Monday, January 15, 2007

The 500 Million Dollar GEORGE W. BUSH LIBRARY!!!

Dallas, Texas, the City Where JFK Was Assassinated Is Chosen for Fabulous George W. Bush Library, a 500-million Dollar Structure to Be Paid for by YOU and ME and All the Other Suckers of This Hoodwinked Nation
Here ya go. Read all about it. Haven't I been saying we were getting to build and operate another presidential library, having just completed the Slick Willie Clinton Library in Little Rock, the most modern architectural structure ever built in Arkansas at an enormous cost to taxpayers? I think We the People even buy their presidential papers from them, don't we? Remember how we gave Tricky Dick Nixon 250 million for his papers and then he didn't declare it on his taxes--plus he got away with it! The nerve of these worthless ex-presidential boneheads! Presidential libraries. Even Gerald R. Dumb Ford got a god-damn library and museum and he was only president 3 years and then not ever elected; the only unelected president we'd had until Georgie Porgie Bush came along.

So anyway, here's the extremely liberal (I laugh like a hyena in wolf's clothing) NYTimes article on how little ole Southern Methodist University--Pickles's alma mater--hell, Pickles is on the school's board--wow, and H.L. Hunt's dumbass hick son, Ray, is evicting people out of their University Park condos to make a space for this United States landmark structure--is going to house the George W. Bush Library--"The Library of Lies"--filled with books of lies.

Why not put Sonny Boy Bush's library down at Texas A&M (agriculture and mechanical--a Cow College) in Bryan with his ole Pappy's library? Or how about this, why not put it on the Yale campus? There ya go. Maybe the Bush Legacy at Yale could pay for it, too. All that Nazi money the Bushes made in WWII could surely spare 500 million for Little Georgie's library. And think of how proud and popular Yale would become then. Why, all little rich brats with an eye on the presidency would want to come to Yale to study at the George W. Bush Intelligence Center!! Think of it! Come on Yale! You gonna be outbid for such a treasure by Southern Methodist, where Pickles went to school? Ray Hunt is rich because of oil, by the way, just in case you'd forgotten about Ray's pop, H.L. Hunt, a dumbass, unschooled, Ozark hick, white trash hillbilly, who said, "It don't take no ed-jee-kashun to git rich." Right after the Kennedy assassination everybody in Dallas figured it was H.L. Hunt who'd had Kennedy killed. That's where Ray Hunt's money comes from. Lamar Hunt's, too, who just died and was given much hoopla about what a great man he was by the football millionaire jocks who go limping from the football field right into the broadcast booth where they become lauded as teevee celebrities. Also, remember old Nelson Hunt and Bunker Hunt, the boys! There's a Hunt daughter, too; yep, she's rich also.

I'm sure, even if we're taken over by Al Queda, through Iran now, I'm sure they'll go ahead with the George W. Bush Library! Come on, man. Who do you think Al Queda will appoint to be our president when they take us over, Chalibi maybe? Prince Bandar Bush? Or, hell, maybe they'll keep Georgie Porgie as our president!! It's gonna be hell controlling this country, isn't it? Is the Al Queda army big enough to really get control of this country? I mean, how will they do it? Is Iran's army that big and that mobile? I mean Israel has beaten Arab armies in the past with New Year's Eve horns and shit, without firing a shot--that's how they took over all that Palestinian territory. Remember Gamal Nasser and the great United Arab Republics army? Israel whipped their asses in a couple of weeks, didn't they? Just where is evidence of this massive Al Queda army that is going to overthrow our government and take us over? How would Al Queda handled the Katrina affair in New Orleans?

Word out of Afghanistan claims the NATO (read US) forces in control there now had killed over 300 Taliban soldiers near the Pakistan (our buddies--home of Osama Bin Ladin) border--remember when we had Osama trapped in that mountain hideout of his?--Tora Bora or whatever it was called--all those tunnels, all those hi-tech control rooms chiseled into that mountain--much like that Holy Mountain our cowardly administration has in Virginia, where Unka Dick's bunker is--or is it down in Gawjah? Three hundred Taliban troops. Is that most of the Taliban army? You mean, we can't see with all our satellite and digital technology the build up of armies strong enough to retake Afghanistan? We can't see a mighty Al Queda force amassing along the Iranian border with Iraq--and in Syria, too--a massive Arab army being built up? Oh, sorry, they're not Arabs anymore. Sorry. I know, the Iranians are Persians. Oh, yeah, and so are the Iraqis, too? Persians and Arabs and Islamics and Muslims! Do we know the difference? "I'm for blowing anything that moves overthere away since they all look alike to me," said George W. Bush, the Great Decider.

for The Daily Growler

I vividly remember that day in April of 1968 when my wife's friend called us and said Martin Luther King had been murdered in Memphis. Wow. We all sat stunned. My wife and I were in Dallas when JFK was murdered; in fact, we had planned a party that night, a wild bash people had looked forward to for weeks, and then we were there the day it happened and then it got sullen and serious and damn if it didn't happen again 5 years later, this time again under weird circumstances same as the Kennedy Assassination. And we got that phone call. "Dr. King's been killed!" Yes, very weird circumstances here, too. You know, the guys on the balcony with the dying Martin pointing in one direction, all of them, a direction that later didn't jive with the J. Edgar Hoover-led FBI reports that said the shots had come from an old apartment building out front of the motel up on a ridge and then they came up with nutjob, white freak, James Earl Ray, who kept sayin' he was framed, same as Lee Harvey Oswald kept saying he was framed, both nutjobs, whackos recruited by Hoover or one of those other crossdressing whackos that ran our Federal investigative forces in those days--Hoover during the Kennedy murder and Hoover again when King was murdered. After King's murder, we only had a few months before Bobby Kennedy got blown away, again under weird circumstances--I mean, Bobby Kennedy was surrounded by a mob of body guards, including a famous pro football star, including Secret Service, including FBI, CIA, and how many other red-blooded* Amurican investigative agencies and still this numbskull Sirhan Sirhan dude managed to slither his worthless dishwasher ass in close enough and with a drawn pistol to boot to pump a couple'a shots into Bobby Kennedy, a la Jack Ruby pumpin' some bullets-at-close-range into Lee Harvey Oswald that day in Dallas! To quote an old baseball genius, "Amazin', amazin', amazin'"--exclams all the rest of the way out!!!!!!!!!!!!

[*(a famous Daily Growler footnote) Whoops, I maybe should avoid using "red"-blooded in referring to any Amurican, patriot or not, meaning: I didn't use that compound adj. to imply these guys were commies, oh no, though I am curious, is it OK to be a commie now, I mean, now that we're so in debt to the People's Republic of China?--aren't they still commies! And aren't they welcomed guests at the best hotels when they come to this country to invest in our real estate--"Own our land, own us!" OK, so maybe they were commies who had infiltrated our investigative forces--where's Tailgunner Joe when you need him?

So, Hail Martin Luther King on today his birthday, finally a holiday, except in the Great Patriotic State of Arizona--oh my god, what a bunch of whackos live in Arizona--beautiful country when the Native Americans ran it and lived on it and worshiped it--the Grand Canyon now is becoming a nuclear dumping site or something soon--certainly it should be privatized to say one of the Arab Emirates. There's that word "Arab" again.

King was one of our bravest-ever American heroes, up there on a way higher plateau of human achievement than The Great White Father and Slaveholder of our country, George "the Pot Grower" Washington;or Tom "the Diest Aristocrat" and Slaveholder Jefferson; Honest Abe "the Railspliter" Lincoln, whose wife's family were big Slaveholders and traders. King goes up there with those with stars in their crowns, like Hariet Tubman and Frederic Douglas, or up there with Old John Brown, crazy, yes, but crazy with righteous convictions--it was alright for whites to massacre black folks but oh no not vice versa--so they sang "We'll string old John Brown up from a sour apple tree"--yeah, yeah, and that song was probably sung a lot down south while Martin Luther King's brand of Freedom on the March was on the march except Martin's name took the place of John Brown's name in the getting strung up, and, yes, the same forces that strung up Old John Brown and the blacks who believed in him and followed him against the whole god-damn Union Army to their doom also strung up Martin. Brown's movement took a whole flock of sacred white folk with them the night of that raid on Harper's Ferry, a Federal ammunition and arms supply dump. And Martin Luther King was marchin' in Memphis, true Freedom on the March again, and planning an even grander march, a Poor People's March on Washington, District of Corruption after Memphis-- the "Forty acres and a mule!" March, and that's why a mule pulled King's casket through the streets of Atlanta, Gawjah...and just recently James Brown's casket, too, through the streets of NYC and then Atlanta, Gawjah, too.

for The Daily Growler

Here's a wonderful link to a site where you can go get some soul reading the words of Martin Luther King:

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