A Blood Moon, not a designation given it by NASA or any astronomers. A Blood Moon is the invention of two blowhard, Bible-thumping money worshipers, one that big fat putz, John Hagee (he hates anybody who doesn't kiss his God-connected ass), and the other a Jesus-hustling backward thinker, Mark Blitz, both Jesus jive artists who are selling books at $39 each to mouth-gawking Christian believers who believe everything they believe depends on the Nation of Israel, a nation whose rabbinical soothsayers don't believe Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
NOTE: Christian Jive Artist, John Hagee (of Blood Moon fame and fortune), declares ebola the result of God punishing the world because Obama is trying to divide Israel. And people truly believe in everything this Jesus-hustler says no matter how insanely nutjob it is. In fact, the nuttier the prophecy the more his flock throngs around it and starts worshiping it in ecstasy. Of course, this Christian clown takes in millions of TAX-FREE dollars every day of his hustling life.
Out of Fear of Dying
Yes, that's the reason for all these damned religions, a human's fear of dying. But all animals fear dying. I was in Jamaica many years ago and I was invited up into the mountains by a young lady to attend a barbecue where her father was killing a porker. When we arrived at her father's farm, they had not yet picked out the pig to be spiked and roasted over an open-pit fire. I sat drinking Jamaican rum and watched as the father and the pig killer went down to the pig pen to pick out the doomed porker that would be the star of the big event. When the pigs in the pen saw the men coming with the ropes (they roped the winning porker) they began to run around the pen squealing bloody murder. When at last they roped the pig they wanted and pulled him out of the pen, the rest of the pigs became silent. The pig they roped, however, resisted their pulling his several hundred pounds squealing all the way up to the big tree whose large thick lower branch they soon threw the rope over and then hoisted the pig up off the ground with his neck stretched taut. All this while this pig was squealing worse than bloody murder. He knew his fate. He knew he was soon going to be stabbed with the pig killer's big killing knife up in his neck and then that knife would be pulled hard down from his neck to gut the poor bastard at which point with spewing blood he gave up the ghost.
Later deep into the night, with the music swirling all around that mountain valley and the rum being passed around and the barbecued pig meat eaten with gusto along with big bowls of callaloo, while making out with my Jamaican girlfriend I looked up and saw the biggest baddest full-blown bloodiest moons I'd ever before seen.
Blood Moons
From the astronomers at EarthSky:
"Why is the term Blood Moon being used to mean a full moon of a lunar tetrad? We can’t really tell you why more and more people are using the term Blood Moon to describe the four full moons of a lunar tetrad. We don’t know why, exactly. Here’s the definition of a lunar tetrad, again: four successive total lunar eclipses, with no partial eclipses in between, each of which is separated from the other by six lunar months (six full moons). There’s no obvious reason why Blood Moon should be associated with this term."
So there. The use of "Blood Moons" is according to big fat blowhard Jesus-selling John Hagee signs the fictitious Jesus Christ is returning to become the King of the Jews sitting on his Holy Throne in the God-designated seat of government in the divided city of Jerusalem (Jeru and Salem). By the way, this nonexistent Messiah will return from out of the clouds riding a big White horse and leading an army of angels down to make his return to earth and to take up his Jewish God-ordained role as Messiah to the Jews and King of the Christians who will first rise from the dead to meet Joshua bar Joe in the air and those still alive will be gathered up leaving behind those like I who can't believe such whoppers no matter the color of the moon during lunar eclipses.
You see Christians besides believing that the world is still flat also believe the moon gives off its own light. They really don't believe that moonlight is simply reflected sunlight. They ignore the natural fact that the Sun is in fact our true God, for without the Sun's saving light we would not have any life at all on this planet unless there perhaps are some Mole People: source: a 1950s Superman television show. The Mole People in the teevee show's case used Electrolux portable vacuum cleaners as space guns.
for The Daily Growler Under Its Own Blood Moon
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