Thursday, November 06, 2008

Chatty Kathy

A Wolf-Man Playing With Dolls?
The party's over. Obama is president but I don't feel any change yet. So far he's putting his blessings on a questionable crew of ex-Clintonians for the early pay-off spots in his administration. His most alarming revelation to me is his making Rahm Emanuel his chief of staff. This rightwinger Dumbo was Nancy Pelosi's dickboy before Obama, a political friend from Chicago, chose him for his Chief of Staff--ugh, bad choice! The Dumbocratic Party I believe is controlling Obama in most of his decisions. He's also talking of bringing Larry Summers back into our lives, and that's a hard one to believe given Summers's white-racist attitudes he had about Third World countries and Africa back when he was a pet-project of Slick Willie Clinton! I can't imagine Obama's thinking--whether he's thinking as a black man or a white man. Even making Jim "Crooked CEO at Goldman-Sachs" Corsine his Sec'y of Treasury doesn't make any sense to me--why not make Paul Krugman Sec'y of Treasury? And the worst mistake of all if he does this--believe this or not, and I didn't but I just read where's it's perfectly true (and that's pretty damn true true--only several tablespoons of lie in that true statement)--but the one I can't believe is he's thinking of making Colon's Pal his Sec'y of State! Whoaaaaa! Honey hush! Can you believe that one! Why not just keep Condo-Leasing Rice in the spot. I noticed Condie was doing a little "sanding" on Obama this morning talking about how as a black person she found it a great moment in history. Another unusual "like" of Obama's is Joel Klein, the head of the New York City Board of Education, a businessman not an educator who was put into power when our pathetic billionaire mayor took over the school system--took it away from the educators. By the bye, New York City public school kids are some of the dumbest in the Universe--not the well-endowed special schools now--no, I'm talking about the common-denominator schools of the school system--where Little Mike the Billionaire has imposed unfair standards of "excellence" on these poor harassed and confused New York City poor kids and all the "adult" things they have to endure just to get through the early grades--fully grown up by the time they get to high school--their schooling in the street teaches them one thing then Joel Klein and his "school is a place where kids are trained for the work place--for earning a living--not to learn anything like knowledge!" attitude is teaching them another thing--parallel teachings that can never meet without people who are able to dialog with our new-era kids--something Old Ruptured-Looking Joel Klein can't do--OK, send him to Washington, District of Corruption, and get him out of our hair. Joel Klein is a bald man. You ever notice how bald bosses hate men with a lot of hair--especially men who enjoy letting their hair grow to its full length and power? I do think there's power in long male hair--maybe not intellectual power since chrome domes are known as eggheads and not Eben Ahbez types--ironically, "longhairs" in classical music are the geniuses--on the other hand, perhaps my hair has grown down to my ass because I'm using my brain so lustfully nutritious and bright!

Obama has said, too, that he's going to make Caroline Kennedy--Whatever her married name is (Schlossberg?)--ambassador to the UN! I've got nothing against Caroline, but what the hell does she know about diplomacy and anything just because she was a president's daughter and maybe filthy rich--she was too young to know what her father was up to, politically or adultwise! That's like saying because she was Slick Willie's wife, Hillary "Hillbilly-Big-Hips" Clinton was a qualified candidate for the Senate from New York State.

I'm still cynical about it all--I was disgusted by the 20-month presidential campaign. Weren't these SOBs supposed to be working in the District of Corruption for those nearly TWO years! "TWO YEARS, that's fucking preponderous!" (speaking Casey Casemesque)--of course, where else could a dude like Obama make 150 million bucks in one month? Certainly not while earning his Congressional salary--though Obama, like all in Congress, came from a relatively low earning capacity to now being worth millions of bucks! Amazing to me! The way to success and privilege in this country is first through CRIME--crime pays big; second through LYING--lying is essential in gaining wealth--like lying to the IRS, Congress, etc.; third: through friendships and acquaintances: accept payoffs, junkets, blackmail monies, under-the-table contributions, free dinners, free parties, free golf vacations, college for the girls, speaking engagements, and "special help" with the finances--hey, and plus the best healthcare known to man, that paid for by We the People of the USA.

Little-Man Mike the New York City billionaire mayor is currently so pissed off at New York Citians for being totally pissed off with him and his dictatorial attitudes lately--like his imposing himself on us whether we want him or not for a shot at a third term--and this little twerp is so pissed off that yesterday he was on local teevee threatening New York Citians with new taxes, with stopped property tax rebates, with cuts in fire and police, with cuts in the school system--the first place these in-debt mayors go are to the people that work the hardest in city positions--and, yes, now his little imperial majesty mayor is saying the City is in crushing debt due to the Wall Street debacle (a premeditated raid on the US Treasury)--when only a few months back, this same pompous little-man mayor was trumpeting that the City had a budget surplus! LIE. The city's broke--and it's this little tight-butted asshole's fault, too. Aren't we tired of filthy rich men ruling us? Trust me, rich people ain't giving up their money--nor do they want to give up a powerful job like mayor of New York City (one of the largest budgets in the world), power which Little-Man Mike has used to worm his way from 65th richest man in the US up to 8th richest man in the US--just think how much richer he can get if he bullies his way into another term as mayor. It is fucking preponderous! The only way to get your fair share from the filthy rich (the power elites) is to tax their asses off--rich people hate taxes worse than the poor people who end up having to pay the largest portion of them. Like Exxon-Mobil--two years in a row of world-record-breaking Capitalist profits--in a time of world crisis, you see, the corrupt oil industry raises crude prices to world-record levels. Why? Not because of a shortage of oil--come on! Naw, not that at all. But, yeah, a chance to make filthy profits and CEO bonuses and to collect big filthy pools of money and putting it aside as research and development money--plus Exxon-Mobil has the privilege of stashing their foreign-made monies in off-shore bank accounts--monies on which they will not pay one thin dime of US taxes! Rich big shots really hate the Capital Gains tax, too--and Wall Street opposes stock transfer taxes. All New York City has to do is to reinstate the stock transfer tax (it once was a penny per share traded) and any city budget crisis would be solved. Ed "Flip a Coin" Krotch (read: Koch) under pressure from the Wall Street goons that put him in power did away with the stock transfer tax when Wall Street threatened it was moving to New Jersey back in the lusty 1980s! Yeah sure Wall Street was moving to New Jersey! My attitude has always been to give Wall Street a one-way ticket to Jersey--help them move--yeah sure they're gonna love being in Jersey City! Or how about Hoboken? Or, hey, how 'bout Newark?

If Obama even half-ass tries to really CHANGE anything except his own social status, I'll be amazed! Like these EVIL defeating wars are not going to end. Obviously the economic crisis isn't going away just because Obama won the presidency--Wall Street isn't sure of him that much--afterall, he is a Dumbocrat, though he's already stressed he's more a Reaganomics lover than he is a New Dealer, the great hated beast of the Repugnicans and the Neo-Conservatives. As to raising taxes--you wanna bet? At least our little billionaire New York City mayor and our New York State blind governor are honest: they're raising sales taxes, bridge tolls, subway fares, property taxes--ripping us off. Fuck We the People--Let us eat cake!

How 'bout I'm playing with voodoo dolls?

for The Daily Growler

From A Perfect Poem for What We Hope Has Happened--It's a Long But Enticing Poem by Langston Hughes:


Let America Be America Again

by Langston Hughes

Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

Let America be the dream the dreamers dreamed—
Let it be that great strong land of love
Where never kings connive nor tyrants scheme
That any man be crushed by one above.

(It never was America to me.)

O, let my land be a land where Liberty
Is crowned with no false patriotic wreath,
But opportunity is real, and life is free,
Equality is in the air we breathe.

(There's never been equality for me,
Nor freedom in this "homeland of the free.")

Continue reading "AMERICA AGAIN."

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