Friday, July 20, 2007

"Yes, Meester Day-vis"

Eric Hoffer Rides Again
I first heard Eric Hoffer back in the early days of PBS. They devoted a whole series of programs on this hulky old longshoreman who had just published The True Believer, a small book but large in terms of thought. Eric Hoffer was a self-made philosopher; he said he was a reader of everything he could get his hands on. The moderator of those Eric Hoffer teevee specials was a man named Davis--and I clearly can hear now Eric answering one of Davis's questions; he always prefaced his answers with "Yes, Meester Day-vis...." A brilliant man. A great American. Here's a tribute site on the Internet where you can read a whole page of his quotes--read 'em and think:

for The Daily Growler

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