Friday, January 23, 2009

A Guide to Keeping Your Eye on America's Power Elite

C. Wright Mills Wrote [in his book The Power Elite]:

At the pinnacle of each of the three enlarged and centralized domains, there have arisen those higher circles which make up the economic, the political, and the military elites. At the top of the economy, among the corporate rich, there are the chief executives; at the top of the political order, the members of the political directorate; at the top of the military establishment, the elite of soldier-statesmen clustered in and around the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the upper echelon. As each of these domains has coincided with the others, as decisions tend to become total in their consequence, the leading men in each of the three domains of power-the warlords, the corporation chieftains, the political directorate-tend-to come together, to form the power elite of America.


Saturday Slumming
Remember the joke: "I was down in the dumps, so I got me a new hat to cheer me up." "That hat looks like something you'd get down at the dump." And calling it "slumming" when you're broke and looking for joy juice and joyful playmates, isn't that elitist?

I crawled in via way of the floor this Sat. morn early. Not drunk but sported out. Broke for sure. Not a sou in my jeans. Just a $1 off on a bowl of soup at a local deli. Sported out in that I joined a woman's FaceBook and was rewarded for "being so cute." I'm sported out like a New York Mets closing pitcher--sometimes I have it, but most times I don't. At least that's the way I feel this morning.

"I wake up every morning, your face is all full of frowns, it seems to me, baby, you're tryin' to bring me down." This is the kind of Saturday morning I've crawled into from a frivolous Friday Night Fishfry. Most fishfries take place on Saturday night, but, no, not the one I went to--a Friday Night Fishfry--it's supposed to be the Friday Night Frights, isn't it? Am I crazy?

I wasn't drinking and I had a $30 bottle of Michael Collins Irish Whiskey with me, too, and I didn't touch a drop. I just ate fish. I drank a Red Bull, thank de Lawdy Lawd. I drank two Red Bulls. The fish was left sizzling in the pan--and at 4 am, I was eating cold fried grease-iced-over fish that was still swimming in the frying pan.

She? Who's she?
I include an Elmer Snowedin poem (get outta here! Where the hell did I get this Elmer Snowedin poem?) here. Must have found it in the fish grease.

Fish Grease Sonata
Lonely lovely foams.
Risen from stone.
Floor boards groaning.
Naked nextdoor neighbor toning.
Eat a lot of raw beans.
Decidedly raw-bean dreams.
Four horsemen; four guitars.
Most bean dreams exist in jars.
Four horsemen; four is foul.
Chicken sportsmen so mal-
Content at being guitar players.
Elite because of four favors.
Beans just come in one flavor.
The flavor of a smelly labor.
And the song the guitarists sing,
Staideth mainly in the plain.
Existence is so bare,
Why do we insist on tarrying there?

E. "Piled High" Snowedin,
a nod of recognition from
for The Daily Growler

A Hey-Nonnie-Nonnie From Walter Crackpipe
Obama meant well. He truly believed he was universal man on that glorious inauguration day. Obama truly believed he and his wife and two daughters could actually charm Repugnican bimbos and bums, bring them to there senses, and unite diversified America! What a fool a universal man is in this day and age of bipartisan feelings. Bring the world together! Impossible. Too many varied agendas. And now Obama is seeing the Repugnicans, not as solid-thinking Reaganomics geniuses--and I do think Obama really did admire Reagan--as thedailygrowlerhousepianist says, Obama is afterall, whether we like it or not, a Conservative Dumbocrat. Remember, Reagan and Obama are kind of alike in terms of their acting out what they think a president is. Ronald Reagan gave the goofiest speeches ever and he was praised by the governing clowns as "the great communicator." Obama should watch out for that. You see, in order for Barack Obama to appease the Repugnican stooges, he has to start thinking BACKWARDS! Obama thinks straightforward, but, nope, that's not understood in the District of Corruption. Truth! Being honest! What the hell does that mean? Nothing actually. What is honesty? Is it Obama? I rather doubt it. I think Obama knows how to think BACKWARDS, though he's too intelligence a human being to naturally think BACKWARDS. He has to learn how to think BACKWARDS. Like his promise of bringing the troops home from Iraq the minute he got elected. That's straightforward good thinking. In fact, the troops in Iraq shouldn't have been there in the first place, which is the starting point of straightforward thinking on that silly waste of money and human lives (however, under Backwards Thinking, humans killed is the same sort of crunched numbers as the money spend in keeping the killing fields producing--saying Iraq was WRONG in the first place would be straightforward thinking--but such thinking is impossible in Washington. Statement: "Since the troops in Iraq shouldn't have been deployed there in the first place, I'm bringing them home immediately." That's straightforward thinking and doing. But Obama, you see, is learning more BACKWARDS thinking, being taught it by the tons of Clintonistas, war criminals, and openly crooked-as-snakes-at-night economics bogiemen and women he has surrounding him and pumping Backwards Thinking daily into his skull. BACKWARDS thinking says, "OK, elect me and I'll bring the troops home from Iraq." That's a Backwards-Thinking ruse. When he makes that statement, he knows damn good and well that bringing the troops home immediately is an impossibility given the Power Elite arrangements and deals and contracts. There's too much government two-party-system red tape involved. But Obama had to promise he was bringing our Iraq troops home immediately. Just like he had to promise an end to the Wall Street stealing of billions of dollars from us. I guarantee you a year from now, we'll still be handing our hard-earned monies over to the financial industry. Obama wrote in his book how highly he respects Wall Street moneybags CEOs. He was trained in corporate law, wasn't he? He is a fucking lawyer, isn't he? [By the way, this Abraham-Lincoln comparison bullshit is just that. Abraham Lincoln was a backwoods clod who was one of the earliest best of Backwards Thinkers. Hey, Obama, Honest Abe, whose wife's father was one of the biggest slave holders and sellers in Illinois at the time, wanted to one-way-ticket black people back to Africa--to his special place, Liberia--where do you think it got its name?] Hillbilly Hillary couldn't say anything at all about bringing the troops home immediately since her husband was a big player in instigating the invasion and occupation of Iraq in the first place. She would have been transparently lying like a common dog were she to have put withdrawing the troops from Iraq immediately in her agenda. She couldn't do it anyway because of the backwards-thinking crowd she socializes with: her husband, a Dumbocratic warmonger, and G.W.H. "Pappy" Bush, a spy and a warmonger, have become asshole buddies these days--old crickety Pappy bumming around with Bill and Hill. How sorry a scene is that? And snubbing Jimmy Carter and Jimmy snubbin' them back, and Roselyn flipping her nose in the air and brushing by Hillary and George Washington With Boobs. You see, the Backward Thinking attitude rules over the two-party system way of thinking. And Obama is going to try and bring these two backward-thinking, lying factions together? In unity? The only "union" backward thinkers know is the Union Savings and Loan, or the Union Bank, or the Capitol Credit Union--divided our banks fall; united they stand. So Obama the straightforward transparent man (a lie in itself) is suddenly facing the Repugnican thickheads, the leading backward thinkers in the country, like John Boehner (Boner)--why would you associate with such a backward-thinking bum? Or Robert Gates, an advocate of slash and burn or search and destroy (or its new successful name 'surge') failed VietNam war tactics [and how god-damn wrong is giving Bush credit for his surge having won the war in Iraq! Yes, that's what the pundits and the all-star dirtbag generals and Repugnican politicians are saying, that Commander in Jest G.W. "Georgie Porgie" Bush actually through his famous "surge" tactics won the War in Iraq! Even Obama, who has said how great a dude General Petraus is, believes "surge" warfare can win in Afghanistan, the US Army's next stop--with no end to war, folks, sorry. And, as usual, Colon's Pal was right there to do the body counts in VietNam and then in the counting of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and then in the counting of the Iraqi dead or the Afghanistanian dead--100 to 1 kill ratio figures--100 gooks killed to every 1 brave American hero like John "Nutjob" McCain in the VietNam War (a hoax war). And them's the way they do the count even until today--look at Israel's kill ratio (1500 dead dumbass Palestinians to 13 Israeli soldiers dead--4 of whom were killed by their own troops) in their insistence on Hamas being the largest and strongest "A-rabb" army in the world--oh, that's right, Al Queda is the world's largest, strongest, and most devious A-rabb (Jihad) army in the world--I'm confused. How is Hamas slinging Israel claims thousands of tomato can missiles over into southern desert Israel? How are these starving goons able to get that many tomato-can missiles into Palestine?--missiles that have KILLED how many Israelis over the years? That's a hard figure to find in the record books. The USA's killing sprees are well documented. We haven't won a war since WWII--again an arranged war.

Here's the bullshit with the Dumbocrat praise of Dutchman Roosevelt's New Deal. Roosevelt's New Deal did not end the Great Depression. It gave us some good community organizations, like Social Security, but it didn't end the Great Depression. What did end the Great Depression? It's right there under our noses and believe me the backward-thinking politicians know this. Harry Truman knew it. Dwight David "The Golfer" Eisenhower warned us about it yet he went ahead and used it to get us out of what was called an "inflation" in Ike's day. Then Kennedy bullshitted his way to the presidency and he knew what he had to do with the several crises he inherited, one of them including a falling economy. But Dumbocrats all united know that New Deal practices won't end a depression. What does? WAR, that's what does. The perfect industry--they make million-and-billion-dollar war machines that are then taken to war where they are either worn out or wrecked. Aha, we need more weapons of mass destruction--so, hey, the government goes into the arms business, and the USA is the biggest arms dealer in the world, in spite of the Israelis claiming that Iran is the leading arms supplier in the world--supplying all their "USA"-made weapons to Hamas through those 1000s of tunnels.... See what a sick mess we've gotten ourselves into.

And, yes, I'm saying Obama will soon drop his transparency bullshit and start staying in those closed-door backrooms--allowing his press secretary--and what a bumbling piece of human bologna this guy is--to spout out the Backwards Thinking that will be eminating from those closed-door rooms. Same old same old, wouldn't you agree? Here are some coming if they haven't come already bullshit backward-thinking spiels from Obama's press sec'y: "Well, the withdrawal from Iraq has been put off to say 15 months now. And, oh yes, we're closing down Guantanamo, but not just yet...maybe a year from now." You see the backward thinking starting?

There is no transparency in Washington, District of Corruption.

Even Obama's bullshitting how lobbyists will not be able to write proposals and bills and shit in his administration, blah, blah, blah; yet, these lobbyists and the corporations they represent are still thick as hops around the Beltway, and they all know Obama, and they've all sent he and his wife and daughters gifts--and believe me, there'll be some lobbyists still hanging around.

Backwards thinking rules us now, yesterday, and will certainly be pitching bullshit to us in the future.

theamazin'waltercrackpipe--our venerable oldtimey reporter
for The Venerable Oldtimey Daily Growler

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