Friday, March 02, 2007

The Great Correction

Isn't It Amazin'
The stock market was merely correcting itself, the major Wall Street bullshitters were spouting all day on the National Stock Market Network or the Columbia Stock Market Network or the Bloomburg Stock Market Network, all expert traders, meaning flim-flammer stock salesmen who depend on YOU buying and selling stocks for their livings, so, of course, they're going to ballyhoo, "Oh, you dumb peones, you stupid dicks, you know nothing about the stock market (like me!) so leave it to us, the experts to tell you, hell, this decline is nothing, a mere bag of shells--why, it's just the stock market correcting itself. You believe that, don't you? I mean you believe in Jesus Christ, why the hell can't you believe God adjusts the stock market occasionally? Come on. Big investors have to take some profits every now and then. Come on. It's just a normal sell off, that's all. It recovered--ah ha, we told you so--WHAAA? It didn't recover but dropped another 140 points yesterday? Holy shit...I mean, oh well, I guess the correction is going on a little longer than we thought." Such hooey. Genuine hooey, too, folks, because I've studied economics, I've studied the stock market, why I once even invested heavily in the stock market and I made a shit load of money, too, but how it worked--I haven't a clue; the same as I haven't a clue as to how a roulette wheel is rigged in a casino, though I know for damn sure it is rigged. Same with the stock market. Something supports it and when that support is taken away, hey, the old building tumbles down. So, hey, take that million you made in no-down-payment real estate and put it all in the stock market; it's the patriotic thing to do.

Exxon-Mobil looks like they're gonna show world-record-breaking profits once again. Always keep some Halliburton stock in the hole--you know, aces always win, and Halliburton and Exxon-Mobil are ace hole cards. Get rich as quickly as you can and then convert your cash to something of tangible value like LAND or diamonds, gold, things corrupt people will kill or be killed for.

'Ten Hut!
I can't understand the appeal of all these ex-soldiers to the Dumbocrats and the progressive indies. Really I can't. Like this morning on Democracy Now when normally "sane" Amy Goodman gave her whole hour to interviewing this General Wesley Clark, who wants to be president so god-damn bad and who I hope, please, never gets elected president. Amy shocked me by giving this army bum credence and holding him up as a progressive-liberal politically saavy man, as an antiwar leader and a social democrat and a believer in equality but also a believer in our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (or pleasure as old Father Freud would say).

I listened to about 10 minutes of that interview. What a joke Clark is. Come on, Amy, surely you aren't so mesmerized by this guy's uniform that you can't see through the smoke he shoots out to cover the gaseous bullshit he's spewing. He has a new book out--Jesus Christ, I've been a writer all my life and I still don't see how a nincompoop ex-bad-ass general can knock out two or three books a year with no seemingly dent in his lecturing schedule or his hustling up big bucks to back his perpetual presidential candidacy--even his books are probably hypocritical, though I've never read one of his books.

And General Clark's new book deals with, what else!, "great generals," and listen to these progressive/liberal champions who are heroes to Gen'l Clark: how about Dwight David "Hey, where's the golf course" Eisenhower (he had a secret bunker inside a mountain outside of Denver, which I always suspected was somewhere on the Cherry Hills Golf Course there in Denver, which was Eisenhower's vacationing White House--he loved Denver and especially Cherry Hills. When Ike had his big heart attack, he went to Denver to keep ruling us)?--yep, DD Eisenhower is one of Wesley's general heroes--AND, the other! How about Ulysses S. Grant (the S. stood for the same thing the S. stood for in Hairy S. Truman--it stands for bullShit)? Yep, old Gen'l Wesley C. thinks Ulysses S. Grant was not only a great army man--especially when he had a bottle of bourbon close by--but was also a great president--oh yeah, one of the great presidents of all time.

I listened for 10 minutes and the General was trumpeting about like a fucking peacock, talking army shit--I mean, you people who've never been in the army, hey, you don't get to be a general like old Wes by being an antiwar progressive or a liberal. You follow the military code of justice; you follow the military chain of command; and as a general, you are privileged--you don't have to worry about getting killed yourself, but you can sure have a hell of a lot of troopers killed at will, and we know with the army's "kill or be killed" attitude, a general officer has the privilege of hiding behind the skirts of his troops--whether they kill or get killed.

Clark was an asshole general when he was over there bombing the hell out of the Bosnians and Serbians in Billy Jeff Clinton's little harmless war on god-damn broken up Yugoslavia, which was a thriving country under Marshall Tito, when Sarajevo was one of the loveliest old world cities still standing after an enormous chunk of time, but it didn't take the Serbs but a matter of months to totally destroy that old city, especially its old library so full of so much great Slavic writings and histories. Remember when Billy Jeff's Cabinet dude, Ron Brown, was that his name, Sec'y of Commerce, or one of those cushy Cabinet jobs, died in a plane crash, on a mission no one will ever know what it was all about, a Cabinet member like that flying into a war zone. (Did you ever wonder why it's so easy for Georgie Porgie and Pickles, Unka Dick, Condo-leasing Rice, Rummy, and all these tinhorn tagalongs to just suddenly drop unexpected and uninvited into a war zone?--this is the first war I can remember us being involved in--and I lived through 5 major US war-involvements since I've been on this coil--where one of our presidents or his high cabinet members fly casually in and out of war zones every 30 days or so. Unka Dick said he just happened into Kabul the other day when he almost got his saggy old ass blown away 'cause he needed to use the bathroom.

Anyway, back to these god-damn generals and them trying to finagle their way into politics--I mean, they need a hobby now that they are retired--and these very IGNORANT men get pretty god-damn great incomes for the rest of their lives--probably full pay in the case of a big general like Clark; plus he gets to go to the clean and rat-free areas of Walter Reed Hospital and not in the kennels where they house the dog soldiers; plus he gets extra-pay as NATO gobbly-gooker or whatever the hell he was in Bosnia--I think he admits he commited some atrocities overthere doesn't he? Anyway, dammit, Amy was kissing his ass and I was shouting, "Amy, get that uniform worship shit out of your head and see this general of the army for what he is, just that, a general officer from the most destructive army in the history of the world, the most terrifying, the most inhuman, now an all volunteer army, meaning every manjack and womanjack in the regular army is a career person--they are intending on earning their livings in the military--most of them joined thinking they'd never have to go to war, or if they did, they'd be invincible--you know, teenaged kids see this war like they see the rasslin' matches and all that total bullshit or like they see soldiers portrayed in Hollywood, you know Rambo (played by a little short-shit ex-porn stud who has never been closer to a battlefield where people are getting blown to bits or blowin' the enemy (whoever that is) to bits than one of those phony Hollywood sets. It's like old turkey-necked Clint Eastwood rewriting the story of Iwo Jima to fit his knowledge of American history, which is zilch).

Shit, I'm so irked over this, I ain't makin' no sense--I'm sounding like a growling wolf--only another wolf can get my full meaning.

Military guys are not the right people to turn our government over to. Murtaugh is nuts. McCain is nuts. Kerry is nuts. These are ex-Nam vets; Mc Cain was subjected to horrible tortures for the long time he was held prisoner by the Cong in North VietNam--surely what he went through did make him nuts, just like Bush said when McCain was running for president against Georgie Porgie--remember? --he said, any man who had gone through the experiences McCain had in VietNam had to be god-damn nuts; unlike George W. "Poor Little Spoiled Mamma's Boy Rich Boy" Bush's attitude that tells him (he treats it as a joke) anybody who couldn't get out of serving time in the military or who volunteers for the military is god-damn nuts--that's where the old phony president and I totally agree. And these ex-Gung Ho! creeps are nuts; check out their eyes, that's how you tell. I don't even have to look in Wesley Clark's eyes to know he's nuts; I can tell it by the way he talks--he talks like a general--same attitude.

Generals all have sterness in their eyes. Generals have no sense of humor. They are trained to use mass units of human beings as pawns and knights and rooks in bloody, destructive, devastating, ruinous battles--to direct waves of human beings carrying deadly weapons and explosive devices on their person against other waves of human beings carrying deadly weapons and explosive devices on their person--their whole objective is "To KILL THEM BEFORE THEY KILL US." You dig that philosophy? That's the only philosophy a military general knows. I don't know if Clark is a West Point grad, but wherever he went to school, he had to go to officer's training school (I've done it--OTS, Fort Sam Houston, Texas--why right off Eisenhower Boulevard, too, by golly), and war colleges, and all kinds of army special schools. Damn, I give up. I'd kick his old army ass F-ing square off the bandwagon and into the silence of the ditch.

Wesley Clark can't be a progressive if he's a retired general. A progressive would never join the military in the first place. Look at your conscientious objectors in WWII; now there are progressives for you. Progressives are antiwar of anykind. Even in WWII the Progressives stayed antiwar even to the point of being called Nazis and Commies all the time--look at poor old progressive gentleman farmer Henry Wallace. Wallace wasn't a commie, he was a true Progressive; yet the bozos, the Rollos, the Yahoos all decided he was bent on sending the USA straight into the arms of those old Marxist-Leninist Big Daddies.

I'm tired. I had a hard day out baby elk hunting.

F Wesley Clark; never trust an ex-general--just like neither a man or a woman should ever marry an ex-general, mark my words.

for The Daily Growler

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