Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's This? A Joe LIEberman Sunday!

An Uncle Joe LIEberman Sunday!
Believe it or not, it wasn't Barack Obama or Hillbilly Hillary or John "Nutjob" McCain who filled the slots on the right-wing commercial teevee pundit shows this Sunday morn, it was instead the enormously successful and now very popular even with the Dumbocrats Uncle Joe LIEberman. Flip-flopper. Liar. Dumb shit. Politician to the fabulously rich. A Connecticut politician, like the late, great, old fart Prescott Bush and the righteously irReverend Pat Robertson--or perhaps you recall Jim "Carpetbagger" Buckley, the brother of the great, stupid, phony, and big-time dilettante William F. Buckley, Jr. (is Bill dead yet?).

And Uncle Joe--I mean, how lucky is Uncle Joe? First of all, after losing the Dumbocrat nomination for his return to the Senate, he switched parties and ran as an Independent and won with the help of the Repugnicans. With that win, Uncle Joe tossed around the idea that perhaps he'd join the Repugnican Party. I mean he went along with everything Repugnican. Hell, Uncle Joe went along with everything Georgie Porgie "Puddin' Pie" Bush--the most worthless and damaging president in the history of the presidency and yet this sorry worthless piece of rich-boy shit is going to walk away from the world-wrecking disaster he created absolutely free--with all the benefits of that office that this little crooked dumbass drugstore Texan never legally won--first president ever appointed by the Supreme(ly) Dumb Court--I mean think of all the severe-ass things this little prick has shoveled off on We the People's asses! Look at the trillions of dollars this little slick prick has stolen from the U.S. Treasury--with the help of his Wall Street asslicking buddies like Hank Paulson and his Federal Reserve trained monkey--Bernakee or whatever his name is (his name doesn't deserve to be spelled correctly)! And yet, Bush is going to go back to his faux ranch in Crawfull, Texas, and live like a little spoiled brat duke for the rest of his silly ass worthless life--sipping his bourbons and branch water out on his back patio while the house N-worders cook him up some barbecue ribs, all the while cashing his presidential paycheck still every month, getting Secret Service protection, getting office space and a staff, getting a We-the-People-paid-for library to store his volumes of great executive decisions he personally penned during his crooked reign--like from his diary: "September 11, 2001: 'Oh gee golly damn am I a'scared. Unka Dick! Unka Dick! I'm a'scared of those god-damn towelheads! Unka Dick! Damn, Pickles tells me it looks like Unka Dick's hidden out somewhere where nobody knows where he is. God-damn, I'm a'scared. Towelheads, sand N-worders, A-Rabbs!" The George W. "Baby" Bush Library--will it be full of rolls of used toilet paper? The little weasel and all his crooked cronies who have caused the most havoc in the USA since the last spoiled rich-brat president Herbert Hoover fucked up everything back from 1928 to 1932 are getting fat-cat-free away with all the disruption they've brought on this country.

Uncle Joe LIEberman then after he wins as an independent to show the Dumbocrats what a little prick he is, he speaks at the Repugnican Convention--he openly says he's for John "Nutjob" McCain--and what do the Dumbocrats do to punish this asshole? Nothing. There you go. Not a goddamn thing. In fact, good old Henry Reid bent over and gave Uncle Joe some asshole and Nancy Pelosi sucked Uncle Joe's tiny gnarly pecker. They didn't even slap Uncle Joe on the wrist as they welcomed him back wholehawg into the Dumbocrat inner circles.

And Uncle Joe was hot today. He's so dumb and ineffectual as a reasoner. He's just a rather ignorant man--"Well, Uncle Joe, you're back among more ignorant men than you so you can let your hair down and keep on wheelin' and stealin' away--workin' hard for that K Street money and all those million-dollar boondoggles you've arranged for your fat-cat Connecticut constituents. Uncle Joe LIEberman, the perfect Dumbocrat!"

And Barack Obama, what did he do? He put Larry "Fuck the Third World" Summers in his administration. Barack, you sound so great and then you hook up with and praise a lousy son of a bitch like Larry Summers! Come on, Barack, don't fuck this up. This can be the greatest moment ever in American politics! Please don't fuck it up listening to that same old bunch of lyin' motherfuckers you're surrounding yourself with. I'm sorry, folks, Hillary Clinton is not a good choice for Sec'y of State. I'm sorry, she's not. Besides, letting her husband in your house means you'd better hide your wife and daughters for God sake!

Politics is beginning to sour my outlook. I'm becoming once again the most cynical man on earth. I hope the party isn't over, but it damn sure feels like it is.

for The Daily "Sunday" Growler

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