Friday, January 05, 2007

The Rich Lead Us Onward Toward Ruin!

Pelosi in the Pelagic
The jungle versus the high ground. Catch my drift? The jungle--the street. High ground--the gated community: where the big houses are; where the Cap'ns and the Miss Annes live. The jungle--the source of wealth. High ground--where the bankers and accountants rule. The jungle--the source of an ant-like workforce. The high ground--where the wealth is abused in favor of power and pleasure--why the US capitol building sits on the highest hill in Washington, District of Corruption--The Hill--and the only people who make it up that Hill are rich people.

The Zapatistas in Chiapas know what I'm talking about. They are the revolutionaries wanting to come out of the jungle and bring the people with them up to the top of the Hill,`the Olympus of all tribes, cultures, civilizations (the evolution of culture). Those already on the Hill will use all the force available to them to push back the revolting peasantry.

Yes, the rich of the world are turning us all into peasants, pissants, peones--yep, pissants. Achtung! they command and we jump to their "Devil's Trill."

Ok, Praise the lard, the Dumbocrats have taken back The Hill. Ok, Priase the lard, a woman for the first time is Speaker of the House. If they impeach Little Georgie Porgie G.W. Bush, the first time a man has ever been appointed "president" by the Supreme Court, fraudulently elected in his "mandated" election in 2004, and if Unka Dick drops stone dead from one of his quarterly heart attacks, Nancy Pelosi could become president of the US of A. First woman ever president--though some folks might say Mrs. Woodrow Wilson was the first woman president after Woodrow let his fears get the best of him and he slipped off into a mumbling state of semicomatose idiocy, after he had the stroke while on his famous 'round the country train trip.

Nancy Pelosi. Would you believe Nancy is one of the richest women in California?

Do you expect anything humane coming from a rich bitch? A part of her wealth must be coming from her investments in the war industry. I'll betcha any amount of money she has stock in Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, Bechtel, the Carlyle Group--oh yeah, I'll betcha my faux ranch down in Texas against your having to get a job when you're eighty. [Truth is, Bush has already borrowed away all of our Social Security futures. He has put our asses on the line to creditors such as the Commie Chinese and the princedom of Saudi Arabia, Bush's true home country.

Pelosi is already talking about issues that were on the back burners's of voters's concerns. She's babbling about a minimum wage, about lobbying reform (oh, poor babies, they can't fly on corporate jets anymore--oh boo-h00-hoo--such bullshit jive)--the War in Iraq and the impeachment of the worst god-damn never-honestly-elected president, a liar, a thief, a dumbass poor little spoiled-brat rich boy--nanner-nanner--now the poor little spoiled-brat rich girl, Nancy Pelosi, is gonna protect his rich-boy ass by saying the main object of the Amurican voters, to get our asses out of Iraq, is not going to be "on the table."

Oh Nancy, thank you. We stupid Amuricans want our own freedoms back--did you see where the Bush Babies have added in one of their riders on a USPS bill the right of the government to unseal sealed mail in case they feel it has something to do with national security. How stupid. Why not just force us all to wear a blue tattoo on our wrists? Or how about all Amurican citizens have to wear big gold stars on their outter clothes?

Who is rich up on The Hill? All of those assholes, that's who. All of these piriah dogs in Congress are their to feather their nests; it's as simple as that. Unka Teddy. Patrick Kennedy, the drunk rich boy from Rhode Island. Rockefeller in West Virginia. Why even of KKK Dick Byrd is a millionaire many times over. Gerry Ford died rich and he was never even elected president. Remember the California clown who killed the young assistant and then dumped her body in Rock Creek Park--remember that guy? He got away with murder and now lives very comfortably on his ill-gotten millions out in La-La Land. Old Bob "Viagra" Dole is a millionaire. His wife, head of the Red Cross for a while, now in Congress I think--and what a dumb broad she is, too, but she's a millionaire in her right. Old John "Big Loser" Kerry is a multimillionaire married to a multimillionaire wife. Al Gore is a millionaire many times over. You know Unka Dick and Rummy Rumsfeld are millionaires--Unka Dick may even be a billionaire all he's made off the Iraq War. Scooter Libby, now in prison, is a millionaire. Karl Rove is a millionaire. How about the vulgar and totally assininely dumb Trent Lott--hell, he's a god-damn millionaire who actually made money off Katrina destroying the front porch of his house--remember that? Howard Dean, the head of the Dumbocratic Party is a millionaire. Patrick Leahy is a millionaire. Pull one of these asshole's biographies out--how about Edwards who's announced he's running for president; he's close to a billionaire. Slick Willie and the Honorable Hillary Clinton are now millionaires. Old Jimmy Carter was a multimillionaire. How do you think Henry Kissingassinger became a millionaire? Newt Gingrich, thanks to being from Martin-Marietta-over-human-beings country, is a millionaire. Even the dude who had 30 grand in his freezer has more money than you do. Don't you think Jesse Jackson, Jr., isn't a millionaire? Look again. Charlie Rangel? Hell yeah, Charlie's a millionaire. Charles Schumer; yep, he's a millionaire. Governor Potato Head Pataki of New York State--yep, he's a multimillionaire. Mitt Romney, governor of Massachusetts, a millionaire Mormon.

Don't look for any silver linings coming from these golddigging goldbricks whether Repugnicans or Dumbocrats--they're just there to keep on making themselves richer and richer, while the Amurican citizens are being ripped off by the IRS, by the unfair laws favoring corporations over people, favors individual wealth over the commonwealth. The Amurican citizens, all of us, deserve reparations, money stolen from us since the administration of the Great White Father of this country, old marijuana-growing, Injun-killing, slave-holding George Washington--wanna bet Father Washington didn't die wealthy?

I tire from such growling and eventual howling. That wolf moon hasn't left my skies yet; it's shining up there so big and so pretty so wildly full--ohhhh, hair is beginning to sprout out all over my body--Jeez, I'm going down on all-fours and loping out across the snow looking for some young female elk child to kill and then the suck the hot guts out of it by chewing a hole through the thinner leather of its soft belly--Ohhhhh that hot, fresh, redmeat. Yummy. I feel like a god-damn millionaire myself after such a feast.

for The Daily Growler

In Defense of Nancy Pelosi, From Marc Perkel in San Francisco:

Republicans who under estimate the new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi do so at their own peril. Nancy is a lot sharper than your average Democrat and she is only in politics for one reason, to make America a better place. She is independently wealthy and doesn't have any favors that she has to repay to get reelected. She is a true public servant. I especially like it that her first order of business was to put Congress back on a 5 day work week. Unlike the last Congress they won't get to sit around and do nothing. Go Nancy go!

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