Can't Ignore These Idiot Politicians
They're absolutely money-mad-crazy, all politicians; they care nothing in the world about We the People; they are all egoistically insane, including Nancy "Rich Bitch" Pelosi babbling her insulting reason for backing a further 100 billion-dollar spending increase for this totally Gothic demolition of Iraq as a sovereign nation--it's over for the Iraqis as they were; they're 3 different countries now. Remember the Kurds? You can't ever forget the Kurds in all of this.
So what that the Dumbocrats got their nonbinding resolution to end the unConstitutional war in Iraq added to the increased spending bill of Bush's stupid and dull demand. Big F-ing deal. Fools. All of them are fools. Rich, privileged fools playing with 300 million of us.
Does it make sense that one F-ing stupid little spoiled rich brat can absolutely ruin the lives of 300 million American people?--and with impunity for whatever horrible crimes he commits in order to do his dirty deeds. One F-ing stupid monkey-man leading 300 million of us off the edge of the god-damn brink and we seem like lemmings unable to turn this doomsday man around. Dennis Kucinich is talking kind'a tough, but, dammit, even he says some stupid things, though on most subjects he's pretty cool and level-headed. Like saying he doesn't think the American people voted the Dumbocrats a majority in Congress back in November for this bunch of rich fools to now say that that vote really meant We the People don't really want the illegal War in Iraq ended immediately, but we really wanted the Dumbocrats to keep this illegal, extremely cruel war going on another year--the Dumbocrat stupid nonbinding resolution to bring the troops home by March of 2008. In the meantime, a few hundred more stupid American soldiers will have to die; another few hundred greedy private contractors over there will have to die; another 100,000 rather innocent Iraqis will have to die; another million or so Iraqis will become refugees; another 100 or so Iraqi girls will have to suffer rape and then probably murder at the hands of a crazed US Marine on a gung-ho mission to destroy the Allah-asslicking towelhead ho's and smarmy families; plus, this 100-billion-dollar extra money for this illegal war also includes giving the Iraqi's main wealth, their oil, away to American oil companies--the bill allows American and Brit oil companies (why there is an Iraq in the first place) to take most of Iraqi oil out of the country. So more and more of We the Peoples's money will be wasted, devaluated...COME ON! Where's the opposition to this crooked presidency?--the whole gang of them are CROOKS, LIARS, MURDERERS, MASS MURDERERS, POSSESSORS OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION...and Nancy "Rich Bitch" Pelosi says IMPEACHMENT is not on the table. Oh, thank you, Nancy, you two-faced Yahoo rich bitch!
Ralph Nader is right, the Dumbos and Repugs are absolutely the same. We get war and our wealth stolen no matter which party we put in power.
As I type this, I am hearing this former publisher talking about the American publishing industry is now mostly owned by two German publishing giants. Holy shit. We've sold our publishing companies to Germany! Achtung! Siegheil! My new book is Goosestepping as a Way to Longer Life. No wonder writers today are so insufferably lost among a bevy of wordy words that they wordily work into 24-hour books by the bales. Hey, Hitler Brought the German Economy Back to Its Feet, by Prescott Bush, a lost manuscript found in the new, great Georgie Porgie W. "The Little Spoiled Rich Brat" Bush Phony Presidential Library!!! SMU doesn't want it but since Pickles is on the SMU board, they may be forced to take We the Peoples's hard-earned money to build such an atrociously insulting "presidential" library. Why do we have to have presidential libraries? Why can't they build their own libraries to house their stupid crap papers. God, we get so screwed by our government and politicians. Did you know that we have a military to defend our borders; to protect us from attack? Though we have been invading countries at will since the beginning of this white man's land of the free, white, and twenty-one and home of the Atlanta Braves.
I so wish I could just go somewhere and...blah, blah, blah....
Thinking of living on a Rhode Island beach this next winter and finishing my million-word novel tentatively called Oops. [No, it's not the story of Afghani War poster boy Pat Tillman.] [I support American troopers like Lynndie Englund, remember her? She's my hero soldier boy.]
A friend of mine tells me a town in Alaska is giving away free land to folks who'll come and live there. Holy Shit, could I live in Alaska? I used to own a Husky and a Malamute from Fairbanks, Alaska--they were swell dogs, man; so I could make it in Alaska with a dog team--hell yeah--Oh hell NO!
I was once in Newfoundland, sailing into Placenta Bay aboard the QEII--you should have seen that boat docked in this out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere bay, the dock being the dock for a jet fuel refinery my wife's boss had heavily invested British Petroleum's and the Saudi Royal Family's--the Feisals in those days--billion dollars to build and put on line.
My wife left the flock on that boat trip to Newfoundland and we ended up in a St. John's bar talking to transplanted Scotsmen and beating two of these blokes for a hundred bucks shooting 9-ball snooker, a game I deceitfully substantial at, which we blew giving our new St. John's friends a big elk dinner that night--and somebody broke open several liters of single-malt Scotch, and that was that. I woke up a day and a half later in a Halifax, Nova Scotia hotel room with my wife thinking I was dying from alcohol poisoning. No such luck, honey; I'm still your sober man. She divorced me a year later; all because I got shit-faced on single-malt Scotch in St. John's, Newfoundland, one bald-dreary, windswept lost weekend there.
Escape seems impossible these days.
for The Daily Growler
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