Say goodbye to: Mel Parnell, one of the great all-time Boston Red Sox pitchers from the forties and early fifties--the days of Ted Williams: Mel Parnell, 89, American baseball player (Boston Red Sox). Wow, the old time baseball players are dropping like flies these days. Yet, Ralph Kiner lives on in the Mets's announcing booth, going on 90 now.
Karl Marx said: In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality.
Marx My Word
Seems like old Karl hits the Capitalist nail on the head with the above statement, and yet like Richard Wolff, the American Marxian Economist, says, Marx is ignored by most college Economics departments or if mentioned he's mentioned in terms of the failed Soviet Union or the brutality of Maoist Chinese Communism (We the People tend to overlook that aspect of Communist China these days). Very few Americans have ever read The Communist Manifesto much less even glanced at Das Kapital. As a graduate assistant while working on my Master's in Sociological and Economic Theory I taught Marx as a Sociologist, an empirical scientist, and not as a communist. Marx himself said he wasn't a Marxist.
Karl Marx said: Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks.
As I've often written in these posts, Capitalism (profits) depends on CHEAP LABOR. It's biggest enemy is high wages. It's next biggest enemy is labor unions. Labor unions are supposed to protect workers. Union power is in their ability to strike. Labor unions (historically) in the USA are responsible for yearly wage hikes, safe workplace conditions, the 5-day work week, overtime pay, vacation days, sick days, guaranteed health insurance (why wouldn't an employer want to have a healthy workforce?), guaranteed other job-incentive benefits. Labor unions created the Middle Class in this country. As our labor unions lose their power, so do our workers lose their jobs. So do employers move their factories lock, stock, and barrel out of the USA and haul them off to countries where workers are treated like slaves. Where child labor is sanctioned. Where workers work for as little as US$3.00 a day. Where workers in the Apple factory in China can't ever afford the iPads they are working 16-hours-a-day at $3.00-a-day (they get no overtime in China) to make; getting so frustrated that a bunch of them go up on the roof of the plant and jump off, committing suicide rather than continuing to build Apple products. As a result of Apple using the cheap labor of the Communist Chinese workforce, they currently have in excess of 69 billion dollars in profits that they don't know what to do with. They have a surplus while We the People of the USA are going deeper into debt daily. I was reading where ironically We the People of the US are borrowing money from Communist China in order to give financial aid to the Republic of China (Taiwan) (Check out what happened to the Formosans, speaking of Taiwan).
Karl Marx said: Landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed.
Rents here in New York City have spiraled upward to where now the base rent for a studio (a room with a bath) apartment throughout the five boroughs is $2000-a-month. This is the doings of our Billionaire Mayor and his rezoning New York City, doing away with old neighborhoods, like ruining (rich White men call it "gentrifying") Harlem, throwing people out of apartments they've maybe lived in for 40 years, rezoning Harlem and opening it up to filthy rich White developers or White private equity funders, who drive out the Blacks (rich White people (i.e., Billionaire Mayor Bloomberg) hate Blacks and poor Whites and Latinos and Muslims) to replace them with upper-income Whites, Whites making over $100,000-a-year.
Karl Marx said: Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand.
Now, come on, how true is that statement? To check out the impotence of the human mind, simply listen to the idiotic babblings of Christians...or the idiotic babblings of the true believing Mormons...or the idiotic babblings of the Islamic fanatics...or the idiotic babblings of the religious Jews (and Judaism is a religion). And watch as most of the world's current conflicts are based on the impotence of the human mind.
Karl Marx said: The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.
Let's see you argue with that statement...especially during these insane political campaigns currently going on in this country. No matter which one of this passel of fools you vote for, you are voting for an oppressing class that will continue to repress you. Doesn't matter which one of these idiotic fools you vote for, Little Rickie Santorum, Mitt "The Mormon" Romney, Ron "Ayn Rand" Paul, Newtie "Fat Boy" Gingrich, OR Barack Obama. Whichever one of these backwards-thinking MEN you elect, you're gonna get more of your rights taken away; you're going to more than likely lose your job, your house, your land...We the People are going to get further repressed (from whence comes REPRESSION)...driven further down into further oppression (from whence comes DEPRESSION). Besides, our elections are so trumped up and phony anyway. BEWARE: The Bush Family Empire is preparing Little Lord Jeb (for John Ellis Bush) Bush for a convention coup. As a Bush, this little vote-stealing former governor of Florida will be presented as spotless, though he is a Catholic (converted); he is married to a Messkin gal, which means his spotless children (except for his daughter Noelle who served some time for cocaine possession (hey, we all make mistakes)) are half Messkins (in Mississippi, that would mean Jeb's kids are half-breeds--mongrels (didn't old Mammy Bush called them "little brown things" (read that as "monkeys")?)), plus Jeb has a Bush Family Empire background in BANKING and REAL ESTATE (check out his Miami real estate connections).
Karl Marx said: We should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the most time's carcass.
How brilliant a thinking is that! Think about that. Go back to Elton Mayo and his invention of "Time and motion studies."
I remain humble...but watch out, I'm still growling...
for The Daily Growler
Our Spectacular GOD, the Sun--and look at the beautiful skies it gives us:
thanks to spaceweather.com
For the third day in a row, a high-speed solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field. The jostling is not enough to cause a full-fledged geomagnetic storm, but some nice intermittent auroras are flickering around the Arctic Circle. In the northern village of Ivujivik, Quebec, Sylvain Serre photographed an outburst on March 18th:
"What an incredible night," says Serre. "The Northern Lights weren't there when I first went outside, but after 5 minutes they were so strong that I had to try new settings for my camera."
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