Christmas, and by other titles.
He appears only in picture, in poetry, and in dramatic pieces specially got up for the holidays. In the latter he has played an important part from a very early period. The most famous of such pieces was a "masque" written by Ben Jonson, Shakespeare's friend and rival, and produced at the court of King James I in the year 1616. That, by the way, is the very year of Shakespeare's death.
Christmas festivities at that time were frowned down upon by many of the more zealous Protestantsjust then beginning to earn the name of "Puritans"who fancied that these mummeries and rejoicings smacked too strongly of "Papist" or Roman Catholice tendencies. Indeed many fanatics had striven to abolish Christmas altogether, and had partly succeeded in doing so, at least among the people who believed as they did. But James I, though a foolish person in some respects was a learned man and a great lover of the traditions of the past.
It is in allusion to the Puritan attempt to suppress him altogetherErnest Hemingway Reads His "Second Poem to Mary" During Which He Sings "Hail to Father Christmas"--"All of us must die today, Hail to Father Christmas...."
So a hail and hearty Holy Day to all you all from The Daily Growler. Even Atheists can enjoy X-mas as a God-free Holy Day by singing a little tribute to Father Christmas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, or Santa Klaus or even the American guy, Santy Claus.
for The Daily Growler
1 comment:
Funny, I'm in North Carolina at the moment and it is a surprising place in many regards. Obama carried North Carolina, by the way. I would have thought it was solid Palin/McCain territory. And they have a Socialist Party. Yeah, who knew?
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