Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Backward-Thinking Sunday

Same Old, Same Old
It is so still and quite this morning in the USA's largest metropolis. It's too quite. It's like people are sleeping late today. Too poor perhaps...too broke from last night's splurging...too broke--or am I repeating myself? I was blessed Friday evening with a banquet fit for a Power Elitist when the ever-blessed thedailygrowlerhousepianist feted the old Wolf-Man to a KC sirloin big enough to choke a horse at the old-time watering hole and feeding trough Keen's Chop House--and who the hell knows, it could have been horse meat--good horse meat if it was--thoroughbred all the way--washed down with several bottles of the late great Freddy Heineken's best and topped off with a high-priced snifter of Calvados. We mafficked with much manly glee and sporadic flirtatious conversations with our Australian waitress who's getting her degree in Psychology from Columbia--a peach of a woman I thought, though tdghousepianist wasn't so impressed with her as I--I the unfettered--I the maverick--I the bold--I the great pretender.

Now on this quite Sunday morning, I'm so well satisfied my head is as empty as my bank account. And, yes, folks, I am as broke as the rest of you! The whole lot of us are broke thanks to the most openly crooked corporate robbers and most openly dishonest and constantly lying politicians ever in the history of this corrupt nation. The most impeachable president in the history of this corrupt nation has promoted himself to the highest levels of the Power Elite where he's excused of his blunders and his lies and his thievery and his ruining of this corrupt nation--a nation corrupted from the very beginning when aristocratic slaveholding landowners and military champions wrote up the Constitution--a Constitution declaring this corrupt nation a Republic not a Democracy--all men were not created equal according to our Constitution--and according to this male-written and male-power-oriented document, women were created to be owned by MEN. This is a MAN's world, folks, and we men can't forget it because it's in our traditions--and it's in women's traditions to be subservient and submissive to men. And totally FUCK the Native Americans who originally OWNED all this land.

The Governor of Illinois is an open crook; and he's acting really proud of himself as he ducks and dodges his accusers and refuses to give up his Power Elite role in Illinois shenanigans. At the same time this governor was clowning around justifying his crookedness, several numbskull Amuricans looking for get-rich-quick gurus were bilked out of billions of bucks by a big-time Power Elite scam artist Bernard Madoff. Who dat? you ask. A Wall Street crook of the highest kind--a Power Elitist who was once Chairman of NASDAQ (whatever happened to the American Stock Exchange?), old Bernie Madoff was a master of deceit when it came to his HEDGE FUND business--Bernard Madoff Associates or some such Wall Street designation as that. Bernie scammed rich widows and Alzheimer's executives out of billions of bucks, which he then used to speculate with, really losing his investors money while reaping billions in profits for himself off his hedge-fund speculations. He trick-bagged his investors by returning them big dividends on their initial investments, luring in more and more of this wild wealth that seems to be out there by the billions upon billions! Imagine, being in an industry where you can steal a million or two and it is never be missed! Never accounted for.

Look at our faux president! This cocksucker is in Iraq today--gloating over his finest hour--this bastard who is honoring our troops--and our commercial teevee ego-trippers are honoring our troops all day today, too--this bastard who's gotten way over 4,000 of them killed and way over 20,000 of them maimed for life--this bastard who's killed some say over 600,000 Iraqis and has left 2 million Iraqi refugees scattered around the world--and this prick is over in Iraq honoring these sacrificial lambs--what an asshole--and yet we continue to honor him! You see, this is part of the Power Elite's privilege--to make drastic mistakes that affect the lives of millions of people--leaving huge numbers of people dead or starving to death--and you see, they are forgiven their mistakes because they are privileged by their Power Elite positions to be excused wrecking the economy or mismanaging a corporation into bankruptcy--still a privilege of the wealthy yet denied the common ordinary citizen--the consumers and producers--the lowest form of human beings in existence (the Labor Force) to the Power Elite. The scumbags who have to do the shit work. So this hedge-fund asshole is now being reprimanded by his peers! HAH. How many weeks of P Time will this scumbag serve? In the meantime, some poor black dumb son of bitch is doing 25-to-life because he sold an baby-laxative-cut gram package of cocaine to an undercover asshole cop who lured him into the deal--which of course is unConstitutional, but who the fuck cares?--a petty dope dealer is a common ordinary worker to the Power Elite--all of whom can dabble in cocaine to their heart's delight if they so choose. These people can drive drunk and wreck their BMW sports cars and nothing happens to them, or as in the case of movie star and Power Elitist entertainer Matthew Broderick--he and his chick at the time killed two Irish motorists when they were struck by Matthew's speeding BMW--and nothing happened to Broderick--no charges. Russell Crowe can throw a cell phone at a guy's head and almost kill him or brain damage the dude and he gets away with a slap on the wrist and having to pay the guy he almost beaned some pocket change in repentance. Or Halle Berry can hit-and-run in LA and she's excused because of the pressures on her life as a millionaire actress.

Did you ever consider the wealth Hollywood has stolen from the Amurican people over the years? Consider teevee for instance. There are at least 3 hours of prime-time shows every evening on teevee, on CBS, NBC, Fox, and Mickey Mouse's ABC. Each of these shows has at least two leading stars--those making the star dollars--3 shows a night, 4 major networks, that's 84 prime-time teevee shows running every week--and I count reruns as runs since the star actors get paid for the reruns--which means at least 168 actors a week are making star bucks--168 actors and actresses accumulating big-buck wealth whether their shows tank during the first weeks or go on for years. All the actors on the popular show Friends are now Power Elite members--each ending that show making over 12 million an episode--can you imagine! Of course it's an expensive lifestyle they lead and they have a lot of parasitical staff people they have to pay, their agents, their legal advisers, their accountants (accountants steal a lot of money from Hollywood elitists every year--when I once worked for Price Waterhouse, the PW accountant handling Diana Ross's account stole $200,000 from Miss Ross--accountant crooks use what they openly called "creative" accounting when dealing with their high-end Power Elite clients), their assistants (their hair people, their personal trainers, their speech therapists, their psychiatric therapists, their gardeners, their bankers)--still, come on, they lead the ultimate in privileged lives, unaccountable for much of anything in their irresponsible ways of living--lifestyles manufactured by the movie studios--marriages made in studio production offices--like Tom Hanks (Cruise?) and Katie Holmes--look how shooting-star their careers took off once they hooked up and fucked each other and made a baby--a worthless little parasite brat that We the People are gonna be burdened with supporting for the rest of his or her unproductive lives.

Like what qualifies Caroline Kennedy to be a New York State senator? Her grandfather was a corrupt bastard. Her father was a fornicating lying bastard who was hooked in tight with the Mob--probably thanks to old Joe Kennedy, the ex-Boston, shanty Irish bootlegger who happened to marry the daughter of Boston's leading shanty Irish political kingpin--all of these Potato Famine IMMIGRANTS crooked as snakes at night! Old Joe banging sweet Miss Rose, keeping her knocked up so as to give him time to fuck his Hollywood pretties--his little sex pets! And his sons took right after the old man--no woman was safe in their company--ask Mary Jo Kopeckne about how safe it is to be with a drunk Kennedy whose dick is overpowering his brain! Does that qualify Caroline to be a senator? She was so young when her father was blown away (by the Mob they are now saying), she surely has only vague memories of those times. And also, what do we do with the topless shots of Sweet Caroline and Jackie O strolling on the beaches of St. Tropez back at the height of their glory days together--Caroline and Mom walking hand-in-hand topless down the beach! Such a sordid family the Kennedys. I will never refer to the Triboro Bridge as the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge--RFK, yeah he got religion when his brother was shot and killed--though it wasn't enough religion to protect him from the Mob.

You see, folks, it's another backward-thinking Sunday. I find it ironic how people who obviously know nothing about Economics or the workings of the stock market are now telling us the solution to this economic collapse still collapsing all around us! No mention is made of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars! No mention of the cost of those wars! No mention of the trillion dollar Pentagon budget and how this asshole Robert Gates is the man who got such a huge wasteful amount from Congress. Today he's trumpeting this bullshit of he's taking the poor slob soldiers out of Iraq--not to bring them home! oh NO! But to deploy them to Afghanistan, the righteous war this time, according to the people who know absolutely dickshit-nothing about Afghanistan history--who know nothing about the connection between Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, how they're all kin and can be traced back to the Islamic Caliphate ravagings--the Hordes that swept all up and down the Silk Road--pushing Islam into Iran, into Afghanistan, into certain parts of India...

Forgive me. I said I was going to stay in the literary context and avoid the reality contexts, especially the political context--but it's all so simply observed and so easily commented upon--and the rest of the comments I read around the Internet are so illogical and tied to traditional fears--outside agitators--terrorists--when We, the USA, are the biggest and scariest terrorists in the world, though our terrorism has proven our downfall--we haven't won any military action since WWII--that's fact, folks, and we will continue to be the world's greatest empirical terrorists until Obama tries to do something about our plight and offer us his CHANGE! I don't have my hopes up, do you?

Mayor Billionaire Bloomburg here in NYC sez this city's now broke, too, and we're gonna have to tighten our belts--he's not tightening his, however--he's now the 5th richest man in the world moving up to 5th from 65th when he became Mayor of NYC--being elected because he was the darling of Ru(A)dolph "Mussolini" Guiliani, one of the stupidest men in the world; yet, so stupid he was ruthlessly people-punishing when he was at the top of the NYC political Power Elite. Assholes all of them! Our billionaire mayor is cutting police services and closing down fire houses! There ya go! Sorry son of a bitch. I say give him the boot rather than a third term and give his foreign-money-backed asshole real estate developer buddies the boot, too, these Power-Grabbing Elite intent upon raping the old neighborhoods of NYC in favor of hi-rise luxury apartments and hi-rise luxury hotels--one hotel here in NYC offering one suite for $45,000 a night! I say, immediately arrest any Power Elite asshole who can conspicuously spend $45,000 a night for a stupid scummy-germ-bacteria-ridden hotel room! Don't you think the maids in those kind of luxurious pomposity situations rub the drinking glasses all over their pussies before they put them in those sanitary sacks? Don't you think these underpaid illegal immigrant maids don't contaminate as much stuff in these rooms and kitchens as they cynically can?--surely those foreign chefs spit in their masters's food occasionally out of contempt!

Sorry, the stillness of this Sunday is fading. The mechanistic society is ready to begin destroying life as we know it. Life tomorrow? No thank you.

for The Daily Growler

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