Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another John "Nutjob" McCain Sunday

What a Life!
New York City's pompous and very rich mayor can't stand giving up his power as mayor--since becoming mayor, this already filthy-rich man (he was sort of handed the Bloomberg Network--you know, as an electronic means of getting the stock market results out before they were printed in the late afternoon newspapers), has moved from 65th richest MAN in the US to 8th richest man in the US--a phenomenal rise in wealth-power in less than 8 years, all the while he was supposedly being mayor of New York and not still running the Bloomberg Network--so you bet this already rich man doesn't want to give up his power-elite role as mayor of one of the world's largest metropolitan areas--

The wealthier men like the Mayor of New York City get, the less wealth there is for those UNDER the safety net--

And, yep, John "Jowl-shakin'" McCain was all over commercial teevee again this Sunday--special guest on this mornin's Eat the Press with the has-been news anchor and limp-nuts interviewer, Tom "Broke" Cow...

And Sweet Sarah of Alaska was still all over the celebrity show-off shows though it seems that that Fey chick that impersonates Sweet Sarah is now more popular as a parody of Sweet Sarah than Sweet Sarah is as a parody of herself, an Alaskan hick--"Hey, waitress...oh, it's Governor Palin, sorry, I thought you were the waitress, Governess."

Goof on her...

In the meantime the most criminal president in the history of this country is fixing to get to retire to his faux ranch and play golf or eat barbecue ribs and drink Jacks and branch waters and tell off-color jokes the rest of his privileged life--and think of the perks this bastard's gonna get, too--his presidential salary for the rest of his life--free healthcare--free postage--free office space--free secret service protection--a library for his worthless papers (what papers, didn't he shred them all?), cleared of all the criminal charges that could be made against him--for instance, reducing lands to massive killing floors he created with his stupid, unnecessary, and horribly immoral (unscientific) invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq (we're losing both wars big time--you see, this proves military might does not reap peace--no, it reaps only more conflict, more polarities, more "my dog's bigger than your dog" attitudes)--very fiercely pompous shenanigans that have totally drained and wrecked our economy--G.W. Bush promised his pack of cronies that by capturing Iraq's huge oil reserve, taking it over and stealing it from the Iraqis and Kurds and whoever else claims it's theirs just because their sovereign nation sits atop it, he'd pay off all our national debts, put the money he's stolen from Social Security back, and replenish the nation's oil reserves--don't cha know he's depleted our oil reserves--he'd also be able to use this stolen Iraq oil to pay for his little pet war against Saddam Hussein (who made Junior's old Pappy look like a wimp!), which if you remember, was over in a matter of days--"Mission Accomplished." If we'd of impeached his ass back in 2003, then all of this bullshit race for the bottom would never have come about--AND still 30 or 40 Iraqis and Afghanis are killed every day--and we no longer count civilian casualties or even the casualties suffered by the contracted workers, they don't even count Blackwater and Dimecorp casualties--old Colon's Pal was an expert on death and wounded counts in Vietnam (another war we lost!)--and no longer are American soldier casualties important--back-page news now! But no, the Dumbocrats said, oh no, we can't impeach this man--he's got files on our asses, don't ya see! and Unka Dick has files on us! and Cousin Karl Rove has files on us! and don't forget the CIA and the FBI and Homeland Security and the NSA, they all have files on us! Look what happened to Paul Wellstone! How sick is it that Bill Clinton could be impeached for lyin' by sayin' that a blow job or using a Cuban cigar on a young plump chickie's wet-slot isn't SEX--"I did not have sex with that woman!" (And Hillary immediately had visions of herself becoming the poor hurt little woman thus enhancing her own political career--carpetbagging her big wide ass to New York State where hell yes she whipped Rudi "Mussolini" Guiliani's mob-like ass)--and yet we can't impeach G.W., the only "president" EVER appointed by the Supreme(ly) White and Stupid Court-- Doesn't this piss anybody off? I growl like a maddog at Obama--I mean this guy has gone soft on G.W. Bush--doesn't blame him for wrecking this country--I mean Hank Paulson (sic) is Bush's man--Bernackeee (sic) at the Federal Reserve is his man! Jesus Christ, how gullible we Americans are--

These men have wrecked our economy, sold our factory machinery to foreign countries, sent most productive jobs overseas, ruined our white-collar jobs, ruined our home ownership, ruined our credit system, ruined our national security by deploying all our troops to these unnecessary wars of his and Unka Dick's concoction--yet only Scooter Libby has had to do some jail time so far--Karl Rove is living well in Alabama now on a nice 6-figure income from Rupert Murdoch's Australian-American TV network, plus he makes a million or two as a John "Nutjob" McCain campaign advisor! And old fat prick Unka Dick Cheney--I mean this bastard shoots a man in the face and it's not even investigated--let's see you get away with that! Ah the privileged classes--how they hate us commoners--

They really do see themselves as royalty...

And T Boone Pickens, that crooked-as-a-snake-at-night son of a bitch, he's all over commercial teevee today blowing his own horn blaringly--owning the largest holdings of natural gas leases and stocks in this country--he's from up in Pampa, Texas, a place I know really well--the Pampa baseball team in my youth was the Oilers--and just down the road south of Pampa was Borger, Texas, and their baseball team was called the Gassers. I grew up in the midst of a huge oil and gas field that stretched from down below where G.W. Bush grew up in Odessa, Texas, on up into T. Boone's ranch at Pampa and then on up north into Wyoming, Unka Dick's phony home (Unka Dick's originally from Texas), which is just full of coal deposits and natural gas wells and filthy rich Texans--Unka Dick, don't you worry, owns a heap of natural gas wells himself. My own brother owned natural gas wells in Utah--so you see I grew up around these characters--I grew up in Dallas, the home of oil tycoons--sorry bastards all of them, the worst H.L. Hunt, who used to brag about only having a 3rd grade education--sayin', "You all don't need no edjee-ka-shun to git rich!"

Wealth. These independent entrepreneurs--like Warren Buffett and T Boone (think junk bonds when you think of these creeps)--are hogging all our wealth--these goons open our bank vaults to foreign investors...oh but I'm so tired of this! Fuck 'em all--I'm retreating into writing poetry...

Everytime I start writing poetry again I'm losing myself in thought to get away from the willies of reality--in celestial thought--in ethereal thought--in diverse thought...

And today in New York City was a perfect day. In the high sixties all day--and the best thing was--the city was the quietest I've heard it on a Sunday for many a moon...

Tomorrow will be another story--noise piled upon noise will greet me around 8 am--

Progress will ruin my day tomorrow...

Under the earphones I must go all day tomorrow...

Tonight--it's 8:30 pm--it's deathly quiet...

I took advantage of the quietness and slept till noon...

for The Daily Growler

I forgot to mention how pissed I am at this British girl fop, Tina Brown--ask her about Talk the magazine that was an instant failure--no, she can't go back to England--how the hell is she gonna make the bucks over there she can make over here failing! The privileged class, once they get known as having even the slightest power, can fail at will, move on to another project and fail at that and keep on movin' on up failing--like our faux president for instance--failure pays as well as success when you're in the privileged class...

And Tina Brown has stolen the name of The Daily Howler and The Daily Growler by starting her blog and calling it The Daily Beast. Why not The Daily Breast? She's backed by failed Hollywood goon Barry Diller (QV Network)--and it's a slick site, too--fuck her, though, I keep thinking...

And more insulting, here's an article that says...well read it!

They ain't talkin' about wolves here--wolves don't roar--but you'd better watch out for their growl!

Back to England, Tina. We flush it down if it's brown in this country.

for The Daily Growler addendum

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