Differences between blacks and whites and whoever else you wanna throw in the pot? Incomplete sentences is all I can manage--the urgency of my understanding--thinking within writing--and today I was set straight by two different attacks, first from another-dimensional woman, a black woman--the other from an Irish girl from Donegal....
I'm a wild thinker, OK? I've explained it using Albert Murray as my muse-on-my-shoulder. Like Murray I think from within a literary context, not a political context. Therefore I see Barack Obama as a literary character. A romantic character. A made-up character. Made up in my mind. And in that process I am sometimes just as wildly wrong as I am usually wildly right, and we ain't talkin' wings here, but right and wrong as in answers to "yes or no" questions--rhetorical or otherwise. Here's attack number one. From a beautiful black woman. From a brilliantly logical black woman...
And as aside, I put a beautiful logical black woman on a bus earlier this morning...
And this 83-year-old black woman from the first attack was Adelaide Sanford, a New York City black woman thinker and educator and reasoner and reckoner...
Read all about Adelaide Sanford: www.thehistorymakers.com/biography/biography.asp?bioindex=928
Adelaide Sanford was reasoning outloud and she first attracted my attention talking about "the overserved." She meant by that what Veblen meant by the Leisure Class; what Mills meant by the Power Elite. And Adelaide Sanford explained to me what Barack Obama was up to by choosing both "comrades" and "antagonists" to fill the posts in his administration. She said it was a black tactic, though I'm being more blatant about it than she was. She said it was in the ancient African nature to share--especially to share and shelter those of theirs in need. She said it was also in the African nature to unify. To bring together the agreeable and the disagreeable. She explained that the only way Barack Obama could get anything done was to surround himself with friends and enemies, pasts and futures, etc. Dig? I saw the light. I've been putting Obama down of late, as have the coyotes on the The Daily Growler staff. I thought he deserved harsh criticism after he lavished more praise than they deserved on a war criminal like John Brennan or a just-plain-unregulating asshole like Larry "Fired From Harvard" Summers...or even why in the Holiest of Hades would he hire Hillbilly Hillary Clinton as his Sec'y of State. Adelaide Sanford says Obama has his reasons. Bringing this country together is one of the deepest of his reasons--as though he were Lincoln bringing about the Emancipation Proclamation--as though he were Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down that wall--as though he were Martin Luther King, Jr., too--as though he were Malcolm X--see what Adelaide means!
The brilliant and intelligent and reasonable black woman I put on a bus earlier this morning and I were walking back from a glorious dinner at our fav Persian restaurant on Native-American-Appreciation Day (read: Thanksgiving)--and every shop we passed on our way back from that glorious dinner, rug stores, the Laundromat, the delis, the Made-in-China junk stores on Fifth Avenue, every joint had a picture of Obama in the window--one junk store had a window full of portraits of Obama framed in USA flags--one window had Obama tee shirts in red, white, and blue, and solid black colors. I am still amazed at how people are keeping their intent faith in Obama as if they believe Obama's going to do what he's says he's gonna do though they don't know how he's going to do it.
We have to wait--and I have to wait--and see! I'm a wolf more than a man on this issue. I smell failure. I smell let down. Yet my human side has to step out of the animal skin and reason like only a human can reason. I hope Obama is as black smart as Adelaide Sanford says he is. I'd certainly believe anything that beautiful woman told me--and understand it, too.
George W. Bush looks sunk these days, doesn't he? Like the shit at the bottom of a four-holer outhouse that's been off limits and mellowing for a few months--throw some lime on his rotten ass.
for The Daily Growler
Dr. Adelaide Sanford
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