I've Got to Get the Hell Off This Planet
I would hate to be a young person just entering adulthood in today's carnival of doom world. I have two very young and brilliantly gifted kids in my family, a grandnephew and a grandniece, absolutely charming kids, but I look at them and their passions and I tremble thinking about what chaotic crap they are going to face as they are kicked out of the nest to progress on their own on into real life.
I thought of them as I listened to President Obama a week ago trumpeting over in the Philippines his promoting of his and his corporate cronies' TransPacific Trade Pact (Japan turned him down) and on the side warning Russia and Putin that "we" (I love the way these sleazy politicians use that term when talking about the back-room secret deals they are up to) will punish Russia for its threatening the Neo-Nazi chaps in the Ukraine, a territory that has been involved in Russian history since the earliest days of the Czars. I'm thinking, what in the hell is our president doing traipsing all about the world while here at home Chaos continues to decimate this country with California now admitting it's running out of water (also the mayor of Las Vegas saying Sin City is running out of water) and still suffering the worst drought in the state's history and I'm thinking, in a stream of consciousness trip, what if Mexico amassed troops on our borders threatening to take back the territory we stole from them back in Old Slaveholding Tom Jefferson's day? You catch my drift?
And then our tornado-prone states suffered a series of town-flattening and human-killing tornadoes from Oklahoma, down through Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama, and Obama (our next multimillionaire ex-President) was still flying about the Pacific Rim promoting corporate doom on the Pacific Rim countries plus he was on a mission to sell drones to Australia. Such bullshit. It's hard to contemplate the future with so much bullshit being flung daily in our stupid faces. As our rightwing nutjobs begin babbling racist crap (one the creepy billionaire owner of the Los Angeles Clippers, a team composed mostly of Black players with a Black coach), once again this country is dividing up along the old Civil War lines, the South rising again (let's hear a Rebel Yell!), promoting racist attitudes as it gerrymanders districts from all-Black to all-White and renews pre-Civil Rights anti-Black voting limitations and wants to wave the Confederate Flag and the Ten Commandments over its statehouses.
To say this country is fucked up is an understatement. Racist pigs oinking their stupid racist statements with impunity (like that asshole rancher Bundy who's deliberately cheating the American people out of rents as he uses federal lands to increase the dollars in his overflowing coffers while in the same areas Native Americans are having their sacred lands stolen from them). And I'm hollering "Hypocrites" as I watch television kissing the asses of our worthless celebrities and following wide-eyed the foppish foolishness of British royalty, especially making goo-goo eyes over the everyday habits of Prince William and his dumbass wife and Prince "Nazi-uniform Wearing" Harry, both worthless children of a failed marriage whose mother was a royal slut and whose father is a worthless piece of crap from a family (with a Prussian-Nazi past) that is draining the British economy to the tune of multimillions of Euro dollars a year as pretend rulers. And our White-controlled news media glorifies everything British, including Brit actors and actresses, Brit vaudeville on Broadway, Brit musicians, Brit writers, Brit chefs (Brit traditional food the worst food in the world), and Brit announcers (watch golf on television and most of the on-air commentators are Brits).
In the meantime, our ultra-stupid Congress people are still poised to bail out our vulgar banks as these crooks (pirates) continue to deal in derivatives and continue throwing people out of their homes and now are scheming to rent these homes back to people at sky-high prices. In the meantime, our big oil giants are given free passes to continue to defile our atmosphere and are allowed to drill, drill, drill wherever the hell they want. The excessively greedy British Petroleum who was the cause of the worst oil spill in human history are back to drilling away with impunity in our Gulf. And our Capitalist Pig class is going about either ruining our cities or rezoning them in favor of real estate developers (check out how Billionaire Mayor Mike Bloomberg rezoned New York City in favor of his hi-rise-luxury-apartment-and-office building developers...and I recently watched a documentary on how Billionaire Mike sold off a huge chunk of Coney Island to a developer who has now allowed his purchase to go fallow for several years now).
Plus, this nation is deep in debt with the corrupt Federal Reserve printing bales of worthless dollars as it still shovels huge piles of this worthless cash into the pirate banks and our government continues to base our economy on WAR, with our truly dumbass and witless Sec'y of State, John "Ketchup Sucking" Kerry going about making a fool of himself threatening Russia over the Ukraine as if the Ukraine is really one of our territories and then going to Africa and peddling US investments that will suck all the wealth out of that continent where native peoples are starving or warring or under the rule of ruthless assholes who are totally corrupt.
I just read an article on Salon predicting the next high-tech bubble bursting and I was so taken by how dumb Salon pundits and commenters are about economics and Wall Street. Economics is not a science; it is a guessing game. Bubble-bursting predictors and stock market analysts are the same as Gypsy fortunetellers and voodoo soothsayers or Christian pseudo-prophets (who are predicting the end of time and the coming of the fictional Jewish Jesus (remember, he'll come back out of the clouds (not a part of the heavens, you idiots) riding on a gigantic White horse)). These birds can only guess at what will happen. We are in Chaos now. And in Chaos nothing is real. Inside Chaos, the reality is that we are now ruled by a Plutocratic 1% that don't give a shit if the stock market crashes or there is a high-tech bubble about to burst. These Global Marketplace worshipers are so wealthy (not in terms of cash but in terms of capital wealth) they'll make money off the majority going bankrupt.
I just watched the Kentucky Derby and saw 160, 000 pompous assholes going bananas over a bunch of rich assholes' nags running for a measly purse of 2 million dollars, which is chicken feed when it comes to owning race horses and feeding them and housing them and training them and entering them in races. I was once married to the racing secretary of the New Mexico race tracks and I know for a fact, winners are decided in the stables. I used to place bets for jockeys who are not allowed to bet on races and when I bet on the jockeys' picks, I won, but when I defied them and bet on my picks, I lost or at best broke even. Picking winning horses is the same as predicting bubbles bursting or what will happen in the stock market, though currently, I advise people to bet all their savings on oil companies (get in on the fracking boom going on right now), the military industrial complex giants, and the high-end real estate markets. Make your bonanzas and then get the hell out and move to a mansion in the Caribbean like our wealthiest assholes do.
thegrowlingwolf (as The Daily Growler soothsayer)
The 8-Year-Old Daily Growler