Friday, December 15, 2006

Dragon Flying

Gettin' on the Books
Novel writing I’ve found a struggle. I come up with great opening paragraphs but then…. Sometimes I get on a roll and write like a demon from hell for a few hours and feel so damn good and then I reread what I’ve written and I feel like a buffoon, throwing spitwads at myself, dunking myself in the tears of frustration at trying to write comprehensively and entertainingly the actions and the characters in those actions, giving those actions and characters as much reality as possible, which of course nowadays seems an archaic way of writing. Harry Potter books are books written by a schoolmarm who is now a millionaire a couple'a hundred times over, books to amuse 8-year-old children, culting the hell out of them with witch stories. Why do witch stories amuse kids so much?

And now there’s this Eragon, which I thought at first was Erogon or No Gore spelled backwards, but I see dragon flying can get pretty gory. Then I found out a numbskull idiot savant kid had written the original Eragon and his parents had published it for him and one of the original printings of the book, the holy grail to this new worldwide preteeny Eragon cult, sold on eBay for 35 grand. Do you believe that?

How foolish are people? How gullible are people? Look at how this creepy racist sorry pig of a man, Mel Gibson, the Aussie-New York actor whose father is a Jew-hating Nazi and racist supreme, has made billions of dollars with his two sorry low-life extremely violent films about extremely violent events, all fiction, even his bullshit about the Mayans. We don’t know anything much at all about Jesus Christ and his passions and we know only a little bit more about the Mayans and even with all the ruins and stellae and stuff left, most of our Mayan history are guesses at interpreting how, when, where the Mayans lived and breathed, though we are not sure at all how the Mayan civilization ended. So Mad Max Mel has pulled off a great job of bullshitting the gullible public and they’ll pour their hard-earned dollars into old Smell Mel’s pockets and the jerk will get to live on in his wonderland world his wonderful life, a life given him by his being a lying son of a worthless bastard, but then he’s an actor so he guiltless and he does things with total impunity from societal punishments. He gets to image his fiercely violent subconcious ravings as FACTS on the big screen.

I struggle with novels because my novel ideas are so intricately complicated they have to be constructed like finely made watches used to be constructed, one intricate little piece at a time, like one of those old French jobs from the 18th century. In the meantime, he comes another pipsqueak actor, little dude Sylvester Stallone, a pure-dee dumbass goombah, but who considers himself a WRITER. The Italian Stallion [Shetland pony stallion maybe] has revived his worn-out Rocky concept, which he must have written while he was in kindergarten; didn't he attend kindergarten with Mel Gibson? This time the old Stallion has reinvented his own visions of grandeur--the Rocky dream, all about the Stallion's wanting to be thought of as an intellectual rather than just a grade B at best actor—sorry, Syl, but you just too dumb M-F-er; your movies are goombah stupid. But it’s East Coast thinking so it’ll always sell in Hollywood, which is simply a projection of the New York City original filmdom on the Other Coast.

With a Hey Nonny-Nonny
Praise the Lard and pass the nuclear ammunition, the Repugs may have figured out how to get the Senate back. Have the newly elected Dumbocrat senators have brain seizures, like this Johnson from South Dakota. If he doesn't make it, the Dumbocrats lose their majority in the Senate. Well, hot damn. And in the meantime Bush rather than cutting and running is sending more poor dumbass kid souls to hell by sending more troops to Iraq--how stupidly mean and cruel are these rich spoiled brat assholes who have crowned themselves our superiors and have forcefully told us you will respect us as superiors or we'll throw your asses into Gitmo for eternity. Has Paul Wellstone's ghost been interviewed?

We tried the same tactics in getting out of 'Nam and they didn't work; they just led to the TET offensive, the Cong's push on Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City, how embarrassing is that for us? Old Uncle Ho who we killed over 2 million Vietnamese over won anyway and got Saigon, the Paris of the East when the limpy French had it, renamed after a man Big Daddy Ike and the Repugs tried to tell us was a worse threat than even Adolf Schickelgruber had been--why if Viet Nam falls, the rest of these gook countries will fall to com-u-nism like dominoes. The Domino Theory, the invention of the Pentagon in those days.

And oh how the wingnut media has been sadly covering the leaving of old Rummy Rumsfeld from the District of Corruption [oh Rummy will still be around town; I'm sure he's already been elected to the board of one of the big defense contractors he helped make billions of free-for-all US dollars off his Neo-Con world conquest effort as Secretary of Defense--the man who sees torture as a way to bring democracy to the world--our brand of democracy. Why, you'd think old Rummy was going off to sainthood the way the blathering talking heads are trumpeting his praises. My God, how the hell can we let this great Amurican patriot go like this. I mean gosh-oh-gee, is this a signal for the terrerists, especially that Al Queda guy, to mount their TET offensive against the US of A? "We will attack your country with our camel brigades and we will take over your country for Allah." Oh my God. Bush should immediately take over the government with the help of his wimping-down army. I noticed during Rummy's departing speech, he was surrounded by Navy and Marine types--I didn't see many olive drab uniforms in that ring of brass. What a shame. Rummy has to go behind the scenes now. But don't worry, he'll still be around--I mean, he has to collect all those Xmas bonuses from the defense contractors and the Israeli government. Uh-oh, I'll be branded a Palestinian humper like their branding poor ole Jimmy Caw-ter these days for his book in which he blames Israel for most of the problems in the Middle East. Awwww, come on, Jimmy, what'da'ya think you are, a nuclear physicist?

And Sad News
Old Rupert "FU" Murdoch has fired sexy Judy Regan. Whaaa! But, Rupert, didn't you have as much to do with the OJ book as she did? Surely you had to approve such a controversial book--surely you knew about it. It's Judy's metier publishing celebrity bullshit books, her career totally made by her being the editor of Howard Stern's phenomenal first-book sales on his book Private Parts. But now, poor dear, Judy's back out in the streets. I hope Bernie Kerik is giving her passionate empathy--he got fired from his cushy job, too. I'm sure the OJ book will be coming out soon under Judy's own imprimiteur. How 'bout Judy hooking up with OJ. Sounds like a romance made in white trash heaven--AM I CALLING OJ WHITE TRASH?

for The Daily Growler

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