Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Wars for Oil

What's Happening in Afghanistan?
I mean you hear very little except bullshit about Iraq on the poor class teevee networks and on the middle-class CABLE networks but you never hear anything about what's happening in Afghanistan anywhere. Is our War against Afghanistan a GOOD war? Most people, pundit or pauper, seem to be agreeable that the War in Afghanistan is righteous. Why? It's for oil, too; to use Afghanistan as a passage for this huge transnation oil pipeline coming down from the Caspian Sea and the Russian oilfields to bring oil to Europe and to India, too--that Russian oil that American oil companies were all over Russia for after Gorbechev brought the Soviet Union down in a one-day decision. Reminder: Afghanistan's president is an oil company executive.

Such interrelated bullshit is going on all over the world and all for ENERGY! Energy is the current unmined gold mine for this new century. The way to get filthy rich quick is in energy, and the discovery of new energy sources that gives full meaning to the term EUREKA!, an American expression meaning "I've hit the jackpot," the real American Dream, hitting the F-ing jackpot, digging into that Mountain of Gold freehand and coming up with the wealth discovery of a lifetime. Folks will risk the deaths of 3100 American soldiers, 50,000 injured American soldiers, 500,000 Iraqi civilians and innocents and their own lives to grab the wealth of nations--and that's the goal of the Bush Family Connection/Saudi Arabian Connection/Arab Emirates Connection/Bin Ladin Connection oligarchy whose intent is to unilaterally take over the wealth of all Middle-Eastern nations, except Israel, which has no wealth except that that the USA gives them.

The way you to get rich quick is to invest in get-rich-quick energy industries or do crooked deals with energy companies, read: "Oil Companies" read: Standard Oil! It's still the Standard Oil conglomerates that were put together by the Rockefellers back in the Industrial Revolution heyday of the great fat-bellied, hog-jowled robber barons like John D. Rockefeller, Jay Gould, the Harrimans (to whom the Bushes owe their base wealth--Sam Bush who made railroad parts or something like that in Ohio--and hooked up with the railroad hogs Harrimans (New York Central Railroad)) to do deals in railroading, all railroad rights backed and subsisdized by our rich-man-ruled government to the point there were no losses in early railroading, all built on stolen public lands with Congressional money giveaways.

Or invest in Afghanistan poppy crops. That's another asset (read HEROIN) you don't hear much about on poor man's teevee or middle-class CABLE teevee. The largest buyers of processed poppy seeds in the world are the big pharmaceutical companies. Oxycontin is a derivitive of opium, which is what the poppy means to the Afghanistan economy. Morphene is nothing but heroin, too, and trust me our hospital pharmacies are stocked to the gills with oxycontin and morphene and manitol and codiene and cocaine (read: novacaine)...whooo boy, big bucks, big crooked bucks, big untaxed, unaccounted for bucks! We love inflicting pain on people but we hate pain ourselves.

[A Daily Growler aside: 2 out of every 5 people in the world today are either Indian or Chinese.]

So what the hell is going on in Afghanistan? Don't worry. The same thing's going on there that's going on in Iraq and overhere in Washington, District of Corruption; the same ole lyin', cheatin', killin', gettin' killed, crookedness--billions stolen by someone in Afghanistan same as in Iraq--the same crooks stealing it, the political crooks stealing all over the place, the same old crooks getting rich over there, too: read: Halliburton, the Carlyle Group, Bechtel, British Petroleum--did you ever ask yourself who supplies all the petroleum products for our military? I think Bush has already blown our reserve of oil, hasn't he? (Remember what the Teapot Dome scandal was all about back in the Gay 20s?) And some of these get-rich-quick Afghani politicians and suppliers or whatever you call them are shipping big bales of stolen US money down to the Pakistan border and to the Taliban, once again a bold threat in southern Afghanistan--Kandahar, remember that city?

[I just heard of a book called Blood of the Earth (De La Pirro)--all about Oil and the world and the Saudis and their bailing out of Pappy Bush's oil business down in Houston and tells all about the relationship of Midland, Texas, and Texas oil in all of what's going on in our country as I type this.]

Poor Folks in New Orleans Arrested Trying to Take Back Their Homes
Down in ole Nu Orluns the developers (the Plantation Bosses) and white city planners are intending to knock down the huge Saint Bernard Project (when I worked for the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court this project was THE project, a huge populated area of New Orleans, and yes, all black and poor and troubled and with constant social problems galore) and turn it into a luxury condo area, a buffet against the glaring wrong of the demolished Ninth Ward and the unspoiled white sections of the city.

Hey, you all folks down there in Nu Orluns--it's gonna be Nu R-leens from now on; that's the white pronunciation of the city's old name.

These are poor folks who returned to New Orleans to go back to their homes (in Saint Bernard and in other projects being demolished) and found they no longer were wanted there. And some of them got arrested and thrown in Parish Prison for trying to help these people return to their project homes. Elected officials, including Ray Nagin (is his real name "Tom" Nagin?), are avoiding this issue, hiding out against it and saying their corrupt hands are tied by FEMA and Homeland Security, blah, blah, blah. The "New Vision" for New Orleans does not include black folks, folks. There are billions of dollars on the loose down there and you'd better bet white folks are gonna get most of that. "Hey, Brother Ray, get your nose out of the white man's ass and lead your people back HOME."

Molly Ivins
Sorry to hear Molly has taken a turn for the worse in her fighting for several years now her battle against the Big C. Looks like this recurrence may be the big one. Hey, thegrowlingwolf wishes Molly the best.

Molly took on Austin, Texas, for her journalistic knife honing, the capital of Texas, and all those male creeps that have made Texas so ebullient in the commanding politics of the US of A over the past decades, the power of OIL coming out of Texas, Austin, Texas, Houston, Texas, Midland, Texas, and Molly was there from the beginning of all the skullduggery started by the Repugnicans in Texas back when she was a young woman growing up amongst these kingmakers and kingpins; she knew Lyndon "Big Balls" Johnson; she knows Bill Moyers, the Baptist preacher boy who hooked onto the coattails of Lyndon "Big Balls" Johnson and rode them right on up to the top of the journalistic world--LOOK at Preacher Billy now! But Bill knows Molly. And Ronnie Dugger knows Molly. [Ronnie Dugger and Howard Zinn are connected in some way.] And everybody who is anybody in Texas journalism knew or knows Molly.

So, hey Molly, put your mind over your bodily matter and get on with your work.

My brother, a famous Texas journalist himself, knew Molly and highly respected her essay-writing ability, which is what journalists are, daily essayists, constantly writing essays, columns, whatever you want to call them, but words put together in such a way they bring a different light on the reality of the NOW! Having to write day-in and day-out essays of brilliant design and intentions and staying right jam up to date, topical, you know, and writing essays that make heads snap back in awareness, and Molly said it pretty close to what it really is like in Texas and the Texas influence currently dictating the scene in Washington. I mean, this woman knows Georgie Porgie Bush, our phony president, inside out. Oh the shit she could tell you about that spoiled rich brat.

A Daily Growler special healing is sent to Molly Ivins! [The Daily Growler is sad to tell you that Molly Ivins died this afternoon, Wednesday, January 31, 2007.]

Randi Rhodes
I'm getting randier and randier for Randi Rhodes the more I hear her these days. She's getting it down real up in the field; in fact, this afternoon, she was tinkled pink by the Scooter Libby trial and then several Congressional investigations that started today--the Dumbocrats seemingly momentarily at least off their asses and trying to focus on how to get rid of this demonic goofball spoiled rich oil brat "president," who really isn't legally president--surely he could be impeached for merely tampering with elections, couldn't he? Especially thrilling Randi almost to orgasm was Patrick Leahy and Arlen Spectre getting together and sending the Attorney General (Hay! Huerta! Viva Los Constitutionalistas!) Alberto "Speedy" Gonzales, the son of the illegal Mexican immigrant to Tejas, a letter asking him to tell them what the phony little toy president's attitude is toward Congress and War--Congress controls the purse strings to the funding of War according to the Constitution. But what does the Great Decider think about this? Speedy can answer two ways; he can say "Yes, Georgie Porgie screwed up and please forgive him," or he will have to say G.W.B. has dictatorial powers over Congress. As a dictator only then can the president tell Congress to go suck its own phallic and he's the Great Decider and he's decided Congress can't say dick shit in the matter of these World Wars he is Commander in Chief over and therefore don't forget, you peones, it's his army, navy, air force, and marines and now, dickshit, Congress, what the hell are you gonna do about it? Randi says this will force Gonzales to admit Bush is a dictator and that will lead to all kinds of cans of worms being overturned and all kinds of skeletons falling out of the White House closets, which, according to Randi's thinking, will surely spell the end for Bush.

OK, Randi. I'm with you, but I don't have your faith in the Dumbocrats; just as crooked as any Repugnican snake in the grass. The promoting of Hillbilly Hilary as presidential frontrunner disturbs me, too. Not that I'm against a woman being president. I'd rather have Chelsea Clinton than Hilary; I've already said that. Or how 'bout Jimmy Carter's hippy daughter? Where's she when we need her?

The Dumbocrats are finding themselves in the same position they're always in in presidential elections--they pick the least strongest candidates to do the job, i.e., Fritz Mondale, George McGovern, Weepin' Ed Muskie, old sot Teddy Kennedy, John "Loser" Kerry, John "Loser" Edwards, Al "Loser" Gore, etc., etc. OK, so they lucked out with ladies man Slick Willie Clinton. I mean check out Slick Willie's salesmanship personality--and that's what Slick Willie is, an F-ing Bible salesman from the Ozark hills who simply kissed the right big ole white ass to get ahead politically (in Slick Willie's case that big ole white ass, and a dirty one it was, too, belonged to old William "Queenie" Fulbright's, the old racist Arkie Senator, and the Slick one kissed it passionately and got himself a Fulbright Scholarship, which sent Billy Jeff to Oxford so he could learn to be a good hillbilly Tory, which is what the Clintons may be: Tories from Arkansas.

Anyway, Randi's on the right track now; she's the only one left on Air America who's saying anything progressive (whatever than means) (I mean it in the Lafollette Progressive sense--a la current Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold) and outright provocatively thought out. The other Air America talent who was right on the money was Mike Malloy, but they got rid of his ass plenty fast when he started saying to IMPEACH BUSH NOW! and that was over a year ago.

There is a complicated end to Bush, Randi said today--it involves Cheney resigning, Bush picking a vice-presidential replacement--Randy said how 'bout he picks John McCain as his veep? Bush then resigns, McCain becomes president, pardons Cheney and Bush, and then sets himself up to run against Hillbilly Hilary and Obama (or in Repugnican speech "Osama"). Ho boy, the designs are many; mosaics which we hope turn out to be clear pictures of the truth about all this corrupt and fabricated time in our fabricated lives on the Good Ole USA Plantation, Mr. Charley still in power, still ridin' the line with that shotgun cocked and ready to shoot some slave ass should it decide it wants to be free! Freedom ain't in this country anymore, folks, it's on the March in Iraq!!!

Bush, by the way, today said he had no plans to attack Iran. Uh-oh! That means he does have plans to attack Iran. THAT MAY MEAN WE'VE ALREADY ATTACKED IRAN. [By the way, the Hillbilly (white American) way of pronouncing Iran is "Eye-Ran." Sounds like Ayn Rand the way they pronounce it."

for The Daily Growler

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