New Year's Eve? I was right up the street from Times Square. Fools, I snarled as I looked up that way when walking home, crossing Broadway at 10:30 after leaving my fav Irish pub where for several hours I flirted madly with the Peruvian lady manager and drank free drinks on the son of the owner, but as I crossed Broadway and snarled up at the whatever-the-population counts on the number of fools there gathered, I noticed it was cold as the deepest part of shivering Hell, 12 degrees, or 7 degrees I heard one person complaining as they struggled against the Arctic wind that was infernally slamming its way up and swirling around the Great White Way; in fact, and in reference to Disney's invasion and occupation of Times Square and Broadway these days, it was as cold as several white witches's teats--and that chain-links my mind into asking, did I ever tell anybody the derivation of my dad's being nicknamed "Tittin'"as a boy?
I had a clodhopping great uncle on my dad's side named Uncle Fats, and every time Uncle Fats saw my dad he called out, "Hey, Tittin', how y'all doin'?" Uncle Fats wheeled his way around my hometown riding high up in the buckboard seat of his huge old wooden-frame steel-girdered wagon that was carriaged on an iron-rigged underbody supported and motivated by four great-big iron wheels that left tracks in the asphalt of the city's streets every where old Uncle Fats and his horse-drawn wagon went as he went about town plow(Fats would have spelled it "plough" 'cept he couldn't spell for shit)ing or grading for folks, plowing yards and spreading fertilizer on them and then seeding them with grass, or plowing up and then grading the bed for a new driveway, or grading alleys for the city. That was Uncle Fats's occupation, though tales were told that he not only was a plowhand, he was also a blacksmith, a welder, a wood carver, a shade-tree veterinarian, and that he was the father of 21 children, and that his family all lived in a rehabbed chicken house, a big chicken run, out in a part of my hometown called Donkey Flats--way over east of town about 3 miles out toward the airport.
And Uncle Fats was a big man and he wore big blue overalls with a red undershirt in the summer and a plaid wool overcoat in the winter, and big black raw-looking mule-leather work boots and perpetually on his wild-haired head he wore a flying-saucer-size wide-winged black hat and riding high up on that high-up wagon seat as he came driving his clanging-clopping wagon up the street you couldn't miss him. And when we would be out driving around town, like coming home after church, sometimes we would hear Uncle Fats coming before we actually saw him and my mother would suddenly start whining, "Oh, Lycantropy, please don't stop and talk to him--roll your window up and make out like you don't see him." But my dad would always ignore my mother's pleading and when old Fats pulled up alongside our car then you'd hear, "Hey, Tittin', how y'all doin'?" He was family and my dad was very family proud, no matter the low condition in society of the relative.
So that's how I found out my dad's nickname was Tittin'. And I knew what it meant, too, especially after I heard my dad in the kitchen with mother one night sayin', "Ah, Mamma Wolf, let me have a little look and feel at those dinners!" "Go ahead, Tittin'." That's what my mother said. And I knew dinners was what my dad called my mother's breasts. And one night while on a date with my future bride, in the passion pit of an Anaheim, Calif., drive-in movie, I realized my nickname could have been Tittin', too, because seeing my future wife's beautiful dinners that night...well, you catch my vulgar drift.
And yesterday I was so pissed. I was growling my ass off about our fucking pompous little-man billionaire mayor and our Irish Shanty NYPD commissioner, Ray Kelly (what a crooked little smartass power-mad jerk he is), were in Israel! Showing their support of Israel as its American-paid-for Army sweeps into the Gaza Strip to wipe out as many Palestinian Arab dogs as they possibly can get away with killing--wiping out, whatever you want to call it. Israel has kept the Palestinian casualties at around 4oo and holding right now--saying most of those were Hamas terrorists--yeah, like the woman and her children who were sound asleep in their home last night when an Israel missile meant to hit a mosque hit her house instead, blowing her and her children to Holy bits! Israel is also saying that Palestinian reports of 650 dead and 20,000 injured are exaggerated. "As long as Hamas is firing its deadly coffee-can missiles at innocent and precious--God's chosen--Israelis (so far 4 Israelis have been killed by Hamas missiles and two of them were Arab-Israelis)--trying to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, something Israel has been whining about since 1946; yet, no Arab intervention or invasion army into Israel has ever been successful. Even Saddam Hussein's SCUD missiles never killed any Israelis back when Saddam was the Devil of the area. What nation could possibly wipe Israel off the face of the earth? The US certainly could--we have 200,000 or more nuclear weapons still in our arsenal--or Israel could be its own worst enemy and commit national suicide by dropping one of their nuclear bombs on themselves. And the Israeli Army is talking about how ruthless and wickedly perverse the evil Hamas terrorists are with missile retaliations--and this is the same Army that viciously bulldozed to death a young American Jewish girl who was trying to protect a Palestinian home by blocking this Israeli Army bulldozer from flattening that home --yeah, that's what the Israeli Humane God-chosen Army did one of the many other times they've invaded the Gaza Strip--bulldozing down homes was their specialty then--then they followed our advice and built a tacky high wall imprisoning the Palestinians--and today, even the other Palestinian leader, the good one, is in New York City pleading with the ineffective effete UN to bring about a ceasefire someway, though Israel is having too much of a Power Elite military ball bombing mosques and schools and hospitals and forbidding food and needed medicines from being sent into the rubbled area--cutting off their water and electricity--bombing their mosques--and even taking over their television station and running anti-Hamas cartoons repeatedly all yesterday and today--and New York City's fucking prick mayor and our cocky police commissioner and a Jewish Congressman, Gary Ackerman, who's usually a pretty fair politician except when it comes to Israel, are in Israel photo-opting all over the place, even faking a Hamas missile attack nearby while our mayor was on a stage making a speech and they rushed him off to one of those handy Israeli bomb shelters--and oh how serious he looked as he jumped like the coward he is when he thought his time had come. Why the hell he was putting himself in such a dangerous situation is beyond my understanding--what if Hamas had of missiled his little-man target ass, would Ray Kelly be mayor now?--or would the missle have wiped him out, too?--oh my Christian-Jewish God Who Art in Hebbin' what would we New York Citians have done without our brilliant rich mayor's leadership skills?--why, afterall, he's a successful businessman so he has to be correct no matter how wrong he is. Of course, this little squirt's Power-Elite-tripping adventure in this apartheid situation (blame it on Jimmy Carter) was captured on camera--yesterday and today all the NYC commercial pap teevee stations were showing it over and over. The most ignorant thing they kept showing was Mayor Hotshot banging his head into the Wailing Wall. I thought we separated religion from politics in this country! I know, I know; I jest; of course I know, please, don't point your finger at me.
Here's what this little prick Power-Elite blameless billionaire pompous-ass short-people mayor said in Israel (from Fox News):
"You should rest assured, if anyone in New York was being threatened, my instruction to the NYPD would be to use all the resources at their disposal to protect civilians," Bloomberg said.
[I still don't get what resources the New York City Police Department has against missile attacks, whether from Hamas or the National Guard of New Jersey--I question even what authority a mayor has in ordering his police to take military actions--police aren't supposed to even have military-type weapons--but I'm sure our Little Shanty Irish Commish has some weapon stashes under One Police Plaza, a virtual fort it's so well protected these days--it's surrounded by concrete barricades, barbed wire, towers with cameras on them, guards, gates--protecting our cops from who, I wonder: the citizens of New York City? Al Queda? the Iranians? or are they being protected from UFO attacks? Why do the police and the mayor, for instance, need a billion-dollar Hitler-style bunker to hide out in like Unka Dick hid out in his bunker when New York City was attacked not by Hamas missiles but by American airlines planes flown by a flock of mostly Saudi-Arabians whose IDs and photos the FBI and the CIA had in the next morning's newspapers they were so thorough at their investigation of the matter--I mean, they ID'd these guys and had mugshots of them the very next day--which brings to mind, this new book that says Pappy Bush (the old daddy) was in Dallas the day Kennedy was assassinated (Pappy was head of the CIA once--how quickly we forget) brought me to remember that coincidentally old G.W. H. Pappy Bush was having breakfast with Prince Bandar Bush on the morning of 9/11 [Prince Bandar Bush, remember him? You don't hear much about him at all anymore, do you? He's Osama Bin Laden's half-brother, remember?] and Pappy and the Prince watched 9/11 going on on teevee and they were laughing about it hah-hah-hah, the privileged assholes, and then Pappy was running to the phone and calling his coward son, still reading My Pet Goat to school kiddies down in safe-from-wrath-except-the-wrath-of-God Florida, and telling him to provide US Air Force planes to fly all the Bin Ladens in this country out of here and back to the safety of their Kingdom! And all criminally insane power brokers, these bastards, are still living a damn good life off their war profits and stolen monies and crooked investments--while We the People of the Good Ole USA are left holding a mere bag of shells--stupidly standing there with our jaws dropped open asking, "Where'd all our money go?" Obama said he was going to fix it all--but alas, dear ones, Obama is backpeddling like a true Dumbocrat off his campaign promises--backing down to the pressures of our Power Elite, which is white male and very wealthy--to these ruling dudes, Obama is nothing but a house boy! You all dig? Now back to New York City's stupid, little prick, billionaire, born-in-Boston mayor and his stupid asskissing up Israel's nastiest buttcrack]:
"I think as a New Yorker, we've been attacked twice by al-Qaida itself," the mayor added. "We've seen enormous devastation and courage and after that you sort of feel you have a bond, if you will, for those who live in a dangerous world and subject to someone trying to kill them."
How about the Iraqis, you stupid dick? How about the Afghanis we're killing daily? The Iraqis and Afghanis were not Al Queda. There was no Al Queda in Iraq until Commander-and-jerk G.W. Bush invaded Iraq and tried to occupy them and steal all their oil. When asked recently what he thought was something good he'd accomplished as faux-president, G.W. dumbassly replied that he was powerfully proud he'd wiped out Al Queda in Iraq! The interviewer said, but, Mr. Faux President, there were no Al Queda in Iraq until you invaded it and tried to occupy it! To which the brilliant Georgie Porgie Puddin' Pie replied, "OK, that's right...but so what?" That's a typical response from a member of the blameless Power Elite! Even their wrongs are justified simply because they have the power and privilege to deny, deny, deny, to lie, lie, lie, and bold-face steal money right out of We the People's back pockets or purses and say "So what?" when you catch 'em in the act.
And then, god-dammit, just as I was cooling out over my NYC mayor making an ass of himself in Israel--let me sidetrack, I got somethin' I've got to say, and it's this: I resent that billionaire bastard saying he represents the feelings of New Yorkers and is there to express New York Citians's bond with Israel. Fuck him. I don't bond with fucking Israel. I don't bond with the fucking Palestinians either. They all should be lined up in front of that Wailing Wall and..., but then that's the animal in me talkin'--and the animal in me is demanding I go for some throat I'm so fucking pissed off at politicians and the privileged bunch of filthy rich robbers who rule us with a down-their-fucking-noses attitude. This fucking mayor has gone from being the 65th richest motherfucker in the world (and little Mikey loves his old mother, too--you bet he does--she's a saint!) to now being the 5th richest man in the world--a rocket ride up the Fortune 500 just since he's been mayor of NYC! He should run an infomercial on how he managed to make himself so much richer so fast just by being the mayor of New York City--and he pompously tells us he doesn't take but $1.00 a year for his salary--and that's what the little fuck pays taxes on, too---the rest of his fortune is safely tied up in offshore banks or in T-bills, land, estates, foundations--what a little fop! I say let him stay in Israel and run for mayor of Jerusalem.
And that anti-Bloomberg tirade took me away from my coolin' out over this prick--and as I said, as I was coolin' out on growling about Bloomberg, Obama, that asshole, now is saying well his economic stimulus program has been put on a back burner for now--blah, blah, blah--in fact, he's now hinting, it may not even happen! What is this asshole doing? And then, Bill Richardson--and I called Bill Richardson a crook a couple of posts ago--and he is a crook--had to withdraw his name as Sec'y of Commerce because he's being investigated for taking payoffs for New Mexican privileges--oh Jesus F. Christ, Obama, why are you getting involved with the very assholes who've brought country to the brink of failure? George McGovern tried to democratize the Dumbocratic Party--run the rascals out, he said--and that was the Dumbocratic Convention that seated the Mississippi Freedom Party over the Mississippi Lynch Mob led by that old Cracker son of a bitch governor, Ross Barnett.

There he is, Ross Barnett, Gov. of Mississippi in the revolutionary 60s--he called blacks "Coons." It's appropriate that Ross Barnett Reservoir is on the Pearl River, the river in which Cheney, Goodman, and Schwerner were buried in a dirt dam after 3 or 4 good citizens of Mississippi, a couple of them law enforcement officers, beat them, shot them, cut them, to death, cut their nuts off, cut them up, burned their bodies, then buried them in a dirt dam on the Pearl River. "Mississippi...GOD-DAMN!" as Nina Simone sang!

Fanny Lou Hamer, a hero not a martyr, though they beat her brutally, spat on her, put cigarettes out on her breasts, stuck broomhandles up her vagina, but she "stayed the course," kept her hand on the plough and held on--fuck Ross Barnett, fuck the Mississippi Dumbocrat Racist Party! One of the great all-time American women.
And that pathetic Ronald Reagan, that big dumb asshole, went to Columbus, Mississippi, where Fanny Lou had been beaten to within and inch of her life and started off his 1980 election campaign--the campaign that most cynics believe he set up with the Iranian government at the time who had kidnapped several Americans--remember when Iran was the devil's country?--and Ayatollah Khomeini was the Devil himself?--anyway--it was also in the same county where Cheney, Goodman, and Schwerner were brutally murdered--why, it's even near where Emmett Till insulted a white bitch and was also murdered and dumped in the Pearl River. Uppity black bastards.
Oh how sick and scandalous most US politicians have been since the beginning of this White Man's so-called "democracy" where all white people are created equal--and blessed by the Christian God--and are righteous and giving and caring--oh yeah!
I keep waiting for the day Israel starts building some crematoriums behind that tacky wall and start offering Palestinians free showers--clean 'em up--and these Palestinians will just like those long-ago persecuted Jews--in what country was that?--went without a bitch to the showers to get cleaned up--hey, Palestinians cook just as well as Jews. The Final Solution!
And while we're at it, let's annihilate the Iranians, the Pakis, the Afghanis, the Iraqis, the Syrians, the Turks, the Kurds, the Turds--hell all of 'em, stuff 'em in some ovens and, alas, God has willed, that's the end of Arabs--and wild-eyed terrorist Islamics--except Bin Laden. We can't hurt him--remember, he's a member of the Saudi-Arabian Power Elite! He's privileged, folks, don't you think that's why they never brought him forth to be showered in an oven?
So Obama's not going to give us any incentive monies--and next we'll hear, well, he's probably not going to hire Americans to fix the infrastructure of this country either, nor will he likely upgrade our school systems, and he certainly won't give us National Healthcare--IN FACT, don't bank on Obama doing any changing at all--except changing his own lifestyle. Hell, he's the first black who can now say he's a top member of our Power Elite--he's more powerful even that that military asshole Colon's Pal--he may be the most powerful black man on earth now. Think of that. Think of the good he could do. Regret the good he will not do.
Sorry, folks, but the Dumbocratic Party has Obama by his nuts. No politician in this country at the moment, and that includes the unfunny, as far as I'm concerned, Al Franken (he's conservative as hell; defended the Iraq War when he was on Air America)--and the ineffective Barney Fife--er-ah, I mean Bernie Sanders as well.
Nothing will change except the name on the White (notice that's WHITE) House stationary.
Remember, I'm now officially a prophet!
for The Embittered Daily Growler
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