Friday, April 20, 2007

Entering Chaos

The Love of Guns
Given the current state of people who own guns in this country, it appears we are in constant danger from terrerists who have been around since Burr and Hamilton shot it out back in the golden days of White America.

We are bored tonight; not feeling like writing. thegrowlingwolf refuses to come out of his den tonight--he's pissed like a maddened wolf. We think the Yankees blew one with the Red Sox--we think Mariano Rivera blew a 4-run Yankee lead to lose the game.

Since we do not feel like writing...


And, remember, WAR is good--look at the stock market if you don't believe it; Exxon-Mobil went wild today--war money is rolling in by the barrelsful. Yeehaw!! Where's your Glock? You may need to use it. We haven't seen the tanks in the streets yet but they're coming. They may have Blackwater written on them instead of US Army. Blackwater is setting up Blackwater North outside Chicago and are trying to open Blackwater West out in the Mojave east of San Diego. These are full-active army training camps--with firing ranges and even some missile launch area. With there three posts set up, Blackwater could easily take over a couple of major cities. I'm certain the police forces will go along with Blackwater and Commander in General Boy Bush, the phony president who's determined to leave us all DEAD.

You all ready to die for your beliefs?

for The Daily Growler

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