Yep, boys and girls, this is the 10th Anniversary of one of Billy Jeff Clinton's great warmongering efforts--his invading of Yugoslavia and especially the small nation of Kosovo. Let me explain it this way: after WWII, remember WWII is a righteous war, there was no longer any need for NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and this was especially true with the founding of the UN and the business of the UN Security Council; yet the US Military Power Elite after WWII (old Ike Eisenhower was there) recognized what a powerful war tool NATO was, so they began justifying reasons for NATO to keep on existing. The US, Britain, and France began NATO with Russia not joining them and instead bitching against the idea. The Russians believed when they defended their lands against the same ol' neighboring botherers, the Teutons (the Germans), the Scandinavian hordes, the Finns, the hated Polish, the Slavs--I mean, Russia captured that territory from Hitler so by God it was their territory now, F the Big Boss US and its weak-ass allies, Britain and France. Thus Berlin was divided into 4 chunks, with East Berlin becoming the jewel of the Commie rebuilding brag--do you feel the Cold War already in motion? OK, said the US to Russia, you don't wanna be in NATO--OK. Russia added and made the US promise that they'd never use NATO forces to interfere with Soviet Union business, meaning NATO would never bring troops onto Soviet Union territories, including the new many occupied countries like the newly created Czechoslovakia, the Magyars, the Romans of Romania, the Serbs (who still think they are privileged Hapsburgs), the Croatians...but, whoaaaa--not the Yugoslavians! Yugoslavia was ruled by Marshall Tito, a controversial figure in both the US and the Soviet Union. And Yugoslavia was blooming after WWII under Tito's "liberal" communist dictatorship (remember the Yugo automobile?). And, Jesus X, how our State Department, under John Foster Dull-ass and his evil brother Alan Dull-ass, the man who started the CIA, hated Marshall Tito. They accused Tito of communizing Albania (wild ass weird Albania--read Byron's Childe Harold where the good Lord goes to Albania) and trying to communize Greece. But when the Soviets disciplined the upstarts Czechoslovakia and Hungary by moving the troops in, NATO respected the deal with the Soviets and stayed on their side of that long, long border that runs seemingly from the North Pole down to the Mediterranean.
NATO ruled militarily eventually over Europe--their attentions aimed mainly at Moscow as the Cold War began and the years and years of threats and counterthreats and big-talk bullshit, my dog's bigger than your dog, blah, blah, blah, began in scary earnest....
Did you ever ask yourself when watching these politician jerk offs authoritatively say things to the rest of the world about what We the People stand for, you know, our intentions, our beliefs, our respects, our attitudes, our politics, our fortitudes, our endeavors where they get their authority to say the things they say? Are these words written out for them and then officially stamped "A-OK to say" and then signed by the President or one of his flunkies, or what? Like when Hillary says something like, "We are in full agreement with the blessed nation of Israel that the Palestinian, I mean, the Palestinian A-rabs, are the cause of this Gaza, filthy place that it is, problem, and not blessed Israel. We pledge to the nation of Israel that We the People of the United Snakes will go to the very end of mankind defending Israel's right to steal as much land as they need and kill as many Palestinian men, women, and children (it takes a village remember) as it will take to stop Palestine from throwing tomato can missiles over into blessed Israel's Holy Land and KILLING precious Israelis, though, OK, small numbers compared to those suffered by the A-rabs, but then that's justified because the Palestinians must pay heavy for such death and destruction against blessed Israel." [You may accuse me of sarcastic exaggeration, but I am paraphrasing--OK, I'm slanging it up with real words--what Hillary said when she was globe-trotting and stopped off briefly in Israel--then peering over the fence into filthy Gaza from an Israeli military viewing box (I kid you not the Israeli army did set up a viewing stand and Israelis did gather down at that point and watch the Gaza invasion and masacre). Through whose lips is Hillary speaking when she says such bullshit? Who is she referring to with her using the introductory "We"--who the hell are "We"?
Meet Richard Holbrooke (from the Bosnia Website)
"All evidence and records at hand indicate that Holbrooke was an accomplice in the genocide," the lawyer told the Azerbaijani Trend News Agency.
I got curious about these politicians going around the world spouting all this "We" shit around as though they are speaking for 300 million of us--only 30% of whom vote these people into their gold-lined office--while listening yesterday morning to a 1999 interview Richard Holbrooke, then in the Clinton State Department (see article above), had with good-ol'-boy Charlie Rose (a thornless rose by the way) explaining Clinton's reason for bombing the Holy Hell out of the small nation of Kosovo. I mean Holbrooke (and yes he's still around; President Obama has him in his administration) was lying like a dog, saying "We" didn't want to bomb Kosovo (he was actually speaking for Clinton)--in fact, the "We" weren't intending to invade the country (and he was lying here because yes We were intending to invade Bosnia, Serbia, and Kosovo) and start a war (and Dick was lying again because yes We were intending to start a war there) but "We" were there to use NATO.... And again, on the Anniversary of Willie Clinton getting us involved in overthrowing Communism in Yugoslavia, up comes NATO again. NATO. NATO. Most of We the People have no idea what the hell NATO is and why it's still in existence. Here's NATO's Website--check it out, it's pretty interesting--mostly US promotional bullshit:
There ya go. NATO. A reason for NATO to continue to be 60 years after WWII was over and NATO was no longer needed. And my question is, Why is NATO still around? They are in Afghanistan now, too, remember. Bush gave that "nice little invasion and occupation" over to NATO. Bush washed his hands of that mess--and he even said he was no longer interested in Osama bin Laden--he said he hadn't even thought about him lately...
...and blah, blah, blah, the same old bullshit goes on and the same old characters are slinging the bullshit once again in our faces--at the same time they are robbing us blind through a consortium of Wall Street blood brothers, Robert Rubin, Larry "Really Dumbass" Summers, Tim Geithner (the head of the Kansas City Federal Reserve says Geithner's ruining our economy rather than saving it), Hank Paulson, the good ol' boys at Goldman-Sachs, J.P. Morgan-Chase (how insulting is that merge at We the People's expense?), AIG (oh yeah, Timmy and Hank and Bobby Rubin and Larry all know all the gangsta's involved with AIG--you bet the meet at their club everyday for lunch)--
Like this Timmy Geithner--he gives as his profession: "Civil Servant." He's a curious little asshole. Born in Brooklyn. Raised in Asia; finished his high schooling in Bangkok. His family came to Philadelphia from Germany in 1908. Timmy's father got connected with the Ford Foundation through Charles Moore, he headed Ford Motor Company, who's from Timmy's mother's family. Timmy's father worked for the Ford Foundation in Indonesia and one of his best organizers was Ann Dunham-Soetoro--guess who? President Obama's mother! Timmy and Obama are both 47. They actually met in Indonesia. Timmy went to Dartmouth (where all Civil Servants go--it's an Ivy League college a lot of White boy fops easily get into--especially if their father's head of the Ford Foundation--I'll bet Obama though couldn't have gotten into Dartmouth at that time). After Dartmouth and Timmy's deciding he wanted to be a Civil Servant, Timmy went to work for Henry Kissingassinger (considered a war criminal in Europe)...and then he SERVED in the Reagan Administration--faithfully--then, like Obama, Timmy had a meteoric rise in the criminal world of the District of Corruption--where they used to go into debt into the billions--and now they've gotten us into debt in the trillions! Oh boy what a sleigh ride being in politics is! The Masters of the World. That's who these foolish young men brought up and raised by their parents to be Civil Servants--living off We the People--and look at how many politicians We the People have made filthy rich. Our presidents go into office these days coming off of low-paying governor salaries, like Slick Willie, or coming off of several failed businesses, like Georgie Porgie Bush (who you notice the Repugnicans are not going to allow the N-word president to condemn Bush--you notice that? Obama tries to lay this national debt off onto Bush but they won't let him; even his own people won't let him blame Bush for anything. And little Timmy Geithner went on to serve Pappy Bush and then Slick Willie and then Georgie Porgie Bush. So you ask, why is Obama so intent on backing little Timmy Geithner (nephew of Charles Moore the Ford Motor Company anti-union asshole president who was a big reason the company went belly up last year) to the brink of disaster? Why they're asshole buddies. Of the same clothe. Little lanky kids who were too spastic to make it in professional basketball--Timmy is one of Obama's basketball buddies--too spastic to get a ground-level job--too privileged (in the case of Timmy) to do too much industrious work--remember, the Power Elite don't see work like you and I do--work to them should be nonindustrious--that's women's work--slaves's work--Timmy is too precious for that kind of labor. Nope, he's a professional Civil Servant. That means his work is so simple and so easy and so routine, he simply sits there and glories all day--waiting for that break time--he's finished by 3 in the afternoon--when he can join Obama in the Capitol gymnasium for some hot basketball! That's what "WE" are dealing with. This is the ilk that is speaking for you and me--this is the Power Elite, and now Obama's accepted into it, that continues to rule us whether we like what they're doing or not. Can we say Obama lied his way into the presidency? Well, what president hasn't lied his way into the presidency? Name one. And what president once he's been elected doesn't break every promise he made in his campaign promises--they all do it--Obama's simply just no exception. He had us fooled for awhile there--we really believed the dude--but now, he's in the catbird seat--and it's a whole different perspective up there, folks, than it is down here on the plebian ground. When you're on the ground--you only count in the Census--that's the only place you count.
I get to writing about this shit off the top of my head--I don't have the time, money, or resources to write a book about this shit--it's so evident--so obvious--it's so easily hauled in--that's what revolution is about and revolution doesn't mean you need a nuclear-weaponed army to start one--revolution means just turning something around one whole roll--like a wheel rolling--that's a revolution, that's a movement--and one turn of that god-damn stuck oxcart wheel is sometimes all it takes to get the son of a bitch out of the ditch and back on the right road, the agreed way, the Tao, whatever you wanna call it.
It's hard to be at peace with our planet. This is a boiling planet. Down under us at the core of our world is truly Holy Hell--a hell worse than any legendary soothsayer can picture in human words. Mount Redoubt up in Alaska, Sarah Palin can see it from her kitchen window, has blown its stack 5 times this week. Then there was a tremendous undersea earthquake out in the Pacific--and some enterprising Tongan was already taking tourists out face-to-face and up close to that earthquake--and you know he had a boatload of senior tourists with iPhones and iCameras and their blue-haired friends with them. Tourists. Tourists amaze me. While we're here in New York City struggling to save our jobs, our land, our homes, our dignity our billionaire mayor is still bragging about how the tourists are keeping New York City afloat--and this pompous asshole is still planning to run illegally for a third term--Guliani tried it saying in the 9/11 crisis we needed Rudi's bravery to help us through the ordeal--and yeah, Rudi helped himself to several millions of a 9/11 relief fund he started and then never gave a dime to any 9/11 victims's families--yet Rudi is still free as a bird living the good life beating his prostate cancer, getting a new wife, a new mistress, god knows, plus he was able to get millions from somewhere to start his crackpot security firm! He's in competition with Marvin Bush maybe! Oh, have we forgotten that Marvin Bush was head of World Trade Center Security the day the planes hit the towers and his dad was having breakfast with Prince Bandar Bush (remember him?) and they were laughing their asses off as the Prince's nationals blew down 5 or six buildings in that area. Sorry, we forgot, you can't blame Marvin for 9/11; he had resigned his security post just that morning!
All the above characters I've tried to slam with a growling wolf attitude are currently still around and doing well and living well and making millions and millions of bucks while you and I see our money being flushed down the District of Corruption toilet bowls called banks, financial institutions, toxic waste mortgage buyeruppers--BULLSHIT, and the BULLSHIT is overflowing the world's crappers--and the BULLSHIT, like lava flowing, is erupting over us--soon we'll be covered in BULLSHIT! Can you survive more bullshit? You'd better learn how. Listen to President Obama these days--you talk 'bout some BULLSHIT. I'm beginning, I'm sorry to say, to think the Prez has trickbagged us all--the power of the Power Elite has corrupted his brain, his rationale--I mean, the Prez and Mrs. Prez are on the verge of having the world for their oyster! Aren't you tired of being trick bagged! Where's We the People's Felix the Cat when you need him and his little bag of tricks?

thegrowling(felix the)wolf--RadiiiiiO
for The Daily Growler
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