Neo-Cons Determined to Make Us Worse Nazis Than the Germans Were
Why are helicopters flying noisily over New York City all day long? Why is there an artificial star (I assume it's a hovering helicopter) over the Chelsea Pier area every evening for several hours?
What I'm trying to say is I could be extremely paranoid about anything that goes on in this great city anymore--since the cops and this phony sense of patriotism took over after 9/11--like big fat sloppy city men and women cops in the subways carrying AKA-type weapons and wearing flak jackets, flashy death shit meant to scare the hell out of us New Yorkers who ride the subways by the millions every day [the world's busiest subway system and the Metropolitan Transit Authority can't make it run profitable; instead, it runs totally worthlessly in funky debt every year with the millionaire/billionaire-controlled Metro Transit Authority--like that old filthy Silverstein bad boy who claims he owned the WTC lock, stock, and barrel...
[I just heard LLOYD PRICE do a promo for WBAI-FM here in NYC. Lardy, I must admit, I had recently totally forgotten Lloyd until at an Xmas party this year I met this woman who said she knew me, but I couldn't remember her. I looked dumb at her. She said, "Come on, you and I met at the Lloyd Price Show over at the Ballroom...must have been 10 years don't remember me?" Then I knew who she was. But damn she was different; not badly different, but different enough. And now I hear Lloyd Price's name mentioned on the radio and, damn, I had totally forgotten remeeting this woman X-mas, so now I'm back to remembering her, plus, I'm remembering Lloyd Price again, who after the Xmas I had forgotten again, too. By the way, that Lloyd Price gig was one of the best damn shows I've ever seen, and this was long after Lloyd's Top Ten successes back in the beat-bound fifties--the most wonderful of original American musics coming those days, in Lloyd's case, out of the Mississippi Delta, meeting in Memphis, on Beale, in the clubs there, with the white kids hanging around sneaking listenings since they couldn't get in the "Colored Only" Beale Street clubs. But Lloyd was a wonderful restored charm back in the 90s, when, yes, as a guest of the owners of the Ballroom I came to hear Lloyd Price and, yes, I was put at a table with this woman and, yes, then we left together and, yes, we became friends in one passing in the night acquaintance and, yes, then that was it. I forgot both her and Lloyd Price. Ah sweet coincidence. It makes for such great irony; what great tales are made of.]
And now back to today's wolftale: that old filthy rich Silverstein dude who claims he owned the WTC lock, stock, and barrel, and the extremely highly paid MTA board members led by that heartless and totally corrupt billionaire developer Peter Callico, and the MTA (Manhattan Thieving Assholes) yearly whines like a spoiled brat baby how they're so broke--of course due to workers demanding decent salaries and health benefits and stupid shit like that--how dare they? Don't workers understand that these rich assholes know what's best for them?--these wealthy white gentlemen know that these low-life worker types (consisting of a majority of blacks and Hispanics) would have much better lives if they would be willing to take lower salaries with no benefits and work longer and harder hours for Mr. Charlie--OH HOW STUPID WE TAX-PAYING AMERICANS ARE!
We are so damn stupid. I mean it's all so clearly left spelled out for us--some of us get it, but most of us don't. Most of us live in this dream world these rich assholes have created to distract us from their inhuman shenanigans, which is all this shit is to these born-rich-and-stayin'-rich bastards that pull us around by our noses, shenanigans, messin' with our minds, teaching us through their lousy school systems that Capitalism is the religion of the Christian God who loves us all but imposes on us strict constructionist rules and laws that none of us can eventually stand true to and that if we don't obey these frivolous rules and laws and ordinances and property taxes and state and city taxes and sales taxes and Federal taxes attached to our phone bills our utilities bills, and cigarette taxes and beer taxes and highway tolls and FICA taxes and taxes on our earnings (our production)--if we don't obey all those unfair, double-taxing laws, they try and ruin our lives--can you imagine an economic system that taxes its workers on the earnings they make off producing products so the Asians and Middle-Easterners can buy our products at giveaway prices? It was nice when American workers were able to buy American products--now we work our asses off and the products we get to consume are cheap crap coming out of nonunionized sweatshops in Hong Kong and Shanghai and Macao and Malaysia and Taiwan, shit that because it is soaked in formaldehyde to keep its synthetic material soft and cottony falls apart after two or three wearings, like one of those Mickey Mouse teeshirts you see all the hillbilly Wal-Mart-shopping wimmen wearing as guests on the Jerry "the Prostitutin' Mayor of Cincinnati" Springer Show (Jerry Springer was so dumb when he was mayor of Cincinnati he paid for his whorehouse bills with personal checks--now there's one dumb son of a bitch--yet, look at where that dumbness has gotten him--though at least Air America had the sense to kick his phony ass off their going-bankrupt network)]. [WOW, what an aside!]
That was all an aside. Amazing how distracted I get. I suppose that's because I'm a genius, right? An eccentric. OK, I'll take that one. If it hadn't'a been for eccentrics, we'd have nothing very innovative going on. Except we have plenty of political eccentrics, which is a bad thing, which could lead me to an aside about how I don't believe in "bad" or "good" and like using them in backward senses like black jazz musicians taught us the other way to use the word "bad" as meaning just the opposite of what the white man said it meant--"If we be bad, we must be good. And if the white man be good, then you know he's bad to the bone." That's the kind of saavy I respect.
How was that trip around the proverbial Robin's Barn? And here I am finally back at my point: the Neo-Cons are determined to carry out their Fascist designs no matter the cost to America, the World, and to mankind's existence itself. And all this time, the Neo-Cons have been working at this through Israel. Yeah, I'm sorry, my good Jewish friends, but god-dammit (I'm getting like Charles Ives used to get when you talked American politics and shit with him--hyperexcited, jumping up and down, waving my cane wildly about in the air, barking and cursing against the Rollos (Yahoos) of this world), this Middle-East mess is a grand design of assholes like Richard "Perilous" Perle in cahoots with the god-damn Israeli government--I am rambling, but I'm angry--I'm growling like a much-bothered wolf...
This just pisses me off. And my opening blast against Hillbilly Hillary Clinton--it's because this very DUMB woman made a speech in front of an American Israeli organization where she trumpeted her true feelings about invading IRAN because we must hold them accountable for sending the weapons to Iraq that are now killing American troops there and that we have to defend the Middle East and especially Israel against the wild and threatening intentions of the Iranians--HOLY BULLSHIT, I'm growling, Hillary, you dumb dipstick. You're running for F-ing president of the USA because in November the American people told you LOUD and F-ing CLEAR, we want out of Iraq, save our economy, save our god-damn country, stand up, show some COJONES, you b____; women have balls, god-dammit! And like Charles Ives, after an outburst, I have to lay down and rest.
This country is fixin' to either explode or implode. So saith America's NEW PROPHET, thegrowlingwolf. Amen. Selah. All that good mumbo-jumbo, or as I should say, all that BAD mumbo-jumbo.
I gotta git my MOJO workin'... I'll be back after I take a break... [A sigh of relief].
Then I'll try to elucidate on my meaning for this blog, maybe tomorrow; however, you know you can't depend on my "To Be Continueds" to really be continued. HILLARY, HOWEVER, DID SHOW HER TRUE HAND ABOUT INVADING IRAN AND CONTINUING TO GIVE MONEY TO THE PENTAGON TO CONTINUE TO WAR IN IRAQ!!! IT'S A SPEECH SHE GAVE ON FEBRUARY 1ST.
I, too, like Joe Biden, must apologize to Barrack Obama for calling him Osama Barrack in yesterday's post--Wow; must be my Goldwater Repugnican side coming out from hiding behind Hillary's rather broad-in-the-rear skirts.
I also wish to thank you if you are readin' this blog at the moment for we have had a spike in our visits--over 100 extra this week alone--why we're getting visitors at the rate of our soldiers getting killed in Iraq and Afghanistan this past deadly week in both those illegal and "good" wars, at least Hillary thinks they're good wars, she and the 28% of Amuricans who still are tight up G.W. Bush's unelected ass. Isn't that amazing! I mean Hillary being so afraid of the Bushes that she's scared to impotency as she decides she's now the one to lead us as President--SORRY, HILL, THE DAILY GROWLER'S STILL BACKING CHELSEA CLINTON AND AMY CARTER FOR FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENTS--LET THEM CO-SERVE. HOWEVER, I GOT MY EYES ON THE OLSEN TWINS AND MAY PULL THEM OUT OF THE POLITICAL HAT AND RUN THEM ON THE WOLF TICKET!!! (Sorry, Scott, I can't help laughing at my own jokes.)
Word is out: Marvin Backbiter was seen on the outskirts of Tampa yesterday afternoon by Bernie Williams's worthless agent.
for The Daily Growler
And from our list of forgotten American Musicians passing:
Berry Gordy's first hire at Motown Records dead at 79

Sources: Associated Press, Detroit News
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